Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration
/ guidance onapplicationfor the issue of Certificate of Airworthiness FOR EXPORT / LHD-101E
Date 14.11.2011


This information letter is intended to give guidance to the applicant for the preparation of aircraft documentation when applying for Certificate of Airworthiness for Export.


Aircraft records when presented shall be complete, accurateand structured in a way that makes investigation process possible. A responsible person shall be available on behalf of the applicant to present aircraft records and status.

It is recommended that a summary of the current records and related information are compiled into a book / folder or other concise document in order to simplify the record review process.


SECTION ONE. Aircraft Certificates.

This section should contain all aircraft / operator certificates such as Certificates of Airworthiness and Registration, ARC, Noise Certificate, Radio Licence, statements etc.

SECTION TWO. Engines and APU

This section should contain Release Certificates from last shop visit and status of all life limited parts for all engines and the APU.

SECTION THREE. Landing Gears.

This section should contain Release Certificates from last overhaul and status of all life limited parts for landing gears as applicable.

SECTION FOUR. Airworthiness Directives. (AD’s)

This section should contain certified AD compliance list for the aircraft, its engines and appliances. The list should contain all ADs issued by the TC state for the type of aircraft/engine/appliances, a brief description of the AD, if its applicable or not, if repetitive, open or terminated, when performed, reference to accomplishment documentation and when due if open or repetitive. It is recommended that this section contain copies of all applicable ADs and pertinent accomplishment documentation.

SECTION FIVE. Maintenance Program Status.

This section should contain status of aircraft to the approved maintenance program including structural inspections and CPCP tasks. This section should also contain status of life limited components and other hard time components.

SECTION SIX. Modifications

Modifications on the aircraft not designed by the aircraft manufacturer must either be EASA approved or previously approved by an EASA member state before EASA regulation 1702 / 2003 entered into force. Modifications not meeting this criteria must be submitted for EASA approval. This section should contain list of all modifications to the aircraft with reference to the applicable approved data and to the accomplishment documentation.


Repairs to the aircraft not performed in accordance with the approved manufacturer instructions must be EASA approved. Repairs not meeting this criteria must be submitted for EASA approval. This section should contain list of all structural repairs on the aircraft with reference to the applicable approved data and to the accomplishment documentation.

4.0Copies of aircraft records.

The operator shall provide copies of the following documents to the ICAA:

  1. Certificate of Registration
  2. Certificate of Airworthiness
  3. Radio licence
  4. Noise Certificate
  5. Last Certificate of Airworthiness for export issued by state of manufacture
  6. Icelandic Radio licence
  7. Valid Insurance licence
  8. Current AD compliance list
  9. List of AMOCs
  10. Status of aircraft to the Approved Maintenance Program
  11. CPCP Status
  12. Life limited component status
  13. Last CRS and status of life limited components for Landing Gears
  14. Last CRS and disk sheets for Engines and APU
  15. List of Major Mods
  16. List of Structural Repairs
  17. Current Weight and Balance Roport
  18. List of work being performed at location (if applicable)
  19. Approved LOPA (for passenger aircraft)
  20. Emergency Equipment Layout accepted by ICAA Ops Department
  21. Avionics Fit List
  22. Current Dent and Damage Report with mapping of dents and damages
  23. Accident / Incident Statement
  24. CRS for work being performed at location

copies can either be printed or stored on CD ROM.

Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration
/ Application for the issue of
Certificate of Airworthiness For Export
Class I product, complete aircraft only / LHD-101E
Date 14.11.2011
Part 1 of 3
Registration / No.
Note : when an item is not applicable. The letters “NA” should be entered
Contact information Owner/Holder in importing country
Make / Model / Status
New Used Newly overhauled (if applicable)
TCDS number and revision status / S/N / Line no. / Effectivity
Date of manufacture / Max take off weight
Kg / Pounds / ARC?
Yes No / C of A?
Yes No
Category / Flight crew / Observers / C/A seats / Passenger seating capacity
Make / Model / TCDS number and revision status
Make / Model / TCDS number and revision status
Make / Model
Location of aircraft / Country of destination (importing country)
I the Owner/ Holder of the aircraft above, hereby apply to the ICAA for:
a Certificate of Airworthiness for Export
Name in block capital / Signature of Accountable person

For ICAA use only / Útfyllist af eftirlitsmanni flugöryggissviðs

Undirskrifað og lokið
Part 2
Part 3
/ Checklist attachment
Útflutningslofthæfiskírteini hefur verið gefið út dags:
Dagsetning / Samþykkt
Signature of authorised representative

Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration
/ Aircraft details / LHD-101E
Date 14.11.2011
Part 2 of 3
Registration / No.
Note : when an item is not applicable. The letters “NA” should be entered
Total aircraft hours / Total aircraft cycles
Initially Manufactured for
Maintenance Program
A/C in compliance with AMP? If no, list noncompliance in Part 3
Yes No / AMOC for AD’s. If yes list them in Part 3
Yes No / Flight manual number / Revision status / Date of revision
Prior operator/HOLDER/CAMO history
Dates (from – to) / Operator/Holder / CAMO / Registration
Landing gear status as of date
Description / Part number / Serial number / TBO/CBO / CSO / Date last O/H
Nose L.G.
Left WLG
Right WLG
Left BLG
Right BLG
Engine status as of date / MFG & model
Pos. / Serial number / TTSN / TCSN / TSO / CSO / TBO / Rem Hrs / Cyc / Limiter / Date of last shop visit
1 / /
2 / /
3 / /
4 / /
Propeller status as of date / MFG & model
Pos. / Serial number / TTCN / TSO / TBO / Remaining Hrs / Date of last shop visit
Apu status as of date / MFG & model
Serial number / TtCN / tcSN / TSO / Remaining Hrs/Cyc / Limiter / Date of last shop visit
Airframe status as of date
Description of check / Time/Cycle / Date Last
Accomplished / Performed by / Next due per AMP
A/C total time / cycle

Status of compliance with special requirements of importing country

No Yes If special requirements of importing country have been complied with, list those requirements and method of compliance.
Date Last
Performed by
Next due per AMP
A/C total time / cycle
Special requirement of importing country / Method of compliance
This confirms that the aircraft and aircraft records have been assessed for airworthiness and applicable Type Certificate requirements by the applicant. All applicable airworthiness directives and other regulatory requirements have been complied with, except as stated. I hereby recommend and request that the above aircraft will be issued a Certificate of Airworthiness for Export.
Name and position in block capital / Signature of authorized representative

Icelandic Civil Aviation Administration
Date 14.11.2011
Part 3 of 3
Registration: / No.
For ICAA use only
ICAA representative
Date / / /
Authorised representative signature / ICAA representative signature

Page 1 of 6

Flugmálastjórn Íslands, Lofthæfi- og skrásetningardeid Flugöryggissviðs, Skógarhlíð 12, 105 Reykjavík –