1930s Collage Project
Standard / A / B / CCCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.7
Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem. / Collage uses a combination of images (from various sources) and words or phrases appropriate for the era to expertly show the contrast between the boom of the twenties and the bust of the 30s. Includes a works cited for the images used. / Collage uses multiple images and words to address the contrast between the boom of the 20s and the bust of the 30s. Images are appropriate for the era. Includes a works cited for the images used. / Collage uses some images and one or two words to convey a basic understanding of the contrast between the boom of the twenties and the bust of the thirties. Includes a works cited for the images used.
Images / Images are era appropriate, from a variety of sources and convey accurately the feelings and behaviors of people from the twenties and thirties. Images show the contrast and evoke an emotional response. / Images are mostly from the era and for the most part show a contrast between the boom and bust between the 20s and 30s. Images accurately capture the feelings of the era. / Some images used may be outside of the era of focus. They are from one or two sources and are mostly accurate in conveying feelings and behaviors of people from the 20s and 30s. Some contrast is noticeable.
Themes / Collage expertly addresses multiple themes incorporated with the boom (ex. Excess, defiance, care free living) and the bust (desolation, desperation, perseverance). Conveys an expert understanding of the cultural impact of these themes on Americans. / Collage addresses 2-3 themes for the era and demonstrates a deep understanding of the impact of the 20s and 30s on American culture. / Collage images address one theme from the boom and one theme from the bust to demonstrate understanding of the contrast between the two.
Presentation/write-up / Collage is organized and visually and emotionally appealing. Write-up is 1-2 pages double-spaced and clearly addresses the themes of their collage and what they believe each image conveys about that era. Explanations connect back to theme. / Collage is neat and visually appealing. Write-up is 1-2 pages, double-spaced and addresses multiple themes in their collage and how the majority of the images they selected convey those themes. / Collage is somewhat neat but simple in its construction. Write-up is one page, addresses one or two themes and explains the reasoning for most of the images selected. Some explanations are vague.
Comparing and Contrasting the “Boom” of the Twenties and the “Bust” of the Thirties
Directions: You will create a collage that incorporates images, words, phrases, songs, etc…that you feel accurately depict the contrast between the culture of the twenties and the culture of the thirties. Your collage should do the following:
- Show a clear contrast between the two decades
- Convey multiple themes that emerged in the culture (i.e. excess in the 20s and scarcity in the 30s).
- Incorporate the use of images, words, phrases, songs, etc…appropriate for the era.
- You should be able to explain why you made the choices you did in regards to your images and themes.
Collage should be on a poster board. Images for 20s and 30s should be clearly marked. You need to have a works cited for your images and any other source you use.
The project will be due on Monday, October 27th at the beginning of class.
If you come to class and do not have your collage, you will write an in-class essay comparing and contrasting the 20s and the 30s.
Write-ups will be done in class on Monday the 27th. You will explain your choices behind your images used in your collage and explain what they convey about the era.