1st Annual Clermont County Agricultural Society Spring Campout

“A Spring Affair!”

Held at the ClermontCounty Fairgrounds, Owensville, Ohio

Thursday, April 26 – Sunday, April29th

RV Camping includes Water and Electric for entire weekend = $85.00 for those whose applications and payments are received on or before April. 10th. No refunds will be given after April10th. Reservations receivedafter April 10th will be charged$125.00

Primitive/Tent Camping for entire weekend = $40.00

Primitive/Tent Camping for groups ie; Boy/Girl Scouts, FFA/4H Groups up to 5 tents = $50.00 (adult supervision is required)

To register and guarantee reservation,complete the application and mail with payment to: CCAS,

% Spring Campout, P.O. Box 369, Owensville, OH 45160. For questions or information,

call: Scott @ (C) 513-266-5287.


1.The person renting the campsite must be an adult residing at the campsite and be responsible for the behavior and welfare of all other members staying at the campsite.

2.NO outside refrigerators which are not part of the camper.

3.Open fires will be permitted in 24” contained ring only. Camper must furnish ring.

4.Intoxication, profane or vulgar language, excessive noise, or disorderly conduct of any type will not be tolerated. Any of these is sufficient reason for the eviction from camping areas and fairgrounds, without refund of unused fees.

5.Camping areas must be quieted by 12pm midnight CURFEW TIME and campers must be on their respective lots by then. Any person not observing the curfew time may be evicted. There will be no generator use after 12pm midnight.

6.One camping unit per lot (One tent or camper only) No one is permitted to sleep in a car

7.Water is not potable (not suitable for consumption)

8.Dishwater and wash water, but not toilet water, is to be emptied into slop drains. Solid waste, garbage, cans, and paper is to be disposed of in trash barrels. Absolutely NO leaking of gray or black water. Violators may be asked to leave and their camping fees forfeited.

9.No grilling, cooking, fire rings, or other sources of open flames is permitted under awnings or canopies. Open flames are permitted in 24” contained ring only.

10.Failure to use assigned campsite or transfer of site without the permission of the CCAS’s written approval WILL result in loss of camping privileges.

11.Units may be placed on assigned lots beginning at noon on Thursday, April26, 2018. Camping may commence that night and run until Sunday, April 29, 2018. No electric/water will be available before or after this time.

12. Bicycles are allowed on the campgrounds and fairgrounds. Golf carts or Gators are allowed but must be driven responsibly.

13.Camping locations to be determined by camping supervisor.

14. When you arrive and before you set up, visit the office to check in and receive your camping permit and itinerary. The office will be open from noon-8 pm on Thursday and Friday for check in purposes.

Application - 2018 Clermont County Agricultural Society Spring Campout – April26-29, 2018

Person renting Campsite: ______

Complete Address:______

Telephone #:______Cell#:______

List all members who will be camping along with the ages of children under 18:


Type of camper: note: we must have 8’ between campers, sites will be marked

____Pull Type / ____Motor Home / ____Tent / ____ Other
Size____ / Size____ / Size____ / Size____
Slide Out?____ / Slide Out?____

Have you ever campedat the fairgroundsbefore?______

General location where you camped:______

Would you like that spot (or somewhere close) this year for this campout?______

Please name the other families you would like to camp with:______

We cannot guarantee that you will be placed where and with whom you requested but will try our best to do so.

Waiver of Liability

In consideration for the foregoing, I for myself, my executors, administrators, and assignees, do hereby release and discharge all sponsors, coordinators groups, volunteers, and any individuals associated with this campground, for all claim or damages, demands, actions, and whatsoever in manner arising or growing out of my stay in said campground.


Although the Clermont County Agricultural Society members make every effort to exercise these rules and regulations for your welfare and pleasure, they cannot attempt to hold themselves responsible for the protection and safety of campers or their personal properties.