English III
Date: 09/18/06 - Monday
Vocabulary: Write down each vocabulary word and the circled definition on a sheet of paper for you to study.
Today’s Objectives:
1. Do vocabulary.
2. Review/more practice with adverbs/adjectives.
3. Discussion about prepositions if time.
English III
Date: 09/12/06 – Tuesday
Daily Oral Language:
Correct the following sentences:
1. You can make predictions about a story by thinking about you’re own experiences!
2. Besides using personal experiences you should also look for story clues.
Today’s Objectives:
English III
Date: 09/14/06 – Thursday
Daily Oral Language:
Correct the following sentences:
1. The Monkey’s Paw was published in 1902, the story was made into a play a year later.
2. The author of the story was born in London England.
Today’s Objectives:
English III
Date: 09/15/06 – Friday!!
Journal Question:
Would you be willing to become extremely ugly physically if it meant you would live for 1,000 years at any physical age you choose? Why or why not? (Journal must be a minimum of five sentences.)
Today’s Objectives:
· Complete journal.
· Turn in journals/DOLs.
· Grade Adjectives/Adverbs worksheet
· Discussion of prepositions if time.
· Free time!! Yeah!!