19900 Bastanchury Road Dave Flynn, Principal

Yorba Linda, CA 92886 Richard Dinh, Assistant Principal

Phone 714/986-7500 Greg Kemp, Assistant Principal

Fax 714/779-7094 Shea Runge, Activities Director

Classroom Expectations

Mrs. Brothers



Telephone: 714-986-7500 x14507

All students are expected to adhere to school and district-wide policies and procedures. In addition, I expect students to adhere to the following basic rules:

  • Respect

Treat others as you would want to be treated

  • Responsibility

Be on time and follow directions

  • Readiness

Be on time and with daily supplies, including lined paper and pencil

ROUTINES AND PROCEDURES: The following routines and procedures are in place to help achieve an optimal learning and social environment for everyone.

  • Students need to be their seat when the bell rings and ready to begin work.
  • Bathroom needs should be taken care of during breaks/between periods. Emergencies will be accommodated.
  • Our district has a policy of BYOD. Cell phones and other devices may be used fro instructional purposes at teacher discretion. Otherwise, phones or other distractions must be kept out of sight during class time.
  • Offensive language, teasing/harassment, physical contact, touching classmates’ belongings, or running in the classroom will not be tolerated.
  • Students who complete assigned work early should work on independent activities and not disturb other students.
  • Any assigned work not completed in class is homework and should be turned in the following day or as indicated by the teacher. Additional homework may be assigned as appropriate.
  • Snacks (not meals) or drinks (with lids) are allowed in class provided students clean up after themselves.
  • During whole class discussions and instruction, listen politely when the teacher or others are speaking.
  • Videos related to educational content rated G, PG, or PG-13 will be shown throughout the year.
  • Students are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.
  • Always consider the three basic rules when making choices in the classroom.


Students will be evaluated on class work, participation, homework and test scores. Grades are updated a minimum of weekly on Aeries. Email me or check with the front office if you need password/access assistance. Grades will be given according to the following system:

A = 90 – 100%

B = 80 – 89%

C = 70 – 79%

D = 60 – 69%

F = below 60%


Students will receive rewards for positive class behavior, work habits, and academic progress, including:

  • Raffle tickets that are entered in drawings for treats and other prizes.
  • Praise and positive recognition

The above standards have been read and/or explained to me. By signing below, I agree to follow these standards.

Please return this portion by September 5, 2017

I have read and understand Mrs. Brothers’ expectations for the upcoming school year.


Students Name (print) Students Signature


Parent (guardian) Name (print) Parent (guardian) Signature

Best time to call: ______