Steal Sheet - June 2016

NOSORH offers Steal Sheet articles for SORHs to distribute in emails, in your (or your partners’) newsletter, on websites, Facebook pages, etc. TheJune Steal Sheet includes:

1)Special Edition CMS Rural Health Open Door Forum on June 7

2)Registration Open for 2016 3RNet Annual Conference

3)Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) for Paraprofessionals and Professionals

4)Engaging Businesses for Health- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation RFP

5)Using Behavioral Science to Advance Community Health and Well-BeingA request for problems to tackle with behavioral science- RFP

6)Pearson Early Career Grant

1)Special Edition CMS Rural Health Open Door Forum on June 7

The Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is holding a Special Edition CMS Rural Health Open Door Forum call on June 7 at 3:30 pm EDT.The call will feature an opportunity to give CMS input on the HHS Budget proposal for CAH payment and an update on the CMS Quality Payment Program.

The FY 2017 Budget includes a series of Medicare legislative proposals that would help extend the life of the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund by over 15 years.These proposals focus on policy objectives such as promoting high quality, efficient care, improving beneficiary access to care, and more closely aligning payments to providers with costs of care. Among these proposals is the proposal to reduce Critical Access Hospital reimbursement from 101 percent of reasonable costs to 100 percent of reasonable costs.This proposal would result in a savings of approximately $1.7 billion over 10 years.

CMS is embarking on an outreach effort regarding its Quality Payment Program.Participants will hear details on how to ensure they are getting the latest information on this very important initiative.Click here for more information on the QPP.

2)Registration Open for 2016 3RNet Annual Conference

Registration is now open for the 2016 3RNet Annual Conference. The conference will be held in Nashville, TN, September 13-15.Please email Kristine Morin at if you have any questions.

Register here:

View the agenda here:

Hotel reservation information:

3)Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) for Paraprofessionals and Professionals

HRSA is soliciting applications for the FY 2016 Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training (BHWET) for Paraprofessionals and Professionals program. In support of the White House’s Now is the Time initiative, the program aims to expand the mental health and substance abuse workforce serving children, adolescents, and transitional-age youth at risk for developing or who have a recognized behavioral health disorder. Grant recipients will be expected to expand the behavioral health workforce by supporting education and clinical training for behavioral health-related professionals and paraprofessionals. Grant recipient activities will place special emphasis on prevention and clinical intervention and treatment for those at risk of developing mental and substance use disorders, and the involvement of families in the prevention and treatment of behavioral health conditions. Applicants should be committed to ensuring culturally competent care by increasing diversity in health professions programs and the health workforce.Eligible applicants include: behavioral paraprofessional certificate training programs; and peer paraprofessional certificate training programs; accredited master-level schools and programs of psychology, marriage and family therapy, psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioners, counselors, including licensed professional counselors and school counselors.

Applications are due July 1. Click here for more information.

4)Engaging Businesses for Health- Call for Proposals

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and the business community understand that businesses are not isolated from the communities and markets in which they operate. Businesses contribute to their communities’ greater well-being through their policies, resources, and incentives, while the overall health of communities can contribute to a business’s viability, performance, and priorities. Recognizing the importance of investing in health beyond corporate walls, businesses and other collaborators are seeking new ways to invest in community health and well-being, but they need evidence on what works, under what circumstances, and how to target their investments. Improving the health of a community should be everyone’s business, and employers play a key role in promoting a healthy population and building these healthy communities. This solicitation seeks to build the evidence base for how private-sector investment can help build a Culture of Health. Recommended project funding is up to $250,000 to accommodate studies of up to 24 months.

Brief proposals due June 14. Click here for more information.

5)Request for Problems (RFP): Using Behavioral Science to Advance Community Health and Well-BeingA request for problems to tackle with behavioral science

Ideas42 is currently accepting applications from communities who are tackling challenging problems in community health and well-being, and who are interested in learning how the field of behavioral science can be used to develop better solutions to these problems. Interested communities will designate an organization or consortium of organizations to submit the application on their behalf. Selected applicants will be invited to attend an intensive workshop on applying behavioral science to advance community ehalth and well-being. In addition, some applicants who attend the workshop will be selected to partner with ideas42 to design and test behavioral interventions in their communities. The RFP application requires less than 1000 words to complete.

Applications are due by June 17. Visit the RFP website for more information.

6)Pearson Early Career Grant

The Pearson Early Career Grant encourages early career clinicians to work in an area of critical societal need. Pearson partnered with APF to ensure psychology addresses critical needs in society. One $12,000 grant is available.The program's goals are to support psychology's efforts to improve areas of critical need in society, including but not limited to innovative scientifically based clinical work with serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, incarcerated or homeless individuals, children with serious emotional disturbance (SED) and adults with serious mental illness (SMI); and to encourage early career psychologists to devote their careers to under-served populations.

Deadine to apply is December 31, 2016. Click here for more information.

everyday lives. Where we live, how and where we work, the safety of our surroundings, accessibility of affordable health services, the environmental quality, and the presence or absence of