1. Nick Perrini (President) chaired the meeting. The meeting convened at 6:50 on 9 January 2018 at Moore’s Old Tyme Barbeque in New Bern, NC

2. Nick welcomed all members. There were no guests or potential new members.

3. Nick reviewed motions of the November 2017 meeting and advised: (1) Cathy Cole, car show photographer was presented one hundred dollars in appreciation (2) participants not registering next year will be ask to leave the show field and (3) a Sponsorship Board will be placed in a prominent place.

4. Susan Pittman, Treasurer, provided the treasurer’s report.

5. Dennis Giorgio, Haberdasher, advised could he could not provide one teal/black T-Shirt. He advised the minimum quantity he can order is twelve. After discussion, he was asked to order twelve. The shirts will have a Times New Roman style print.

6. Mark Girard advised the subwoofers were repaired and brought one to the meeting for members to see.

7. At a previous meeting, it was requested all club assets be identified and inventoried to ensure we determine a trailer or storage unit large enough to accommodate everything.

a. Mark Girard stated his brother had a 6 x 8 trailer with a new roof for sale for $550.00.

b. Nick Perrini will check on sizes and costs of storage units in the area.

c. Further discussion will be held at our next meeting to determine the most cost effective way to accommodate storage and transportation of club assets.

9. Wayne Warner (Vice President) advised we have approximately twenty plaques on hand and that an order needs to be initiated soon. Current supplier’s cost is $6.50 each. If anyone can find a cheaper supplier, advise Wayne as soon as possible. If not, he will initiate an order with current supplier.

10. Wayne Warner also advised flyers for the October 2018 Shine & Show need to be distributed earlier this year. Mark Girard also advised if he can get a digital copy of the flyer he can post to different websites. Wayne is to contact Nancy Fisher about updating flyer.

11. Mark Girard (Webmaster) advised it is time to renew our existing Webpage domain. Discussion and agreement was made that it was in the best interest of the club to maintain our existing webpage and information was passed to Susan Pittman, Treasurer to submit payment.

12. Nick Perrini made a recommendation the club advertise a membership drive in the Carolina Bargain Trader and members were in agreement. Nick will pursue the advertisement.

13. Joe Salinger advised his house has sold and he will be leaving the area. Joe’s dedication and participation in our club will be missed. We appreciate all his efforts over the years and wish him the very best. We will need a volunteer Chief Judge to assume his position. If you wish to volunteer, please contact Nick Perrini.

14. Members were reminded of the Cruise In at Bojangles the third Saturday of the month, from 1:00 to 3:00.

15. Motion was made and meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.