AUGUST 31, 2014
1) CALL TO ORDER – Ross Moore called to order the regular meeting of the South Beach Property Owners Association @ 11:10 August 31/2014. Moved by, Brian Verity, 2nd Ralph Caligiuri
2) The following people were present:
Ken Coe Ron KeizerBert DeRoo
Brian SumnerRalph OsterwaldJune Osterwald
Evelyn Ward DeRoo Ralph CaligiuriTony Gagliard
Rick HarmanKevin StewartAllan & Sheryl Stephen
Lisa RaymondJoanne McNabbDave McNabb
Glenn RossongGladys StewartThomas Achenbach
Val & Bryan VerityA. ArnanioArt Lucidi
Raffael BorelliDorothy KeizerRoss Moore
Chris MendelaDanny LuprypaCharlie Burns
3) Approval of minutes of August 31/2014.
4) Treasures Report
$2861.44 at December 31, 2014
-2800.00 to KC Enterprises for SBPOA Gazebo January 17
+1500.00 Charitable Donations Hansch, Moore and Burns to SBPOA Gazebo Fund February 9
-1186.60 To KC Enterprises for SBPOA Gazebo February 10
-284.35 To Bert DeRoo for Website renewal.
Bank Charges vary between $7 and $8.10 per month, resulting in a Closing Balance at April 4 of
We need those memberships!
5) Report by Gimli Councilor, Mr. Danny Luprypa
A) Danny spoke of some issues such as finishing the ditches. Discussion on dirt application vs. hydro seed, Council decision probably not till this fall.
Danny reported there is $60.000 left in the budget to do ditches.
- There were some members unhappy with Toomey Construction (Ralph C). Others thought they were good, Evelyn de Roo and Ken Coe…..
Gazebo construction in discussion. There are hopes the posts can be put in before the snow this year.
- A possible fundraiser was discussed.
- Try to get tax receipt from RM of Gimli.
- Glenn Rossong raised issue of sewer. Felt his issues weren’t addressed. Ross Moore felt it wasn’t the place to have this discussion. Glen donated $100.00 to Gazebo project.
To our South Beach initiative, ex: Gazebo now, later – more projects!
- Danny will try to get tax receipt from RM of Gimli for our projects.
B) Members list - Gladys Stewart ae working to compile a current list including emails, names and addresses.
C) Newsletter – Lisa Raymond – Lisa has a nice newsletter ready to be distributed since July 7/14 from South Beach Property Owners Association.
D) South Beach Property Owners ($10.00 fee) provides one vote per household. Also receive 3 additional tickets to door prize at picnic.
E) Vice President Ken Coe – in not trying for Mr. Luprypa to get a large head (ego). Ken went through several items that Danny did satisfactory & some that were “not that great” (more to come!).
Good things: 1) Dust control 2) Back lanes graveled 3) New buoys for safe swimmers @ our beach.
Not so Great 1) Ditches need attention. 2) Colonization Rd. in bad shape 3) Ethyl Beach artesian well is an eyesore.
F) Ken had pictures of possible Gazebo that were passed around.
G) South Beach signs need redesigning and new ones produced
- Danny said RM would pay for material for signs (2).
H) Bridge should be wide enough for wheelchair access.
- We need an application to council for these projects.
Open Issues:
1) Fund raising for South Beach Property Owners Association projects.
- Evelyn put forth the idea of having a wall of contributors, both alive and in memoriam.
- Good idea.
2) Bert de Roo suggested the Gazebo not be too small.
- Ralph C wondered aloud what Gazebo would be used for…….
- Ken Coe and others said numerous activities could be enjoyed – Weddings, monthly dances, pot lucks and Family reunions.
I) South Beach Website - Evelynn DeRoo
- Website needs material.
- If put material of Facebook – is private
- People can blog on Website – is private
J) Annual Picnic – Bocce ball in AM
- Felt tourney should be moved to 1:00pm.
- Lots of volunteers at picnic.
- Very successful picnic this year.
K) South Beach Property Owners Association – Booklets – not this year.
- Gladys felt every 2 years is appropriate if membership feel they want to get involved.
L) Lake Winnipeg Foundation – We donated and got a tax receipt (see Dorothy)
M) Manitoba Cottage Owners Association
- Dorothy felt not worth it
- No longer associated
- Could reconsider in 2015.
N) Constitution – Dave McNabb
- See updates
O) Bocce Ball tournament – was successful but, 10:00 am too early, try 1:00 pm next year.
P) Other Issues:
1) – 125 year Park Project
- South Beach Property Owners Association contributes to it. Bench or Commemorative
- Stay tuned.
2) Lagoon – Ducks unlimited involved
3) Evelyn was interested in having a temporary wooden pier in South Beach
- Other
- Brian Verity has picture of putting up a pier.
- Brian moved that we should pursue putting up a pier. 2nd by Ron Keizer
- Passed.
- Some thought legal/safety issue
Neat & Tidy – There was general concern from members including Dave McNabb, Ken Coe, Ross Moore and Charlie Burns about some properties that required attention.
Danny said he will contact the by law officer and get the properties in better shape.
Motion to adjourn meeting @ 12:20 by Joanne Mcnabb, and was seconded by Ralph Caligiuri.