Year / CYCLE A
Subject/Term / All about me / Space/ bonfire night / Around the world / Superheroes / Castles ( once upon a time) / Pirates
Literacy / Funny bones
Writing a list
Labelling pictures / Sound poems
Labelling rockets
Postcards from the sun / Stories from other cultures
Story mapping and retelling – Handa’s surprise / Charlie and the super pants
Design and name superhero
Characters – superheroes and villains
Superhero slogans
Recipes – ‘Superhero power potion’
Postcards / Jack and the beanstalk
Writing a non-fiction book about castles
Labelling castles, castle riddles
Drama – hot seat
The kiss that missed / Making a pirate map
Wanted poster
Describing a pirate
Labelling a pirate
Writing a message in a bottle
Speech bubbles
History/KUW / Special day in the past / Learning and about space and planets
First man on the moon / Real superheroes from history; mother Theresa, David & Goliath from the Bible / William the Conqueror
Journey of William from France to England
Castles through time – sequence on timeline
Parts of castles and their function
Castle life – banquets, jousting / Famous pirates
Geography/KUW / Learn how village life in rural Africa differs to life in Hullavington.
African artefacts and photos
Locate continent of Africa on globe / Real heroes in the community / Draw pirate treasure maps
Direct beebot around treasure maps
Read a map to find clues for a treasure hunt around school
Science/KUW / My body
Healthy eating / Light and dark
Forces / African habitats / Materials
The best material for your superheroes cape. / Plants / Floating and sinking
Investigate the differences between salt water and tap water – apply to raft investigation
Investigate which material would make the best raft.
Investigate how much treasure can be added to the raft before it sinks – does it make a difference being in salt water?
R.E. / Special people / Christmas / Happy New Year / Easter / Story time / Special places
PSHE / Our happy School / Out and About / Looking forward / My friends and family / Healthy bodies, Healthy minds / Ready, Steady, go
Art/Creative Development
D.T. / Drawing pictures of themselves and their family
Use a range of objects to print with e.g. shoes, hands / Design and build a rocket.
Design and build a moon buggy.
Printing a rocket picture using finger paint
Constellation art
Chalk pastel ‘space window’
Weaving with hot colours
Creating a universe in a jar / 3D cardboard box animals
Savannah collages
Sunset painting
Camouflage plates
Animal wooden spoon puppets
Collage of African city skyline / Superhero skeletons
Superhero moving picture – sliders and levers
Superhero face clay tile
Design and make superhero capes / Design and make a castle
Design and make shields / Design and make a pirate flag
P.E / Physical Development / Fundamental Skills
Year / CYCLE B
Subject/Term / People who help us / Snow and Ice / Dinosaurs / Transport / under the sea / Seaside
CLL / Burglar Bill
Mr Tick
Jolly Postman
Topsy and Tim go to Hospital / Read a range of big books including: The Magic Sky by Lucy Richards, The
Snowman by Raymond Briggs, Little Bit of Winter, Big Blue Whale and The
Polar Bear / Harry and the Bucket of dinosaurs experiment by composing
new dinosaur names, possibly to describe their own designs e.g.
‘Meanosaurus’ or using their own
names e.g. ‘Oliverosaurus’. List
adjectives to describe a dinosaur
(can be scribed or written
Independently). ‘Who am I?’
Children to write a description of
a dinosaur for the others to solve.
Missing/Wanted posters
describing dinosaur. / The Sharing Shell by Julia Donaldson
Tiddler by Julia Donaldson
The Whale Song
Rainbow fish / Seaside poems
Lighthouse keepers lunch
Science/KUW / Schools in the past.
Fire engines in the past.
Learning about people in their local environment.
Designing and making fire engines investigating different materials/ Reflective clothing and choosing material to make a life boat.
Keeping healthy food
Investigating sounds / Build an igloo with white blocks.
*World map—look at location of cold countries e.g. Arctic, Antarctica, Alaska etc.
*How do animal in cold countries survive and find their food?
*Investigate materials such as ice. Encourage the children to use their senses.
Talk how water changes from a liquid to a solid when it turns to ice. *Research animals in polar regions— penguins, arctic fox, arctic hare, walrus,
seal, blue whale, polar bears.
Experience a range of warming snacks across the week e.g. ready brek, soup, hot chocolate, toast etc. / Places and People – use an atlas or globe to locate
where dinosaur fossils have been found (great to
place in role play). Design a map to lead a lost
dinosaur from your school What natural and human features will it pass on
the way?
• Time and People – discuss changes caused by time.
What do you think the earth looked like when
dinosaurs roamed? How is it different now? (you
can create a dinosaur land in the texture tray
using ferns, sand etc).
• Myself and Other Living Things – group dinosaurs
according to observations e.g. horns/no horns,
walks on 2 legs/walks on 4 legs etc.
• Myself and Non-Living Things – freeze mini
dinosaurs in ice and investigate how to free them / Lifecycles of a frog
Growth and change
Living things, what lives
under water?
What are they like?
What do they eat?
How do they move?
Comparison between
living things
Why do fish swim?
How do they swim?
Why do whales live in
the sea?
To observe similarities
and differences in
relation to sea creatures
To talk about what is
like under the sea .
To make observations
about sea creatures and
explain why some things
/ History of seaside’s
What are seasides like now and what were they like in the past.
Human and physical features by the seaside.
Asking parents and grandparents about their experiences.
R.E. / Special people / Christmas / Happy New Year / Easter / Story time / Special places
PSED / Our happy School / Out and About / Looking forward / My friends and family / Healthy bodies, Healthy minds / Ready, Steady, go
Creative Development / Making fire engines
Learning emergency service song
Making puppets / Craft – snowflakes, puppets, free painting, drawing
outlines and painting with the correct colours.
Creating with colours that make you feel cold etc.
 Frozen paint ice cubes)
 Christmas cards/calendars
/ make dinosaur skeletons using pipe cleaners or
collages using various dried pasta shapes
• design and create models using recycled waste e.g.
toilet rolls, bottle tops etc.
• explore using various materials such as paper mache
(place a small dinosaur in a balloon, inflate then
cover with paper mache. Children can crack open
the egg and identify the baby dinosaur) and plaster
of paris (use to create an imprint of a skeleton or
foot print and bury in soil/sand for children to
• compose music in response to a scene e.g. dinosaurs
fleeing a volcanic eruption
• create a dinosaur dance / They will be using fabrics and scissors to design and make their own scarecrows and will be printing using vegetables to make a whole class collaborative large scale piece as well as their own patterns and pictures exploring texture. We will also be exploring different painting methods such as bubble painting with washing up liquid as well as making salt dough from first principles and painting their creations.
In music, we are continuing to build confidence with recognising tempo changes (faster/ slower) and matching a beat with precision using percussion instruments. / Pebble painting (fish/whales etc) Under the sea music in listening station/audio books such as Tiddler etc
Papier mache blow fish and whales Making shark masks to act out being whale sharks, hammer heads and tiger sharks
Making shark teeth from salt dough and putting them on string to make shark tooth necklaces
Making lighthouses
Physical Development / Fundamental skills / Fundamental skills / Dance / Gym / Yoga / Fundamental skills