1a) Do a sequence diagram for making a cup of tea

1b) Do a sequence diagram showing the steps involved in coming to college

Get up

Get dressed

Travel to college


1c) Do a selection diagram showing a traffic lights

1d) Do a selection diagram showing the options you have at a hairdresser

1e) Do selection diagram to represent the different things you can do this evening

Some suggestions – go cinema


Watch TV

1e) Do a selection diagram to show the different options you have for dinner

Suggestions –steak,




1f) Do a sequence diagram for watching TV

Switch on TV

Watch TV

1g) modify this diagram to show how a person can flip through channels with an iteration diagram

1h) Do an sequence diagram to represent a book loan in a library. Modify this diagram to show how many books can be taken out on loan (iteration)

2a) Do a sequence diagram for buying a cinema ticket

Line up

Buy ticket

Watch movie

2 b) modify the diagram so its possible to buy many tickets (iteration)

2c) modify the diagram to show the different types if tickets a customer can buy i.e pensioner, adult, child (selection)

3a) modify the college example in 1b) to represent the different options you have for travelling to college

4) Doctor surgery

A patient enters a doc surgery and asks to make an appointment. The receptionist takes the patient details and checks the system to see if the patient is registered on the system. If he is then she retrieves the patient details, if not, then she registers the patient by entering he details. The receptionist then checks the system for the next available appointment and makes a booking and then informs the patient of the date and time of the appointment.

Draw a structure chart to represent this

5) Pizza shop

A customer can order a pizza by either walking into the shop or by telephone. The pizza shop then makes the pizza by first base and then putting on the toppings and then putting in oven. Once the pizza is made the customer pays for the pizza by card or cash

Draw a structure chart to represent this

6) Buy book on internet

A customer decided to buy a book from the internet he enters the book details on the website. The website searches its database to see if the book exists in its system if it does then it brings back the book details, otherwise it gives a message saying the book does not exist. The system then allows you to enter the order details, like the customer address and number of copies. The system then processes the payment. A number of payment options are given credit card, cash, debit card. A invoice in printed and customer gets a confirmation email

Draw a structure chart to represent this