1 P.95 Chart(s) subject of both? What % of Americans were church members by 1775? 2 Largest denominations are also the only “established” churches in the colonies…what (2)? What does “established” mean? What (4) colonies do not have “established” churches?

2 p.96 Brown Box – Who? From what book? “it is easier to do ____ rather than ______?

3 p.96 painting & p.97 Brown Box- Who both? In which major “movement” were both significant contributors?

4 p. 98 Brown Box – What is John Adams main point? To whom was he writing?

5 p.99 painting – 4th college in the colonies is called? Later is called? What met here, making it the capital of the USA for 4 months in 1793?

6 p.100 Picture of chest – Identifies the origin of the chest as “Pennsylvania Dutch”… Which Country do these people migrate from?

7 p.101 painting – What (2) purposes of electricity are discussed being used?

8 p.101 Brown Box – What future freedom included in the Bill of Rights does the Zenger case attempt to claim for the colonists?

9 p.102 Brown box – Newspapers often had articles published using pseudonyms….What is a pseudonym? Why would someone do this ?

Reading Q’s

Dominant Denominations

10 Where, outside the South, is the Anglican/COE “established?”

12 Which is the largest non-established church in the colonies based on # of members in 1775?

13 Which Christian denomination was most discriminated against in the colonies by 1775? (becomes the largest by 1850 and still is today  )

The 1st Great Awakening

14 What (2) aspects of 18th century religion in the colonies caused it to be less fervent?

15 What theological idea does Jacobus Arminius propose that radically changes American Christianity?

16 **** name the 1st spontaneous mass movement of the American people?

17 Which two preachers are described as being most significant?

18 What big change…in religious practice by members is so controversial?

19 Where do “revivals” occur…typically ?

20 “Old Lights?” New Lights?

21 Which (2) sects or denominations grow the most due to this “awakening?” (my notes)

22 Which (4) universities are created by the “new lights?”

Schools and Colleges

23 Main purpose of education during the colonial period?

24 Secular?

25 Typical discipline in schools?

26 This person was part of a group who founds the 1st University not controlled by a particular church? Which University?

A Provincial Culture

27 Artists? (4) Who? where did all have to go to make $$$?

28 Colonial Literature? (2) Who? Type? Unique how?

29 This text had an “incredible influence in shaping American character?”

30 Only 1st rank Scientist produced in the American Colonies? What inventions? (3)

Pioneer Presses

31 What (2) reasons does the text give for colonists not reading books?

32 Which family had the largest book collection? Where?

33 Who created the 1st privately supported circulating library in the colonies?

34 How many colonial newspapers were published in the colonies by 1775? How often were most published ?

35 Court Case 1735-36, where? Name? What is the story? Outcome?

The Great Game of Politics

36 By 1775…How many colonies had Royal Governors? Chosen by proprietor? Voted by people?

37 most Every legislature in the colonies was made up of 2 body’s called? What precious privilege? The legislatures had what effect on the Governor’s salary? What is this “power” called?

38 What was the typical structure of local Government in the South? NE?

39 What were the (2) typical requirements for voting in the colonies, besides being men?

40 Was America a True Democracy? Why/why not?

Colonial Folkways

41 How many bathtubs were in the colonies by 1775?

42 The colonists ate what more than anywhere else in the world, generally?

43 Name at least (4) amusements mentioned in the reading?

44 Which colony does not celebrate Christmas due to its association with Popery? What is Popery?

45 Striking similarities? (5) “stitched together” by? (5) How far away is G.B.? 3 simple facts ?