1st Annual Northwest Area Contingency Plan Annual Summit

September 14, 2011


·  Date, Time and Location

·  Purpose

·  Who Should Attend

·  Agenda

·  How to Participate

·  Web and Tele-Conference Participation

·  Advance Reading

Date, Time and Location


Jacob Smith House
4500 Intelco Loop Se, Lacey, WA 98503
Cross Streets: Near the intersection of Intelco Loop SE and Tiffani Ln SE

Directions from the north (Seattle):

Take Interstate 5 Exit 109 to Martin Way.

At bottom of exit ramp, turn right at the light onto Martin Way.

Immediately move into the left-turn lane and turn left onto College Street.

Follow College Street 3 miles to the light at Corporate Center Drive.

Turn right and follow Corporate Center Drive to Intelco Loop.

Turn right on Intelco Loop.

The first driveway on the right leads to the parking area.

Directions from the south (Portland):

Take Interstate 5 Exit 108, follow signs to College Street.

Turn right at the light onto College Street.

Follow College Street 3 miles to the light at Corporate Center Drive.

Turn right and follow Corporate Center Drive to Intelco Loop.

Turn right on Intelco Loop.

The first driveway on the right leads to the parking area.


The 2012 Northwest Area Contingency Plan 1st Annual Summit will provide an opportunity for broader input on the 2012 updates to the Northwest Area Contingency Plan (NWACP). This summit will provide the executive committee of the Northwest Area Committee a prioritized list of plan updates and potential task forces to develop the updates. The executive committee will decide which plan updates will be included in the 2012 NWACP based on the input provided at the annual summit.

Who Should Attend

Oil and HazMat Spill response organizations, industry, government, non-profit other interested parties or individuals.

DRAFT Agenda (Final Agenda will be available at Summit)

·  8:30 – 9 Introduction/goals

·  9 – 11 Issues Discussion

o  Everyone gets 3 minutes & 1 Power Point slide to show their ideas for needed plan updates & answer questions



o  After each person moderator gets group consensus on a category for each proposed update

·  11 – 11:15 Break (moderators organize category list for small groups)

·  11:15 – 12: 00 Small Group Breakout

o  Each group has steering committee moderator

o  Each group gets a list of all proposed updates/issues needing to be addressed for one category

o  Each group takes issues and breaks them into task force descriptions

·  12 – 12:45 Lunch

·  12:45 – 2: 15 Breakout Briefings

o  Each group moderator or a participant presents proposed task forces and answers questions

o  If group identified it as a drill/exercise then put it aside and bring back for discussion during exercise portion

·  2:15 – 2:30 Nominal Process & Break

o  All participants get a chance to vote for 3 proposed task forces/exercises the vote creates a prioritized list

·  2:30 – 3:00 Voting Results & Priority Consensus

·  3:00 – 3:30 Task Force Volunteers

o  Get volunteers for high priority task forces (1 coordinator)

o  When you get low enough on the list that you cannot get volunteers then you’re done

·  3:30 – 4:30 Wrap-up Discussion

o  Bring out worksheets that identified exercises

o  Identify other issues that need to be tested

o  Upcoming exercises that could address needs

How to Participate

Each organization participating will get 3 minutes and 1 Power Point slide to present the issues that they would like addressed in the 2012 NWACP. These issues may include:

·  Plan updates or additions

·  Issues that need to be addressed through policy updates that may or may not result in a plan update

·  Policies or plans that need to exercised.

If you do not have anything that you would like to present, then just RSVP. You will still be able to help shape the 2012 plan update by identifying work products to be completed by task forces or volunteering for task forces. Please be sure to complete the advance reading listed below so that you can fully participate in the discussions.

If you would like to present potential 2012 updates then you must complete the following 3 steps:

1.  RSVP

2.  Follow the instructions on the presentation slide template and email your slide to and by September 7, 2011

3.  Read all advance reading listed below

Web and Tele-Conference Participation

Conference call:

Call in phone number: 1-800-704-9804

Participant Code: 88955236#

To view online (Now from mobile devices also):
1. Follow this link (https://wadismeetings.webex.com/wadismeetings/j.php?ED=164949682&UID=1275586582&PW=NMjRmNTE4YjUw&RT=MiM0)
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: oilspills11
4. Click "Join".

Having trouble logging on?

Contact Linda Pilkey-Jarvis at 360-280-7209.

Advance Reading

Please read the following documents to help prepare for the discussions that we will have during the summit:

·  Introduction to the Northwest Area Contingency Plan

·  Presentation Slide Template (if presenting proposed 2012 updates or issues)

·  Northwest Area Contingency Plan Outreach

·  Geographic Response Plan Development Process