11th Annual SMSU Undergraduate Research Conference (SMSU URC)

Application Form

Directions: Type in the information, save the completed application in WORD and email as a WORD attachment to Dr. Emily Deaver (u). Applications are due no later than Oct. 13, 2016 by 5 pm

NOTE: you will receive a ‘confirmation of receipt’ email within 6 hours. If you do not receive a confirmation, check the address and resubmit (one application per presentation please)

Name of Author(s) (as you want it printed in program) / SMSU Email Address / Other Contact Information
Title of Presentation(as it will be printed in the program) / Format
Oral? _____
Poster? _____
Other? _____
Faculty Member Supervising This Project / Department/ Program
Class Schedule on Wed Nov. 30, 2016(Conference Day)
(Every effort will be made to schedule your presentation so that you do not have to miss a class). Please indicate any work conflicts as well. If there is more than one author, please include a separate attachment.
Student Name / Time of Class / Name of Course

Please submit a separate application for each project/presentation

Additional Information for Applicants


An ABSTRACT describing your work will be published in an abstract booklet. Each presenter will receive an electronic copy of the abstract booklet for the conference.Please indicate if you would also like a paper copy of the abstract booklet.

Yes, I want a paper copy also

No, I do not want a paper copy

Submission details for Abstracts:

  • Final Due Date:Nov. 3, 2016 by 5 pm (may be submitted any time after Oct 20th)
  • Length of abstract: Maximum of 150 words
  • Format: WORD document, 10 pt Arial font (include your title above it)
  • Submit: Email attachment to Dr. Emily Deaver ()


Any questions please see Dr. Emily Deaver, SM171 or email .



The SMSU Library sponsors two awards each year forBest Oral Presentation andBest Poster Award from the SMSU URC. The winner of each award receives a cash prize.

If you would like to be included in the judging for these awards, you must submit the following:

1. A Bibliography of all works cited and consulted for your project

2. A 5-7 sentence paragraph addressing how and where you conducted your research

3. A copy of your abstract

Submission details for the Library Research Award:

  • Due Date:Nov. 3, 2016 by 5 pm
  • Submit: Email attachment to Maria Kingsbury )

with the 3 items listed above, in one WORD document

  • Subject Line:Write in subject line “Library Research Award Application”

Judges for these awards are retired faculty and community members. Projects will be evaluated for overall quality, clarity and research depth.

Please indicate if you would like to be included in the evaluation for the Library Research Award.

Yes, I would like to be included in the Library Research Award

No, I do not wish to be included in the Library Research Award