
Improvising (C1)

Grading Rubric

National Music Standards:

#2 Performing alone and with others

#3Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments

Student Name______


This assignment can be used toward the Arts Proficiency Requirement for the proficiency level checked below.

Teacher Signature/School______


C1: Improvising – Performing alone and with others

·  Improvising rhythmic and melodic variations in various meters and tonalities

·  Improvising stylistically appropriate harmony to given melodies

·  Improvising melodies over given chord progressions, each in a consistent style, meter, and tonality

Student Level / Proficiency Level / Student Criteria
The Standard / ·  Student shows evidence of improvising melodies in both major and minor tonalities over standard chord progressions.
·  Students performing on keyboard, mallet percussion and guitar will show evidence of improvising appropriate harmony using I, IV, V7 chord progression in both major and minor tonalities.
Meets the Standard (Proficient) / ·  Student shows evidence of improvising melodies in major tonalities.
·  Students performing on keyboard, mallet percussion and guitar will show evidence of improvising appropriate harmony using I, IV and V7 chord progression in a major tonality.
Almost Meets the Standard / ·  Student shows evidence of improvising or embellishing a short melody in a major tonality.
·  Students performing on keyboard, mallet percussion and guitar will show evidence of improvising or embellishing a short appropriate harmony using I and V7 chord progression in a major tonality.
Does Not Meet the Standard / ·  Student attempts to improvise or embellish a short melody in a major tonality.
·  Students performing on keyboard, mallet percussion and guitar attempt to improvise or embellish a short appropriate harmony using I and V7 chord progression in a major tonality.