1999 Michigan MLK Memorial

Questions by Chicago B and D


1. Approximately 15 miles from north to south and 8 miles wide, the islands of Mainland bound it to the north, South Ronaldsay to the east, and Hoy to the west. The main entrance is in the south from Pentland Firth that separates the Orkney Islands from mainland Scotland. FTP, name this anchorage off the northern tip of Scotland best known for being the home port of the Royal Navy's Grand Fleet during both World Wars.

Answer: Scapa Flow

2. This was the only book published by Arthur Rimbaud while he was alive; according to legend, it sold six copies. Twenty-eight years after its initial publication in 1873, the manuscript was found in the basement of a print shop. FTP, name this series of poem-stories that was inspired by the tumultuous relationship and violent end of an affair between Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine.

Answer: A Season in Hell (UneSaisonen enfer)

3. These objects have been with the game since its founding in 1893, but not with the same purpose. Initially set up to prevent spectators in a balcony from interfering with play, they were made of wire, but teams quickly figured out how to groove them to funnel their shot into
the target; in 1904 wood became the mandatory construction material, and glass was permitted in 1909. FTP, name this item without which Marv Albert would not be able to say "with the kiss."

Answer: basketball backboard

4. The oldest known Greek dialect, it is a syllabary consisting of 90-odd open syllables. Its primary use was during the Bronze Age in the economic administration and record keeping at palaces at Knossos, Mycenae and Thebes; All this, however, was unknown about it until its decipherment in
1952 by Michael Ventris. FTP, what is this language of the ancient Myceneans?

Answer: Linear B (do not accept Linear A)

5.This organization achieved fleeting political success in the 1870s before the Greenback and Populist parties absorbed its message. It pushed for laws in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Illinois that limited freight charges on railroads and mandated fair pricing by warehouses and elevators. FTP, name this organization originally founded as a social and educational club for farmers.

Answer: National Grange or Grangers

6. It falls on the 15th of Tishri and is eight days long. Part of its celebration includes the binding of palm, myrtle, and willow branches together to form a lulav. The lulav is then matched with an etrog and the pair is shaken in every direction to represent that God is in every direction. It was referred to in Leviticus as the "Festival of Booths," recalling the time when the Israelites lived in huts while they wandered of the desert. FTP, name this Jewish thanksgiving.

Answer: Sukkot (Accept Sukkos or Hag Hasukkot)

7. This religious group developed in the 18th century Congregational churches of New England as a reaction against Calvinistic doctrines that emphasized human sinfulness. Its members also rejected the Trinity, believing the idea was contrary to reason. FTP, name this sect identified
with William Ellery Channing.

Answer: Unitarian

8. Its rate of change over time is called "jerk." In both the pole-vaulter and the twin paradoxes this concept is neglected, resulting in faulty logic from the perspectives of both the pole-vaulter and the twin who is traveling in space. FTP, what is this fundamental concept in physics, the direct result of any applied force and the first derivative of velocity?

Answer: Acceleration

9. Depicting a scene from the Jefferson Medical College, this painting was meant to be exhibited at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, but it was rejected as too explicit. With the anesthetized male patient stretched out before him, the doctor turns to address his students while
holding a bloodied scalpel, while a woman at the left covers her face in horror. FTP, name this masterpiece of Thomas Eakins.

Answer: The Gross Clinic

10. Its August 15, 1998 release was heralded by a $100 million ad campaign and was possibly hyped more than the original, fourteen years earlier. Since August, sales of this Steve Jobs creation have not dwindled and it is among the top selling new computers of either operating system: Windows or Macintosh. FTP, name this now multicolored, translucent, consumer Macintosh aimed at putting the "i"nternet back in the Mac.

Answer: iMac

11. National defense, police protection, a national weather service, lighthouses, and public broadcasting. These are all examples, FTP, of what kind of outputs, whose consumption by one individual does not interfere with their consumption by another, and which can be furnished only by collective decisions?

Answer: public goods

12. This modernist author attended Harvard, where he edited the Lampoon. After leaving Harvard, he became a fact checker for The New Yorker. His first novel, The Recognitions, was such a disaster commercially and personally that he didn't write another book for almost 20 years; his next two books, however, both won the National Book Award. For 10 points, name the author of JR and A Frolic of His Own who died in East Hampton, NY on December 16, 1998.

Answer:William Gaddis

13. It was founded by Bodhidharma, sometime in the 6th century, and the self-sufficiency mandated by its doctrinal emphasis on work helped save many of its monks in an 845 AD purge. Taking its name from the Sanskrit word for meditation, FTP name this form of Buddhism more familiar to Americans as characteristic of Phil Jackson or maintained motorcycles.

Answer: Zen Buddhism or Dhyana or Ch'an

14. In math, it signifies that each subset of a set in the collection is itself a set in the collection. In law, it means transmitted or transmissible in the line of descent by the force of law. In common usage it means capable of passing naturally from parent to offspring through the genes. FTP, what is this adjective?

Answer: hereditary

15. Tomas is a distinguished, well-respected surgeon in Prague. Although he tries to settle down with Tereza, a bartendress, his philandering instincts draw him toward Sabina, who in turn is having an affair with the married university professor Franz. FTP, all of these characters appear in what novel by Milan Kundera, which has as its central theme the sense of weightlessness that afflicts us when confronted by the meaningless of life?

Answer: The Unbearable Lightness of Being

16. This is the only phylum of animals other than Chordata that forms deuterostomes. Unlike Chordata, they lack any centralization of the nervous system due to their radial symmetry. FTP, Name this phylum of animals that includes starfish, sea urchins, and sand dollars.

Answer: Echinodermata

17. Portugal had rights to the letter "P", and its tenants rejected the "LL" that would have matched it to the rest of the country, so it's designation is LVGZ. Though Israel rejected the name Dahaniya Airport at Wye River, it does have the authority to approve all flight plans and place stringent controls on security. FTP, name this new airport which services the Palestinian Authority.

Answer: Gaza International Airport

18. Born at Woodstock, he helped restore Peter the Cruel, the deposed king of Castile, to his throne, and defeated the French army at Poitiers in 1356, capturing their king, John II. Despite an illness, he led his troops to the capture of Limoges in 1370 and massacred its defenders. FTP, name this Prince of Wales noted for his colored armor.

Answer: Edward, the Black Prince

19. One of the most famous examples of this type of bill was the Compromise of 1850, but the regular use of it is a relatively recent invention. It is now a regular feature of the end of fiscal year showdowns between Congress and the President, in which failure to reach agreement on appropriations bills results in their compilation into one massive bill with many different elements. FTP, name this kind of legislation, derived from the Latin for "with all things."

Answer: omnibus

20. It connects Fort Peck Lake, Lake Sakakawea, Lake Oahe, and Lake Francis Case, and some of its tributaries are the Milk, Cheyenne, and Platte Rivers. Having its source in Red Rock, it boasts four state capitals along its banks. FTP, name this second longest U.S. river, which flows into the Mississippi just north of St. Louis.

Answer: Missouri River

21.Written from 413 to 426, it was originally intended as a response to Roman charges that the neglect of their deities in favor of Christian ceremonies had led to the conquest of Rome by Alaric three years earlier. Over the course of thirteen years, it developed into a twenty-two book epic
which re-interpreted the history and destiny of the world in a Christian framework. FTP, name this great apologetic by St. Augustine.

Answer: City of God

22. This Conservative Party member was a Member of the British Parliament for Bath from 1979 to 1992. In light of his previous achievement with difficult territorial situations, Tony Blair selected him in April 1998 to head a commission examining how Northern Ireland should be policed. FTP, name this man, the last governor of Hong Kong.

Answer: Chris Patten

23. During fetal development, some two hundred fifty thousand of these types of cells must be generated every minute in order to account for the one hundred billion that humans have at birth. Surrounded by Schwann cells which comprise the myelin sheath and give the "white matter" its
appearance, these cells consist mainly of an axon, a nucleus and dendrites and are connected by synapses to approximately ten thousand other such cells. FTP, name these basic building blocks of our brains.

Answer: neurons

24. It is played on an oval shaped field by two teams of 14 to 18 players, depending on the league. There are five officials for each game, one field umpire, two goal umpires, and two boundary umpires. Two ways of scoring are possible, a behind for one point, or a goal for six. FTP, name this mix of soccer and rugby played with an elliptical ball and named for the Southern Hemisphere country which it comes from.

Answer: Australian Rules Football (Prompt: Football)

25. In a May 28, 1998 interview, Hillary Rodham Clinton inaugurated this service's new all-news program, its first change in format in over two decades. She expressed her regret that the service's broadcasts are not available within the US, as it would make Americans more informed about world affairs. FTP, name this service created in 1942 to counteract Nazi propaganda and which carried its democratic message to the people of Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

Answer: Voice of America (also accept VOA)


1. Answer these questions about the Bauhaus, for the stated number of points.

(5)For five points, who was the Bauhaus' founder and first director?

Answer: Walter Gropius

(5)For five points, who was the second director?

Answer: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

(10)FTP, name the city whose 1929 Exhibition featured Mies' German Pavilion.

Answer: Barcelona

(10) FTP, which Bauhaus architect designed Villa Savoie and laid out Chandigarh for Jawaharlal Nehru?

Answer: Le Corbusier

2.Bart Simpson made the phrases "Ay Carumba!" and "Don't have a cow,Man!" popular but FTPAPname these other Simpsons characters who said these memorable lines.

(10) "The only thing I ever was good at was driving a bus and now "the man''says I need a piece of paper to do that."

Answer: Otto Mans

(10) "There's nary an animal that can outrun a greased Scotsman!"

Answer: Groundskeeper Willie

(10) "And when he tried to steal our sunlight, he crossed that line between everyday villainy and cartoonish super-villainy."

Answer: Mr. Waylon Smithers

3. How low can you go? 5-10-15, test your knowledge of the deepest points in the earth's oceans.

(5) For five points, if you could dive over 10,920 meters below sea level, you would be able to touch the floor of this, the lowest point on the surface of the earth.

Answer: Marianas Trench

(10) FTP, only a couple thousand miles from the Marianas Trench, the lowest point on the floor of the Indian Ocean can be found here.

Answer: Java Trench

(15) This is the deepest point in the smallest ocean. Name this point on the Arctic Ocean floor, a mere 5,608 feet below sea level.

Answer: Molloy Deep

4. Identify the cities at the junctions of theseinterstatesF5PAP and a bonus five for all of them.

(5) Interstates 70 and 35

Answer: Kansas City, MO/KS

(5) Interstates 64 and 95

Answer: Richmond, VA

(5) Interstates 80 and 25

Answer: Cheyenne, WY

(5). Interstates 84 and 5

Answer: Portland, OR

(5)Interstates 70 and 65


5. FTP, Answer the following questions about central figures in the Black Panthers.

(10) He co-founded the Black Panthers in Oakland and later ran for mayor there in 1973.

Answer: Bobby Seale

(10)He founded the Black Panthers with Seale and later obtained a doctoral degree from the

UC-Santa Cruz.
Answer: Huey P. Newton

(10) The author of Soul on Ice, he was the propagandist of the Black Panthers; he split with Seale and Newton because he found their views too peaceful.

Answer: Eldridge Cleaver

6. Answer these questions about events in Bleeding Kansas FTPAP.

(10)Pro-slavery forces called this town the capital of the territory, not to be confused with the free-state capital of Lawrence. It gave its name to the pro-slavery constitution ratified in 1857.

Answer: Lecompton

(10) John Brown, together with his four sons and two other men, murdered fivepro-slavery men living on the banks of this river. He then proclaimedhimself to be an "instrument in the hands of God."

Answer: Pottawatamie

(10) This pro-slavery guerrilla leader led a band of notoriously brutal raiders whose most infamous feat was the sacking of Lawrence and murder of 150 of its citizens.

Answer: William Quantrill

7. Given the nation, give the year in which they granted suffrage to women within five years, for five points each, and a bonus five for all of them.

(5) United States

Answer: 1919 (accept 1914-1924)

(5) Soviet Union

Answer: 1917(accept 1912-1922)

(5) Canada

Answer: 1918 (accept 1913-1923)


Answer: 1944 (accept 1939-1949)

(5) Australia

Answer: 1902 (accept 1897-1907)

8. It's time for another bonus on the Cavalier Poets. Identify them from works FTPAP.

(10) "To Althea From Prison,""To Lucasta,""Going to the Wars"

Answer: Richard Lovelace

(10) "An Horatian Ode,""Upon Cromwell's Return from Ireland," "To His Coy Mistress"

Answer: Andrew Marvell

(10) "Corinna's Going A-Maying,""To the Virgins To Make Much of Time"

Answer: Robert Herrick

9. Name the novel, 30-20-10:

(30) Published in 1899, it received many unfavorable reviews, preventing the author from gaining membership to a local St. Louis art club, and is cited as the reason the author ceased writing.

(20) In this novel, Edna Ponteiller meets and falls in love with a younger man, Robert, while on vacation without her husband. After returning to her dull life in New Orleans, she begins an affair with another man. Robert comes to New Orleans, declares her love for her, but then deserts her. Edna then drowns herself.

(10) This is Kate Chopin's best-known novel.

Answer: The Awakening

10. Answer the following about Darwin and developments in the theory of evolution FTPAP.

(10) The notion of gradual transitions in animals and plants was advanced in the early 19th century by this French biologist who recognized that these transitions were not a ladder, but rather a branching tree. Unlike Darwin, he proposed that there were separate trees for different lineages.

Answer: Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

(10) The idea of common descent was advanced by this grandfather of Darwin, although he only felt that it applied to warm-blooded animals.

Answer: Erasmus Darwin

(10) The reduction of natural selection to "survival of the fittest" was inspired by Darwin's reading of this economist's "Essay on the Principle of Population" in which the author argued that unchecked growth in a given population would outstrip local resources.

Answer: Thomas Malthus

11. Mark McGwire recently set a Major League Baseball home run record in one of the most exciting record chases in history. Answer these questions about the St. Louis Cardinal's Slugger, for the stated number of points.

(5) For five points, how many homeruns did McGwire hit in the 1998 season to set the record?

Answer: 70

(10) FTP, what position did McGwire play when he came up with the Oakland A's in 1987?

Answer: Third Base

(15) For fifteen points, name one of the three players the Cardinals traded for McGwire in 1997.

Answer: T.J. Matthews, Blake Stein, or Eric Ludwick