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Grade 2 Unit 12: / Length / Suggested Time Frame: / 13 daysTAKS Objectives: / 4 / TEKS: / 2.9A
Unit Overview
In this unit, students will demonstrate understanding of length by identifying concrete models that approximate standard units and use them to measure
Enduring Understandings
- The length of an object tells how long, short or tall something is.
- You can use length to compare two or more objects.
- Units must be put end to end when measuring an object.
- It is easier to measure short things with small units and long things with larger units.
- A unit is a quantity used for measuring.
- How does the size of the unit affect the measure of the object?
- When is an estimate of length appropriate instead of an actual measurement?
- Why is measuring an object important?
2.12Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student applies Grade 2 mathematics to solve problems connected to everyday experiences and activities in and outside of school. The student is expected to:
2.12Aidentify the mathematics in everyday situations;
2.12Bsolve problems with guidance, that incorporates the process of understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness
- Use manipulatives to represent problem situations.
- Encourage different ways to solve a problem.
- Have students verbalize observations.
- Encourage different ways to solve a problem
2.13Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student communicates about Grade 2 mathematics using informal language. The student is expected to:
2.13Aexplain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology; and
2.13Brelate informal language to mathematical language and symbols.
2.14Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student uses logical reasoning.
2.14AThe student is expected to justify his or her thinking using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology.
(Ask: “How do you know that is the answer? If someone said they didn’t think it was right, how could you convince them?”)
- Use concrete models to measure length.
- Estimate the length of objects.
- Understand that units must be put end to end when measuring an object.
- Discover that length tells how long, short or tall something is
- Understanding how to measure length will help in measuring area.
Products students will develop
- Students will estimate and measure their desk, math book and a new pencil and record their answer on an index card.
Language of Instruction
centimeters / centimetros
decimeters / decimetros
estimate / estimar
foot / pie
high / altitude
higher / mas alto
highest / El mas alto
inch / pulgada
long / longitude
longer / mas largo
longest / el mas largo
meters / metros
nonstandard units / unidades no estandarizadas
short / corto
shorter / mas corto
shortest / el mas corto
standard units / unidades estandar
tall / altitude
taller / mas alto
tallest / el mas alto
unit / unidad
yard / yarda
/ Mathematical Connections to Literature
How Big Is A Foot
By Rolf Myller
Cactus Hotel
By Brenda Guiberson
Inch by Inch
By Leo Lionni
By Margaret Mahy
How Far Can You Jump
By Keith Pigdon and Marily Wooley
The Line Up Book
By Marisabina Russo
Grade 2 Unit 12: / Length / Suggested Time Frame: / 13 days
TAKS Objectives: / 4 / TEKS: / 2.9A
Unit Overview
In this unit, students will demonstrate understanding of length by identifying concrete models that approximate standard units and use them to measure.
Text Resources
Measure Works
“How Long? How Far?”
Math Learning Center
“Number Corner”
Silver Burdett Ginn
Making Connections With Measurements Grade 2 TEKS
By Region 4
Motivation Math
Math Essentials
Vocabulary Adventure
Enrichment Workstations (i.e., AIMS)
Making Connections With Measurements Grade 2 TEKS by Region 4 / Technology & Electronic Resources
Other (i.e., Speakers, Field Trips) / Method(s) of Assessment
A Observation evaluated by peers
B Students engaged in learning activities
C Direct questioning
D Observation of performance or process
Constructed Response
- TEKSCheck
- Open-ended
- Essay
- Research Paper
- Log / Journal
- Story / Play / Poem
- Model / Map / Video
- Oral / Visual / Multimedia Presentation
1 Fill-in-the-blank test
2 Matching test
3 Multiple choice test
4 True/False test
- Graph
- Flip book
- SBG pg. 207-208
- SBG pg. 245-246
Collaborative Student Explorations
Second Grade Mathematics Unit 12 Overview
In this brief summary, the dates will fluctuate according to your students, calendar, and special events.
Unit Twelve: Length
Suggested 13 days
- Identify concrete models that approximate standard units of length and use them to measure length.
8/27/2007DRAFT 3