17Th Century British Poetry

17th Century British Poetry

Metaphysical Poets:

-  17th century English poets led by John Donne

-  wrote in a conversational style, used imagery and extended metaphors and similes (conceits)

-  philosophical, intellectual approach to everyday subjects (metaphysical= beyond physical)

-  POETS: John Donne, John Suckling

Cavalier Poets:

-  17th century English poets who were known for their loyalty to the monarchy

-  their poetry intended to entertain rather than instruct

-  typically wrote about love

-  POETS: Robert Herrick, Richard Lovelace, Andrew Marvell

Common Themes & Terms:

-  carpe diem: “seize the day” or “make the most of each moment”... emphasizes the shortness of life—in 17th century poetry, this is usually done to persuade a woman to give in to love while she still has her youth and beauty

-  hyperbole: extreme exaggeration to express strong emotion or make a point

-  conceit: elaborate comparison between two very different things

-  poetry was often used to make an argument

-  poets used simple language