Extra Credit

Due Date: Wednesday, February 15, 2006

20 Points (All or Nothing)

In order to receive 20 extra credit points, the student is expected to turn in the proper solutions to all problems from the problem solving section of the test that he or she got wrong. Items that will be required for all confidence intervals and hypothesis testing include but are not limited to the following:

  1. All properly formulated hypotheses with correct terminology and notation.
  2. All defined areas of rejection including the reciting of the critical values used in a test.
  3. Formal declaration of point estimates, margins of error, and confidence intervals (in proper units from lower limit to upper limit) for confidence intervals.
  4. Properly formulated and declared test statistics for each hypothesis test.
  5. All proper notation will be used in hypotheses, decision rules, formulas, and conclusions.

The test, solutions, and a brief paragraph detailing what mistakes the student made in the problem will be submitted to the instructor on the specified due date. Students may elect to submit the extra credit assignment before this date, however. NO EXTENSIONS WILL BE GRANTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Solutions must be handed in separately from the test, and will not be accepted if received in a sloppy form, a condition to be determined solely by the instructor.

Additionally, the student must turn in all completed, and properly solved, homework assignments specified for Chapters 9 and 10. Problems should be solved in the same fashion that was discussed in class and was expected on the test.

This project is entirely voluntary and the awarding of extra credit points is not guaranteed with submission. It is the instructor’s sole option to award credit based on the criteria specified. Entries that are received in an unacceptable condition or late will not receive any credit, whatsoever.

February 6, 2006