Directory of Providers

Application Form


This application form is to be completed by the organisation applying for their childcare provision to be included inDoncaster Council’s Directory of Providers and therefore able to deliver free early education and childcare places.

The form must be completed by those persons who have legal authority to enter into contracts on behalf of your organisation and all areas of the form must be completed.If the application is successful this information will be used to populate your ‘Agreement for the Delivery of Free Early Years Provision’.

Please be advised that the Council shall, as part of the application process, carry out checks with other Council Departments prior to a provision being included in the Directory of Providers. By completing this Application Form you are giving your consent to the Council carrying out these checks. If these checks highlight any areas for concern you may be asked to supply additional information or your application may be declined.

Please also note that it is the responsibility of the organisation to inform the Education Returns and Collections Team of any changes to these details which could affect their agreement.

Please return the completed application form to: Education Returns and Collections Team, Education Data, Intelligence and Performance, Floor 3, Civic Building, Waterdale, Doncaster, DN1 3BU. Tel: 01302 862111.

Detailsof Organisation and Applicant
Legal Name of Organisation
Type of Organisation (e.g. Sole Trader, Limited Company, Partnership, Voluntary Management Committee)
Address of Organisation
Name of applicant
Position (e.g. owner, director, chairperson, partner)
Limited Company Number (if applicable)
Registered Office Address of Limited Company (if applicable)
Correspondence Address of Organisation (if differs to above)
Contact Numbers for Organisation(business and mobile)
Email Address of Organisation
Do you now or have you ever, provided a service for the Council in relation to children / young people? i.e. fostering / Yes / No / Details:
Authorised Signatories
Please state below all persons who have legal authority to sign on behalf of your organisation and attach a certified copy of the relevant authority (where applicable).
Name / Position / Signature
Details of Childcare Provision Delivering Early Education Places (please complete a separate form if your organisation operates more than one provision and is wishing to apply for more than one provision)
Name of Childcare Provision
Contact Name
Position in Provision
Address of Childcare Provision
Type of Childcare Provision
Registration Type (please tick) / Sector (please tick)
Full Daycare / Private
Preschool Playgroup (Sessional) / Voluntary
Childminder / Independent
Childminder Agency
Ofsted Information
Ofsted Registration Number
Date of Last Ofsted Inspection
Outcome of Inspection
Do you have any children in your care who are eligible for a funded place? Y / N(please delete as applicable)

PLEASE NOTE: It is expected that all childcare providers included in the Directory will have a ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted grade. Providers with a ‘Satisfactory / Requires Improvement’ Ofsted grade will not be eligible to apply to deliver early education and childcare places for 2 year olds but may be offered the opportunity to deliver places for 3 and 4 year olds.

There is also an expectation that childcare providers graded ‘Satisfactory / Requires Improvement’ who are applying for inclusion in Doncaster Council’s Directory of Providers will show a commitment to moving towards a ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted grade.

Providers should also be aware that the Government have indicated that its long term intention is that only Providers graded ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ will be eligible to deliver all free early education and childcare places. Providers should give full consideration to this when taking on new placements, planning continuity of care and meeting the needs of children attending their provision. For example, if you have a child placed with you who may become eligible for 2 year old funding before your next Ofsted inspection and you are currently ‘Satisfactory / Requires Improvement’ you will not be eligible to deliver a 2 year old early education place for that child. Therefore, this will impact on the placement and may result in the child going elsewhere for their free early education and childcare place.

The Early Years Standards and Effectiveness Service will contact the applicant to ensure they are made aware of the quality improvement strategy and support that is available. This may include a quality improvement visit to the childcare premises.

Provider Authorisation

I confirm that I am legally authorised to provide and authenticate the information in this application form and that the information provided above is accurate.

I fully understand the importance of maintaining / achieving a ‘Good’ or ‘Outstanding’ Ofsted grade and that by not doing so it will impact on the inclusion of this provision in Doncaster Council’s Directory of Providers.

Signed: …………………………………………….. Print Name:…………..………………………………

Dated: ……………………………………………..

Education Returns and Collections Team Authorisation

Signed: …………………………………………….. Print Name:…………..………………………………

Dated: ……………………………………………..