MS ExcelComputer Applications

Task A

1. If you have not already done so, create a folder named Excel inside the folder called ComputerApplications on your X: drive.

2. Run the application Microsoft Excel (should be under the folder Microsoft Office).

3. When Excel opens it shall open an empty workbook called Book1. Save the workbook as TaskAon your X:drive in ComputerApplications\Excel. Your Excel window should now look like Figure 1.

Figure 1 - FirstSpreadsheet

You should be currently positioned in cell A1. You know you are in cell A1 in two ways:

(i) There is a border around the cell you are positioned in.

(ii) The Cell reference is named in the formula toolbar

You can move around the cells by either using the arrow keys or by clicking into the cell you wish to go into. The scroll bars will allow you to bring the parts of the spreadsheet not currently visible into view.

4. Position yourself in Cell E96 and then go back to Cell A1 again. If you press the F5 key, type in the cell reference and press OK, Excel will take you directly to that cell)

5. The Excel Spreadsheet has a large number of cells. The top left hand cell is A1. Determine the other cells which are at the corners of the spreadsheet and complete the table below. ()

Top Left Cell / A1 / Bottom Left Cell
Top Right Cell / Bottom Right Cell

If you hold down the control key and then press one of the arrow keys it will jump to the end of the spreadsheet in the direction chosen.

6. Type in the text in cells A1 to A5 (A1:A5), B2, C2, D2 and C6as shown in Figure 2 and apply the correct formatting to these cells. Font style is Arial 14.

Figure 2 - Text

7. Type in the numbers shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Numbers

8. We will now use the formatting tools to apply the euro symbol to cells B3:B5. Highlight these cells and then choose Format> Cells… from the menu toolbar as illustrated by Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Format Cells

9. We are now going to complete the Formula Cells in this spreadsheet. Click on Cell D3 and then in the formula toolbar enter the formula =B3*C3 as illustrated by Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Entering Formula

10. Type the equivalent formulas in cells D4 and D5.

11. We have one remaining formula to complete in cell D6 which is the overall total. This could be achieved using two different formula methods:

Method 1


Method 2


Choose one for now. Your completed spreadsheet should look like Figure 6.

Figure 6 - Task A

Method 2 uses a function called SUM which adds up all the values in the range specified within the brackets. There are a number of other functions which you should be aware of and you may need to use in the practical exercises that follow:

SUM / Calculates the sum or total of a range of cell values
AVERAGE / Finds the average of a range of cells
MIN / Finds the minimum value of a range of cells
MAX / Finds the maximum value of a number of cells
COUNT / Calculates the total number of numbers within a cell range
COUNTA / Calculates the total number of non-blank cells within a cell range

12. Close the workbook saving the latest changes you have made.

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