Clean Run

1997 (Vol. 3) Annual Index

Backyard Dogs

By Linda Mecklenburg...... Jun....14

By Bud Houston...... Jul.....13

By Linda Mecklenburg...... Aug....22

By Monica Percival...... Sep....14

By Bud Houston...... Oct....15

By Linda Mecklenburg...... Nov/Dec.22

Construction Zone

PVC Practice Jump...... Jan.....12

Adjustable Pole Support for PVC Practice Jump...... Feb....12

Tunnel Chocks or Holders...... Mar....12

PVC Freestanding Weave Pole Chute...... Apr....12

PVC Snooker Wing Jump...... May....12

PVC Tire Jump...... Jun....12

PVC “Organ Pipe” Wing Jump...... Jul.....12

Rigid Weave Poles...... Aug....18

Adjustable AKC PVC Pause Table (Revised plans in July 1999).....Sep....12

AKC Agility PVC Double Bar Jump...... Oct....12

8-foot AKC A-Frame...... Nov/Dec.18

Course Analyses

USDAA Grand Prix Qualifier, Puerto Rico...... Jan.....15

AKC Nationals: Round 1...... Jan.....18

AKC Nationals: Rounds 2 and 3...... Jan.....19

AKC Nationals: Round 4...... Jan.....20

AKC Nationals: International Class...... Jan.....21

USDAA Grand Prix Qualifier, Phoenix AZ...... Feb....20

USDAA Grand Prix Qualifier, Lake Mary FL...... Feb....21

February IAL Course...... Feb....34

USDAA Grand Prix Qualifier, Riverside CA...... Mar....20

USDAA Grand Prix Qualifier, Gainesville GA...... Mar....21

USDAA Starters/Novice, Riverside CA...... Mar....29

AKC Excellent and Open, Montpelier OH...... Jun....19

May IAL Course...... Jun....33

USDAA Grand Prix Nationals: Semifinals Round 1...... Jul.....27

USDAA Grand Prix Nationals: Semifinals Round 2...... Jul.....28

USDAA Grand Prix Nationals: Finals...... Jul.....29

USDAA Nationals: Jumpers Class...... Jul.....30

USDAA Nationals: Gamblers Class...... Jul.....31

USDAA Nationals: $1,000 Dog Agility Steeplechase...... Jul.....32

USDAA Nationals: Junior Handler Competition...... Jul.....33

USDAA Grand Prix Qualifier, Keene NH...... Aug....28

USDAA Grand Prix Qualifier, Carmel NY...... Sep....20

AKC Excellent, Cleveland Sheltie Club...... Sep....33

World Championships: Individual Standard Agility...... Nov/Dec.32

World Championships: Individual Standard Jumping...... Nov/Dec.32

World Championships: Individual Mini Agility...... Nov/Dec.34

World Championships: Individual Mini Jumping...... Nov/Dec.34

World Championships: Team Standard Agility...... Nov/Dec.36

World Championships: Team Standard Jumping...... Nov/Dec.36

Course Analyses (continued)

World Championships: Team Mini Agility...... Nov/Dec.38

World Championships: Team Mini Jumping...... Nov/Dec.38

AKC Nationals Round 1...... Nov/Dec.50

AKC Nationals Round 2...... Nov/Dec.54

AKC Nationals Round 3...... Nov/Dec.58

AKC Nationals Round 4...... Nov/Dec.62

USDAA DAM Team Championships: Standard Agility...... Nov/Dec.70

USDAA DAM Team Championships: Jumpers...... Nov/Dec.70

USDAA DAM Team Championships: Snooker...... Nov/Dec.72

USDAA DAM Team Championships: Gamblers...... Nov/Dec.72

USDAA DAM Team Championships: Team Relay...... Nov/Dec.74


Agility Association of Canada Courses...... Apr....33

AKC Jumpers with Weaves...... Oct....20

AKC Jumpers CDS...... Oct....22

Editor’s Desk

Attracting spectators at events...... Jan.....4

Dog agility continues to grow...... Feb.....4

Course design...... Mar.....4

Agility Association of Canada...... Apr.....4

New USDAA rule and the junior handler program...... May.....4

Clean Run news...... Jun.....4

1997 USDAA Grand Prix Nationals...... Jul...... 4

Lowering jump heights...... Aug.....4

Judging limits...... Sep.....4

An exciting month of agility...... Oct.....4

Agility news...... Nov/Dec..5

Event Coverage

1996 AKC National Agility Championship...... Jan.....17

1997 USDAA Spring Festival of Dog Agility...... May....19

1997 USDAA Nationals...... Jul.....26

1997 Agility World Championships...... Nov/Dec.31

1997 NADAC Nationals...... Nov/Dec.41

1997 AKC Nationals Agility Championship...... Nov/Dec.47

1997 USDAA Dog Agility Masters Team Championship...... Nov/Dec.69


Working Sets a la Woz by Bud Houston...... Jan.....14

For a Small Universe by Linda Mecklenburg...... Jan.....16

The Return of Judge Dread by Linda Mecklenburg...... Jan.....23

The Wizard of Woz by Bud Houston...... Jan.....33

Weave Pole Practice Sets by Linda Mecklenburg...... Feb....22

Buffaloed by Linda Mecklenburg...... Feb....23

Mixed Bag From the Buff...... Mar....22

Working with the Pill Bug by Bud Houston...... Mar....23

EZ PZ by Linda Mecklenburg...... Mar....25

Not So EZ PZ by Linda Mecklenburg...... Mar....28

Training Sets from DTCSP by Bud Houston...... Mar....31

Introducing Changes of Side by Bud Houston...... Apr....21

Jumping Exercises by Nancy Gyes...... Apr....23

Weave Pole Drills by Nancy Gyes...... Apr....24

Obstacle Discrimination Drills by Nancy Gyes...... Apr....24

Exercises (continued)

Weave Pole Serpentines by Nancy Gyes...... Apr....25

Contact Drill by Nancy Gyes...... Apr....25

A-Frame Jumpers by Nancy Gyes...... Apr....25

Crossover Exercises by Linda Mecklenburg...... Apr....29

Instructor’s Choice: Multi-Purpose Exercise by Linda Mecklenburg..Apr....30

Two Days with Hobday by Monica Percival...... May....25

Pike’s Perils at the Weaves by Linda Mecklenburg...... Jun....20

Advanced Exercises Based on Blanchard by Marq Cheek...... Jun....21

Stealing from Nancy by Bud Houston...... Jun....23

Six Sets from Sheridan by Monica Percival...... Jun....25

Don’t Blink by Linda Mecklenburg...... Jul.....21

Judge Dread Exercise Sets by Linda Mecklenburg...... Aug....26

Shorts by Balchin by Ian Balchin...... Aug....33

A Weekend with Pascal Peng by Anne Smith...... Sep....25

Power Options Course by Bud Houston...... Oct....17

Full Course Discipline by Bud Houston...... Oct....23

Tunnel Twist Toughend by Marq Cheek...... Oct....33

AKC/USA Team Tune-Up Exercises for Denmark...... Nov/Dec.28

From the Handler’s Box

USDAA Masters Gamblers, Puerto Rico...... Jan.....22

USDAA Masters Gamblers, Phoenix AZ...... Feb.....7

USDAA Advanced Gamblers, Gainesville GA...... Mar....19

USDAA Masters Gamblers, Pomona CA...... Apr.....7

USDAA Masters Gamblers, OH ...... May....24

USDAA Advanced Gamblers, Saratoga Springs NY...... Jun.....7

USDAA Masters Gamblers, Keene NH...... Jul...... 7

USDAA Masters Gamblers, Calgary Canada...... Aug....11

USDAA Masters Gamblers, Fryeburg ME...... Sep.....7

USDAA DAM Gamblers, Fryeburg ME...... Oct.....7

USDAA Masters Gamblers, Calgary Canada...... Nov/Dec..8


Dealer’s Choice...... Apr....26

Miniature Golf...... Jun....31

AKC Jumpers Games (JWW and Jumpers CDS)...... Sep....22

Power & Speed...... Oct....31

Judge’s Debriefing

USDAA Masters, Phoenix AZ, Bill Sterling...... Feb....13

AKC Excellent, Tampa FL, Darlene Woz...... Mar....13

USDAA Advanced, Houston TX, Jean MacKenzie...... Apr....13

USDAA Masters Gamblers, Sacramento CA, Bud Houston...... May....13

USDAA Masters, Saratoga Springs NY, Bill Sterling...... Jun....15

USDAA Grand Prix National Semifinals Round 1, Bill Sterling.....Jul.....34

USDAA Grand Prix National Semifinals Round 2, Tim Laubach....Jul.....35

AKC Excellent, Shrewsburg MA, Chris Miele...... Aug....20

NADAC Elite, VT, Kathryn Horn...... Sep....16

USDAA Advanced, Calgary Canada...... Oct....16

AKC Nationals Round 1, Lisa Layton...... Nov/Dec.49

AKC Nationals Round 2, Chris Miele...... Nov/Dec.53

AKC Nationals Round 3, Chris Miele...... Nov/Dec.57

AKC Nationals Round 4, Lisa Layton...... Nov/Dec.61

Letters to the Editor

USDAA Nationals...... Aug....34

Ribbons...... Nov/Dec.82


Dog Agility in Puerto Rico by Abel De Varona...... Jan.....14

Debugging a Course Design by Stuart Mah...... Feb....15

Virtual Agility with the International Agility Link (IAL)...... Feb....33

Designing Agility Courses with Your Computer by John Ostrowski..Mar....17

I Can Do That! By Lynn Deering...... Apr....15

Lingua AKC by Bud Houston...... Apr....31

Enter the Zone by Angelica Steinker...... May....32

Making a “Food-Sock” by Nancy Gyes...... Jun....24

Color Me Visible by Jo Ann Mather...... Jun....34

In Memorium: Juli Haga by Barbara Rake & Sandy Costello...... Aug....23

AKC/USA Agility Team...... Aug....25

Visit From Down Under...... Aug....32

The Australian Shepherd Club of American Agility Program...... Sep....30

The Walking Ritual by Bud Houston...... Oct....27

Sidedness by Christine Zink DVM...... Oct....30

Power Paws Twelve Commandments of Agility...... Nov/Dec.26

Meet Agility Triple Crown Winner Ken Boyd...... Nov/Dec.66

On Course With…

Barb Benner...... Jan.....8

Julie Daniels...... Feb.....8

Sharon Nelson...... Mar.....8

Felicia Whalen...... Apr.....8

Pati Hatfield...... May.....8

Darlene Woz...... Jun.....8

Gerianne Darnell...... Jul...... 8

Jane & Gordon Simmons-Moake...... Aug....12

Elizabeth Blanchard...... Sep.....8

Chris & Jeff Bolton...... Oct.....8

Bud Houston, Linda Mecklenburg & Monica Percival...... Nov/Dec..9


Videos: 1997 USDAA Grand Prix of Dog Agility...... Nov/Dec.68

Teacher’s Room by Julie Daniels

What’s Your Teaching Style?...... Mar....15

The Power of Negative Reinforcement...... May....17

Perfecting Weave Pole Entry—Three Good Ways...... Jul.....15

Jumping to Conclusions Part 1...... Sep....18

Jumping to Conclusions Part 2...... Nov/Dec.23

Tip of the Month

Walking a course...... Jan.....35

Missing the teeter or dogwalk up contact...... Feb....35

Getting tangled in the chute...... Mar....14

Warming up your dog...... Apr....14

A dog’s comfort zone...... May.....7

Using the practice jump...... Jun.....7

Training with different numbers of poles...... Jul...... 5

Operant conditioning in everyday training...... Aug.....8

Tip of the Month (continued)

Training the teeter...... Sep.....5

Motivation in competition...... Oct.....7

Working tunnels...... Nov/Dec..6

Trainer’s Forum

Barking on course...... Jan.....10

Downing slowly on table...... Feb....10

Running under the tire...... Mar....10

Training hard to motivate dogs...... Apr....10

Speeding up weave pole performance...... May....10

Conditioning a dog for agility...... Jun....10

Missing up contacts...... Jul.....10

Knocking bars...... Aug....16

Breaking stays at the start line...... Sep....10

Training your dog to work away from you...... Oct....10

Training obstacle discrimination...... Nov/Dec.16


Getting Started with a Clicker by Susan Garrett...... Jan.....7

Turn! Turn! Turn! by Linda Mecklenburg...... Jan.....31

Teaching the Turn! Command by Linda Mecklenburg...... Jan.....33

Jumping Problems Part 1 by Christine Zink DVM...... Apr....17

Agility and the Small Dog by Gerianne Darnell...... Apr....19

Cross at the Crossover...... Apr....27

Jumping Problems Part 2 by Christine Zink DVM...... May....15

Jumping Problems Part 3 by Christine Zink DVM...... Jun....17

But the Tunnel Was Right in Front of Him! by Linda Mecklenburg...Jul.....17

Counter-Rotate-Rotate-Counter? by Linda Mecklenburg...... Nov/Dec.76

The Reverse Flow Pivot by Jim Basic...... Nov/Dec.77

Come! by Mary Whorton...... Nov/Dec.79

You Make the Call

Teeter performance scenario...... Jan.....7

Running past an obstacle and jumping over a tunnel scenario...... Feb.....7

Snooker scenarios...... Mar.....7

Jumping over the table scenario...... Apr.....7

Running past the poles scenario...... May.....7

Pairs Relay scenario...... Jun.....5

Finish line scenario...... Jul...... 5

Refusal scenarios...... Aug.....5

Start line scenario...... Sep.....5

Table scenarios...... Oct.....5

What’s the Buzz? by Susan Garrett

1-2-3-Tug game...... Jan.....6

Recalls and targeting...... Feb.....6

Retrieve game...... Mar.....6

Tunnel games and more target work...... Apr.....6

Continuing work on calmness...... May.....6

Teaching Get Out...... Jun.....6

Putting a behavior on stimulus control...... Jul...... 6

Foundation for jump training...... Aug....10

Starting to teach the weave poles...... Sep.....6

Targeting on the A-frame...... Oct.....6

Jumping work...... Nov/Dec..7