/ Medical and Health Sciences Multimedia CD-ROMs
This guide gives you a list of multimedia CD-ROMs available in the Greenfield Medical Library.

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A companion CD-ROM to the textbook by Alan Stevens and James Lowe, it provides an excellent introduction to basic pathological processes and clinical pathology. The CD-ROM uses a range of interactive features to enhance the learning process, including the ability to view complex mechanisms unfold in 2-D and 3-D and to zoom in on clinical and histological photographs. There are also case studies on which to test your diagnostic skills.

2.Immunology Interactive CD-ROM

The CD-ROM comprises fourteen 3-D animations that graphically illustrate complicated immunological concepts and provide an overview into how the human immune system functions. There is additional text, diagrams, video and clinical illustrations to allow greater in depth study, and 176 self-assessment questions.

3.The Visible Human CD-ROM

Travel through the human body and gain an insight into anatomical relationships and structures. The CD-ROM contains over 10,000 images of the human body in axial, coronal and sagittal orientations.

4.The Merck Index CD-ROM

An encyclopaedia of chemicals, drugs and biologicals indispensable to pharmacists, chemists, physicians and other allied professionals. Each entity or group of related compounds corresponds to a single record in the database. Typically, each record provides CAS registry numbers, molecular weights and formulae, physical and toxicity data, citations to the scientific and patent literature and therapeutic and commercial uses. The database is fully searchable and updated annually.

5.Oxford Textbook of Surgery CD-ROM

The CD-ROM version of this key text allows quicker and greater access to valuable information. The database is fully searchable allowing free text and Boolean searching and
there is access to over 3,000 full colour photographs and illustrations. It is possible to print out any of the text or to copy it to the clipboard.

6.Goodman and Gilman’s CD-ROM: The pharmacological basis of therapeutics

Contains the full text and all the tables, charts and diagrams of the 9th edition of this text. In addition, there are Medline abstracts for the fifty most cited journals listed in the book’s bibliography, from 1990 onwards.

7.Croner’s Health Service Manager

Provides practical management information for members of any directorate or departmental team (NHS or independent) who have responsibility for the management of non-clinical services.

8.Mosby’s Internal Medicine Rapid Reference CD-ROM

The complete text and illustrations from Stein’s Internal Medicine, the Physicians GenRx and 66,000 Medline abstracts combined in a single database, with hyperlinks to jump between the different information sources:

Stein’s Internal Medicine

Provides encyclopaedic coverage of nine subspeciality areas of medicine.

Physicians GenRx

Provides comprehensive drug information, with complete prescribing information for more than 40,000 prescription drugs.


Provides abstracts of the primary literature.

9.Stedman’s Electronic Medical Dictionary

Provides access to over 100,000 medical terms and definitions, pronunciations and etymologies. Unique features include a ‘reverse’ dictionary, which allows you to look up a word from its definition and ‘wildcard’ searching which allows you to search for part of a word.

10.Health and Life Styles: National Surveys Guide

This CD-ROM brings together over 40 National surveys on the health and lifestyle of the UK population that have been conducted by the Department of Health, the Sports Council, the Health and Safety Executive and a number of voluntary organisations. Areas covered by the surveys include cancer, coronary heart disease/stroke, mental health, HIV/AIDS, immunisation and accidents.

11.British National Formulary CD-ROM

The most authoritative drug reference for doctors and pharmacists, now including the MeReC Bulletin.

12.The Ultimate Human Body CD-ROM

A multimedia guide to the body comprising 42 articles, video clips, graphics and illustrations.

13.Electronic Companion to Genetics

Accompanies most leading textbooks and comprises customised learning tools with access to reviews and self-testing, including over 400 multiple choice questions. Also included are animations, diagrams and videos that dynamically explain difficult concepts.

14.Oxford Textbook of Medicine (3rd edition)

This fully searchable database provides access to the text and illustrations of this critical volume. It also includes 400 Multiple Choice Questions, which allows you to test yourself either chapter by chapter or randomly.

15.The Wellcome Trust

The essential guide to the grants and resources offered by the Wellcome Trust, plus links to the Wellcome website.

16.The CD-ROM Trust Guide

Provides access to recent grant information, contact details, applications advice and independent critical comment for over 2,500 UK charitable trusts. It is searchable by geographical location and trust interests.

17.Computer Assisted Learning Programmes in Basic Urology

Produced by the Bristol Urological Institute, this self-paced CAL package covers topics such as prostrate cancer, urinary incontinence, renal trauma and examination of the urological patient.


An interactive CD-ROM produced by the Health Education Authority as part of its National Drugs and Solvents Publicity Campaign, which features the latest dance music tracks, interactive games and challenges.

19.Twentieth Century Mortality

Produced by the Office for National Statistics, this CD-ROM provides access to 95 years worth of mortality data for England and Wales by age, sex, year and underlying cause, as well as population statistics by sex and age group. The IDD dictionaries from ICD1 to ICD9 provide text descriptions of the underlying cause which can be linked to the mortality files.

20.A.D.A.M. Comprehensive

A.D.A.M. (Animated Dissection of Anatomy for Medicine) enables the examination of the different systems and structures of the human body at all levels of study in an interactive and innovative manner. It is also possible to access supplementary material, including cross-sections, MRI’s radiologies and histologies.

21.Topics in International Health

This series is designed to be used as an educational resource in tropical and international health, and uses experts in the relevant fields to review all the information. It is aimed at medical and life sciences students, academics, researchers and healthcare professionals. Each CD-ROM is comprised of three complementary resources. Interactive tutorials enable self-paced and self-directed learning; the image collection is a searchable database of photographic images with explanatory text and the glossary provides a definition of the terms used. The following titles are available:

21a. Malaria

Comprises of 11 interactive tutorials on a range of topics including epidemiology, immunity, control, WHO global malaria control strategy, diagnosis in children and diagnosis and treatment in adults.

21b. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Comprises of 17 interactive tutorials on a range of topics including epidemiology, prevention and control, syphilis, genital warts, pelvic inflammatory disease and genital chlamydial infections.

21c. Sickle Cell Diseases

Comprises of 16 interactive tutorials on a range of topics, including haemoglobin structure and synthesis, diagnosis, aplastic crisis, bone related disorders, gallstones, ocular and neurological disorders, priapism and renal disorders.

21d. Trachoma

Comprises of 4 interactive tutorials covering clinical signs and grading, community assessment and control, trichiasis surgery parts 1 and 2.

21e. Tuberculosis

Comprises of 10 interactive tutorials on a range of topics including aetiology and transmission, immunology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, prevention and control, TB and HIV.

21f. Schistosomiasis

Comprises of 12 interactive tutorials on a range of topics including morphology, taxonomy, control by chemotherapy and health education, schistosome cercarial dermatitis, geographical distribution and factors underlying transmission.

21g. Nutrition

Comprises of 12 interactive tutorials on a range of topics including epidemiology and aetiology of malnutrition, malnutrition and infection, maternal and child health, vitamin A deficiency, iron deficiency anaemia, diet and chronic diseases.

21h. Leprosy

Comprises of 10 interactive tutorials on a range of topics including ocular leprosy, diagnosis, prevention and control, histopathology and classification, clinical features and physical and social management.


Comprises of 11 interactive tutorials on a range of topics including biology of HIV, infections and malignancies, transmission and risk factors, diagnosis and monitoring, social and psychological issues.

21j. Diarrhoeal Diseases

Comprises of 11 interactive tutorials on a range of topics including organisms and pathophysiology, defence mechanisms, clinical assessment, rehydration and early feeding, the role of diet and drugs.

21k. Leishmaniasis

Comprises of 10 interactive tutorials on a range of topics including the parasite, vectors and hosts, immunology, epidemiology, cutaneous and visceral leishmaniasis, diagnosis, prevention and control and treatment.

22.Encyclopaedia Britannica

Full text access as well as over 8,000 images, 1,200 interactive maps, animation, video and sound clips, statistical information and timelines. It is also possible to search selected websites.

23.Breastfeeding: a multimedia learning resource for healthcare professionals

This CD-ROM aims to provide practical support and assistance in relation to the management of human lactation. It includes information about the advantages of breast feeding, practical guidance for neonatal problems, animations and diagrams explaining fundamental principles, and audio-visual material.

24.The Citizens’ Charter Local Performance Guide

Provides access to performance tables for hospitals, emergency services, schools and council services for the whole of the UK. Published in Autumn 1996.

25.British Pharmacopoeia 1999

Provides authoritative standards for the quality of substances, preparations and articles used in medicine and pharmacy for almost 140 years. It provides essential information that is legally enforceable in the UK and most of the Commonwealth.

26.Basic Nursing (4th edition)

An electronic companion to Potter and Perry’s text, ‘Basic Nursing: a critical thinking approach’. The print version can be found at WY100 BAS.

27.Textbook of Clinical Neurology

An electronic companion to Goetz and Pappart’s text. The print version can be found at WL100 TEX.

28.Endoscopic Surgery for Gynecologists (2nd edition)

An electronic companion to Kent, Sutton and Diamond’s text, the print version of which can be found in the oversize series at WP141 END.

29.Electronic DTB

Full text access to the Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin from January 1993 to September 1998.


Aims to improve the understanding of pathophysiology through the simulation of a range of conditions that are frequently encountered in critical care and emergency medicine. Provides access to over 10,000 original case models and 1,500 medical images.

31.An Electronic Companion to Molecular Biology

A topic based guide to molecular biology that comprises of an interactive CD-ROM tutorial with self-test modules and a print workbook.

32.The Retina Atlas

A comprehensive colour atlas that illustrates various medical and retinal disorders, while also covering their pathologies. The atlas includes over 1,700 images that can be viewed at different magnifications and a range of study questions.

33.Health and Lifestyle National Surveys Guide

Provides access to 80 national surveys on health and lifestyles in England on a range of topics, including general health, health promotion, cancer, drugs, mental health and well-being and smoking. The aim of the database is to highlight where quantitative surveys of sound methodological design are available nationally, rather than providing actual data or survey results.

34.The Human Brain: An Introduction to the Human Nervous System

This is an electronic companion to the textbook ‘Neurobiology’ by D Robinson (Ed). It aims to guide the user through an introduction to the human nervous system through the use of text, sound and images. There is a self-test option for each section. Users can also build up their own collection of key images.

35. Interbrain: Topographical Anatomy of the Human CNS

Aimed at medical students and neuroscientists, Interbrain provides access to rotatable, interactive 3-D models of the central nervous system as well as more than 200 illustrations from the textbook, ‘The Human Central Nervous System’ by Nieuwenhuys et al. There are also over 2,000 hyperlinked specialist terms and an interactive quiz.

36. Mentor Plus

Mentor Plus is a diagnostic aid aimed at GPs and other Healthcare Professionals. It provides access to expert information covering over 2,000 diseases and 26,000 commonly used medical terms via internet sites, patient information leaflets and links to key text books.

37. Cancer 1971–1997

Contains registration of new cancer cases and deaths, dictionaries with descriptions of the cancer sites and of cancer histology, and mid-year population estimates.

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