1st Grade Level Expectations: By the end of 1st grade we expect students to do / Content/Performance
Standards / Assessment Frameworks
Reading Process
Decoding with automaticity at grade level / A.4.1
Integrates phonics, meaning, structure cues, and picture cues at grade level / A.4.1 / 1
Use self monitoring strategies at grade level / A.4.1 / 1
Chooses books at their independent reading level with teacher assistance / A.4.1
Initial consonants
Final consonants, double consonants
Short vowels
Word Study
Recognize regular plurals / 1.2
Identify meaning of a few common contractions (I.e. isn't, can't, I'll, I'm, don't) / 1.2
Knowledge of common word families/phonograms within word context / 1.2
Apply knowledge of consonant blends and digraphs; vowel digraphs and some vowel diphthongs / 1.2
Recognize and read high-frequency words
CVC, CVCe, other patterns
Long vowels, vowel pairs
r-controlled vowels
Use knowledge of root words, contractions, compound words and common affixes (I.e. -s, -ed, -ing, etc.) to determine word meaning / D.4.1 / 1.2
Use a variety of strategies (I.e. rereading, context clues, and knowledge of word families) to figure out word pronunciation and meaning / A.4.1 / 1.1
Relate words to other words including synonyms and antonyms / D.4.1 / 1.2
Recognition of grade level Fry high frequency words / A.4.1
Independently read aloud from grade level books with expression (uses punctuation cues) and 95% word accuracy / A.4.1
Demonstrate understanding of literal meaning in literary text (story elements and story grammar) and informational text (share ideas and facts) at grade level / A.4.2 & A.4.4 / 2.1 & 2.2
Demonstrate understanding of explicitly stated sequence of events in literary and informational text at grade level / A.4.2 & A.4.4 / 2.3
Explore literary and informational text by using a variety of strategies to comprehend reading including previewing/predicting, visualizing, making connections, questioning, and self monitoring / A.4.4
Demonstrate understanding of some genres (I.e. poetry, fiction, non-fiction) / A.4.2 & A.4.3 / 2.1
Explore common text structure such as sequence: time/order, cause/effect, problem/solutions / A.4.2 / 3.2
Distinguish between fantasy/realism
Compare and contrast
Determine text organization
Draw conclusions
Categorize and classify
Recognize a main idea, topic and supporting details
Make generalizations
Study Skills
Follow directions appropriate to task and level
Practice skills to prepare for and take tests (I.e. format and strategies)
Use a dictionary/glossary
1st Grade Level Expectations: By the end of 1st grade we expect students to do / Content/Performance
Standards / Assessment Frameworks
Write to Communicate
Write several sentences using conventional spelling for grade appropriate high frequency words and phonetic spelling for more difficult words / B.4.1
Write daily (I.e. shared writing, guided writing) for no less than 30 minutes / B.4.1
Choose topic and independently write daily for no less than 30 minutes / B.4.1
Share writing with peers / B.4.1
Recognzie sound and letter patters
Understand word structure
Recognize and read high-frequency words
Writing Process
Publish two writing pieces per quarter / B.4.1
Write a constructed response to a question with minimal teacher guidance / B.4.1
Respond to a writing prompt with minimum three sentences / B.4.2
Begin to use an editing and revision process / B.4.2
Write a letter
Write a story
Use descriptive writing
Write insructions/directions
Write a personal narrative
Write a research report
Expository writing
Use captial letters and periods within independent writing / B.4.3
Spell grade appropriate frequently used words correctly / B.4.3
Use phonetic spelling for more difficult words / B.4.3
Types of sentences
Present, past, and future tense
Subject-verb agreement
Use complete sentences
Use correct grammar and usage
1st Grade Level Expectations: By the end of 1st grade we expect students to do / Content/Performance
Standards / Assessment Frameworks
Gives and receives information (I.e. asking and responding to questions, retelling, and following directions with modeling and guidance) / C.4.1
Participates effectively in grade level discussions / C.4.3
Demonstrates enjoyment of language through language play (I.e. plays, poetry, choral reading) / C.4.1
Demostrates etiquette by listening attentively and responding appropriately / C.4.2