Chairman Ed Nicholas Website: ~ see MEETINGS page Oct 2016
F.1Cllr Roger Hampson reported that he would be attending a Helicopter Noise Group Meeting on 18.10.16.
F.2Roger also reported back from a recent ABP Abattoir Meetingand his very useful conversation with SC Officer Mark Wootton regarding Queens Head - Straight Mile Junction plusthe need for warning signs for the Station Road - Straight Mile Junction and the need to cut back the car park hedge. ONGOING to 16N
1.ATTENDANCE at WFPC Routine Meeting 16O held at 7.30pm in West Felton Methodist Church Hall:
1.1Present Parish Cllrs: ChairEd Nicholas, Vice Chair Marian Hesketh, Chris Jones, Carole Coles, Roger Hampson, Kay Kynaston, Dianne Barnes, Pat Mabe, Rachelle Lloyd Jones. Plus Ian Hutchinson Clerk.
1.2Apologiesfrom Cllr John Houghton were NOTED.
2.DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Meeting 16O held on Tues 11 Oct 2016
2.1Mag Editor Cllr Pat Mabe declared a personal but not pecuniary interest in WFPC News Reports: see 6.4 ↓
3.PREVIOUS MEETING 169 held on Tue 13 Sep 2016
3.1Minutes 169 The Chairsigned the minutes of the last meeting as a true and accurate record: All AGREED
3.2Matters Arising from the minutes and any other ongoing items outstanding from previous meetings:
a.From 169-9.2c New Vehicle Activated Sign at Queens Head: SC will include this in Apr 2017 budget:
Cllr Rachelle Lloyd Jones stated that at the Site Meeting SC Roads Officers had indicated that if WFPC offered 50% funding this project could be included in this Year's 2016 budget and the Clerk confirmed this.
The Clerk will email a reminder to SC Roads asking for this project to commence at once. All AGREED
b.From 169-5.3 Playing Field Purchase Cllr Roger Hampson offered some background information which seemed to confirm that WFPC Policy 169-5.3 is realistic and Cllr Marian Hesketh kindly offered to collect the WFPC files from Charles Lawson. The Clerk will now email WFPC thanks to Charles. All AGREED
4.PLANNING MATTERS NO planning applications this month: see History of Planning Applications.
5.1aBurial Ground Suspect Tree reported by Greenfingers Graham Evans referred to Arborcare Ed Lewis.
The Clerk has ordered an ultrasound test from Arborcare - Clerk to send Ed a reminder. All AGREED
b.Burial Ground Weedkilling The LATE quote of £295+vat from Greenfingers operator Graham Evans was tabled but it was considered to be excessive and so the Clerk will now seek further quotes for just one spraying of weedkiller from two operatives: Greenfingersand local operator Tony Friend. All AGREED
c.Site Meeting The Clerk and Cllr Dianne Evans will now meet with Graham Evans in the Burial Ground to confirm exactly where and when Greenfingers intend to spray and other maintenance items. All AGREED
5.2Some Domestic Hedges are overhanging footpaths: could all householders check and trim if necessary.
5.3Shropshire Council Tree Scheme free trees and hedge plants for any sort of community use: the Clerk will make a firm order for one Cherry, one Rowan and six Hornbeams for the burial ground. All AGREED
6.1Finance Cashbook-17 line 25and Bank Statement at 1 Sep'16 = £46,816.16 VERIFIED by members.
6.2Vacancy for a Parish Councillor due to Cllr David Curtis's resignation on Wednesday 17 August 2016:
a.On behalf of West Felton Parish Council the Chairman warmly thanked David for his six years of dedicated service as Councillor, Chairman and Vice Chair. David's enthusiastic work on numerous parish projects was always outstanding and his negotiation skills were often vital for the smooth running of this Parish Council.
b.There were just two candidates for co-option: Chris Lovell of West Felton and Alison Ollier of Sandford: and after both their application emails had been carefully considered there were ninevotes for Alison Ollier and none for Chris Lovell and so Alison Ollierwas duly co-optedonto WFPC: AGREED unanimously.
6.3Election of a new Vice Chairman Cllr Hampson proposed and the Chair seconded that Marian Hesketh be elected as Vice Chair. There were no other nominations and so Marian was ELECTED unanimously.
6.4WFPC News Reports to the Parish Magazine: the Clerk will send draft reports to the Chair who will then approve and finalise them before sending them on to the Editor Pat Mabe for publication. All AGREED
6.5SALC Annual Subscription Apr'16 - Mar'17 SALC has recently given extremely helpful advice to both the Chairmanandthe Clerk and both recommended WFPC to resume SALC membership. All AGREED
MINUTES 16O ContinuedTuesday 11th OCTOBERPage 16O b
7.ACCOUNTS Meeting 16O Date: Tues 11 Oct 2016Financial Year-17
The following accounts were duly PAID at this meeting: All AGREED
Min / Chq / DATED / Minute / PAYEE/PAYER ITEM DESCRIPTION / CATEGORY / £ CREDITS / £ DEBITS / BALANCE7.0 / DD / 01.10.16 / DD-4 / Greenfingers Ltd Grass cutting during Sep 2016 / GRASS-17e / 0 / 206.80 / 45158.20
7.1 / 417 / 11.10.16 / 16O-7.1 / West Felton Youth Club WFPC equipment grant / Project-17b / 0 / 300.00 / 44858.20
7.2 / 418 / 11.10.16 / 16O-7.2 / Highline Electrical Ltd Repairs to Streetlight-28 / LIGHTS-17e / 0 / 112.80 / 44745.40
7.3 / 419 / 11.10.16 / 16O-7.3 / Ray Parry refurbishments to the play+fitness items / PLAY-17b / 0 / 2664.00 / 42081.40
7.4 / 420 / 11.10.16 / 16O-7.4 / SALC Annual Subscription 1 Apr'16 to 31 Mar'17 / SUBS-17 / 0 / 504.77 / 41576.63
7.5 / 421 / 11.10.16 / 16O-7.5 / Mazars LLP External Audit Fee for Year 2015-16 / FEES-17b / 0 / 120.00 / 41456.63
Note 7.0: The Clerk will check to see if Greenfingers are now weed killing round equipment and NOT strimming.
Note 7.3: The Clerk will email Ray Parry and ask him to contact Cllr Kay Kynaston and hand her the keys to the new litter bin and also to sort out the problem with loose pins on one piece of equipment. All AGREED
8.EXTERNAL ITEMS including routine mail and any other general information from outside the parish.
8.1Town+Parish Council (TPC) Forum 2.30pm Shirehall Thu 29 Sep'16: SC budget cuts and SC transfers to TPCs: the Clerk's report EmailIH.30.09.16 was duly NOTED. No further action is needed at this time.
9.ANY OTHER ITEMS may be discussed at the Chairman's discretion and then noted but NOT resolved.
9.1LATECorrespondence not included on this agenda:
a.Acting on SALC advice the Chairman's Formal LetterEN.09.10.16 to the Clerk and the Clerk's Formal Acceptance IH.10.10.16 were tabled at this Meeting and the contents of both emails were duly NOTED.
9.2Any Other Parish Reports plus comments and queries from Councillors going in turn around the room:
a.Cllr Roger Hampson tabled a Tedsmore Grange developer's paper that explained the reason for the name.
b.Cllr Pat Mabe asked the Clerk to check that Rachel Goodyear of SC Street Naming was processing the Clerk's Email WF.14.09.16 with WFPC's request for names Congreve Close and Ralphs Drive. NOTED
10.NEXT MEETING 16N to be held on Tuesday 8th Nov 2016 at 7.30pm in the Methodist Church Hall
MEETING 16O CLOSED 8.50 pm duration: one hour twenty minutes.
Chairman's Signature Dated: 8 Nov 2016
Ian A. Hutchinson West Felton Parish Clerk Tel: 01743 850504 1210 words Draft-1 printed: 12 Oct'16
West Felton Parish CouncilMinute Book TenPage 16O1