1920s Clash of Values
-Wanted to preserve T____________________ values
-Feared ‘new morality’ was taking over and changing traditional ways of behavior
-New morality – glorified Y_______________ and P______________ F________________
Women’s Rights
-19th amendment = ______________________________________
-Women wanted to break free from traditional roles and behaviors
-A___________________________ allowed young women to go on dates outside of home
-Some women got j_______ to break away from parental authority and become financially independent
Women’s Fashion
-Fashion for women changed
-F________________________ – smoked cigarettes, drank prohibited alcohol, wore make-up, and
sleeveless dresses with short skirts
-Women began shortening hair and changing style to copy m__________ s_________ looks
Women As Professionals
-Women who attended c__________________ were encouraged to pursue careers and to challenge
traditional ideas about women’s roles in society
-Professional women made contributions in s_____________, medicine, l_________ and literature
-Margaret Sanger – believed families could improve standard of living by limiting how many c_______________ they had
– Founded Birth Control League to promote knowledge of birth control
– This became P________________ P_____________________ in the 1940s
-Fundamentalists believed that the B_________________ was literally true
-Rejected Darwin’s theory of E____________________ – belief that human beings developed from
lower forms of life
-Only believed in C____________________ – belief that God created the world as described in the Bible
Scopes Trial
-Tennessee outlawed any teaching other than C_____________________
-ACLU – American Civil Liberties Union advertised for a teacher willing to be arrested for teaching E____________ -John Scopes a biology teacher in Dayton, TN volunteered, taught E _______________, and was a_______________
-William Jennings Bryan was the prosecutor who represented creationists
-Clarence D______________________ defended Scopes
-Scopes found ______________
-Trial broadcast over r_____________ and people heard tough cross examination by Darrow that hurt the Fundamentalist cause
-Support for Prohibition causes:
– Religious reasons
– Thought would reduce unemployment, domestic violence, and poverty
-__________________________________________ – banned alcohol
-V_____________ A________ – made the US Treasury responsible for enforcing Prohibition
Problems of Prohibition
-Americans blatantly ignore law
-S________________________ – secret bars where you could purchase alcohol
-B____________________________ – illegal distribution of liquor was common in rural areas
-Organized crime thrived on the illegal trade of alcohol
-Al Capone was most notorious g_________________________
– Had police, judges and other officials on payroll
– Eventually brought to justice by Eliot Ness and found guilty of t____ e_______________