
Marianne Cerilli, Social Planning Council (SPC);Gord McIntyre, Coordinator; Alana Ring-Woodard, WRN Outreach; Claire Meiklejohn, WRHA; Jovan Lottis, WBDC; Don DeMeo, Low Income Intermediary Project;Louis Ricciuto; Dale, NECRC; Deborah Clark, PDRC; ElHadji Kane, Accueil Francophone

1). Introductions

2). Review of minutes from May 8th. No changes.

3). October Forum-

  • Marianne reviewed draft forum agenda-
  • Introductions and WRH update should be added to the agenda-will have this at 9:00 and move rent aid/EIA session to 9:15.
  • Rent Aid/EIA session,would include a presentation with Q & A. Will try and get someone from the department to provide EIA/Rent Aid overview; maybe greetings from Minister Ross?
  • 3 breakout sessions per person seems the most reasonable given the time frame. May need to move lunch back by a few minutes. We want to give enough time for topic overview, q &a and time to rotate between tables. We need to have note takers in addition to presenters for each topic. We may also want to look at having presenters provide info beforehand so that folks can walk away with the info. We could look at having Red River CD students do the flip charting or note taking. Volunteers from WRN advisory? Claire will check if other Community Facilitators would be interested in helping out.
  • Deborah Clarke indicated that she may be able to help facilitate the session on good landlords (she is a landlord).
  • Some discussion on the process related to the IUS toolkit-it is looking at this from a nationwide perspective. Some comments on the preference to have more if a local context to the work.
  • The topic of tenant rights and repairing rental history-not sure if the manual will be ready on time. Currently working with a videographer to get the videos done. We were hoping that RTB could take it on but they had to put it to tender and the price was way too high. It would be good to screen them at the forum but the timeline may be too tight.
  • What should we call the breakout sessions? Speed networking?
  • We will also want to include the evaluation of the WRN pamphlet. We should introduce it suring the intros and updates and then hand it out with a survey.
  • The Ukrainian Labour Temple is available on the day. The cost would be $400.00. An issue with when their staff can be there to open the building; may need to look at a 9:00 rather than an 8:30 start. There is room for agency displays; they could also go on the stage. There is no AV available through the venue-would need to bring our own.
  • Gord distributed the draft poster for the forum. Suggestions for changes include changing the language from housing helpers to workers or support workers. It was also recommended that the list of topics be broken up to reflect the different amounts of coverage it will receive on the day. We should also add the Provincial logo at the bottom.
  • We need a list of where we will need volunteers. Gord will circulate a list of volunteer roles to the group.

4) Coordinators Report

Repairing rental history videos:

  • Video format topics are in place, there are ~10. Need to fit info into 3 or 4 videos, giving 20 minutes per topic. We are hoping to arrange this through the same person who is doing the landlord project. If session 1 of the video is ready on time for the forum, we could add it to one of the morning sessions.
  • Gord will send around the list of proposed topics for comment and suggestions.

Core Competencies Group:

  • Ben Fry and Diane Lau (Sara Riel) are chairing the group.
  • Gord indicated that there is some talk of institutionalizing the tool kit, but noted that an intersectoral approach would be more favourable.
  • Marianne talked about potential duplication between the work of this group and Ben Cohen’s group. A plan is needed to ensure that this doesn’t happen. Gord emphasized that WRN is participating in the Core Competencies group but not leading.

Landlord Workshops:

  • About 20 people showed up for the RTB session-most attendees were new. Michelle from RTB presented and a lot of good questions were asked.
  • Next session is on by laws, fire and safety.

RTA Amendment (Bill 40):

  • A 2nd meeting was held to look at changes. The modifications are not major; there was an opportunity for input. A one pager on the changes was circulated to the network via email.


  • Site traffic continues to rise-there were over 3000 hits in June (we are better situated on the search engine).
  • Landlord listing were up in May with a slight drop in June.

5) Other:

Worst House Contest:

  • Worst House contest had 15 entrants. 6 prizes were awarded, all rooming houses. The campaign generated tremendous media coverage.
  • There have been some issues with the landlord of one of the rooming houses. Gord has received some emails. He will not get directly involved in the case but will provide a resource list to the landlord on different grant opportunities etc that could be accessed to improve the condition of the home.

Housing Sector Panel:

  • A panel session of housing inspectors, RTB, by law enforcement and others was held at Crossways on July 4th. It is generated interest in setting up a more consistent network for those working in the sector.

Live Safe crime Prevention Policy:

  • LiveSafe Livability by-laws-info sheet on by-laws in needed. It is currently an onerous task to work through the various by laws and what they mean. Would WRN be able to take this on?

IUS Eviction Prevention Toolbox

  • Gord and Marianne are being interviewed by the research team.

Next meeting September 11th, 2013 10 AM at WCWRC-640 Ellice St.