Transcript of 154th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, 12th January 2017

Transcription v2 courtesy of Lynn of Montana, with introduction, time stamps, hyperlinks etc. from Corn of NZ, and then final polish and edit by Michel of Quebec for publication on where the whole transcription can be downloaded in word or pdf format.

Comments from Cornelius Van Dorp

The picture is from a small film played by Rick at the end of the workshop about the Rome Conference. There will be a Universal Council conference on the 26th and 27th of March, followed by a Universal Science conference on the 28th through to 1st April… time to look at getting your tickets and travel documents together…

In this workshop MK goes back once again to the teaching of the Soul and how the soul and physicality interact, and how this learning by humanity will split us into 3 groups, 1 group who will travel the universe at our wish and our desire, another group who will build spaceships, and a 3rd group who will stay in the physicality of the planet. There is also some enlightenment about the prophets Bab and Bahá'u'lláh and questions about the Abrahamic religions and why they are so big on the planet Saturn etc.

The development in Ghana is HUGE and involves the whole country and government, especially with the decontamination technology. MK and Carolina are working hard their to set things up so they can then move to the next country with the technology solidifying into effective applications for the betterment of mankind behind them… From Belgium to Italy, to Dubai, then to Ghana --- and beyond… MK has to leave early for a meeting regarding the Ghana development, and Carolina finishes the workshop with some Words of Wisdom of her own…

Content Summary

The Ghana Atomic Commission collaboration with KF Ghana has taken a new direction and dimension.

Deepening in the operation of the Soul and the Physicality

2820 K: it is very much like a meteorite coming into a magnetic gravitational field and we see it burning in the sky.

In the coming time humanity will divide into 3 groups

The construction of the soul of the man is nothing but the same as the center of the construction of this planet or any star.

4941 K: I said very recently that the angel of death has visited the planet Earth. What does that mean?

As I have said many times, you want to find the path to your soul read the hidden books. The Hidden Words of Bahá'u'lláh is the guide to find the path to the soul.

5602 K: This is where the praying goes….we bank with our own souls and nowhere else. But the banking has been hidden behind the buildings of the churches, mosques and temples.

A physical tool to use to help understand the operation of our souls

If you lose half of your brain to cancer, a tumor or whatever, then what happens with the line of communication between the soul and the physicality?

Ralph in Texas says Alláh-u-Abhá and asks some biblical questions…

Relating the birth and death of man to the decay of heavier to lighter elements

014258 Hi my name is John: thank you, I’m from Chester in Wales.

Rick returns and MK tells why he has to leave early

What is happening with production and release of the New Generator unit?

Police are closing in on DL

Trevor asks why all the Abrahamic religions worship the planet Saturn?

021926 K: you have to understand that the Middle Eastern culture is a very sentimental culture.

Where the terrorism that we call terrorism comes from today

You have to develop the Keshe foundation where you live according to it’s needs…

Decontamination works like magic with a combination of GANS in specific order.

Bring Testimonials

Some remaining questions for MK and more from John of Chester

025748 Libby (L): I wanted to add when Mr. Keshe was talking about our souls… I’m wondering if it is better for those of us who may not be able to make reactors to try to better understand that WE are the reactors.

030506 Thorbjorn from Norway: (T) I just wanted to share a little view that has to do with the gentleman and the lady who were just speaking.

Carolina with some words of wisdom about keeping it simple and how to wish a New World

Caller: this is from Australia. I’ve been pushing but I feel alienated.

Some final words from Carolina


The Ghana Atomic Commission collaboration with KF Ghana has taken a new direction and dimension.

1044 Mr. Keshe (K): good morning, good day to you as usual wherever and whenever you listen to this teaching. This is a normal situation and we sometimes have hiccups in transmissions as we have participants in teachings from United States, Canada, Slovenia and Africa and other places. People sit in support in the background. The Keshe foundation (KF) is the collective work of a number of people around the world. As you see this is the 154th KSW in our 3rd year of teaching non-stop.

1133 K: there are a number of things to go into for more understanding. I have some requests for information in respect to Ghana and our work here. The Ghana Atomic Commission collaboration with KF Ghana has taken a new direction and dimension. We have been given and accepted the premises of the University administration block (in Ghana) which means that KF from today or this week has a permanent residence in Africa. It is one of the most prestigious buildings in the University Campus and part of the Ghana Atomic Teaching section. This gives us a permanent research facility in a massive building built by the Russians and it is on the main row of Atomic Offices.

1230 K: This is a secure premise and it allows us to establish a permanent research section. We have recruited scientists that we would like to see collaborating in the center and already the KF Manufacturing working team is in place with Masters and PhD students who have completed degrees and have gone into working and research, teaching and development. This has given us a whole teaching and working a new meaning. What this means is we would like to follow up around the world with those who set up teaching and what we call manufacturing. What it does on the practical side is whenever the scientists decide the production in a certain section is completed by them, then they switch to the research or they bring their part of work in research and manufacturing.

1336 K: this means that the people on the floor who are producing continuously add to the knowledge and this changes a lot of things for us in Ghana research and manufacturing. We will release pictures and accommodations of the research facility in the coming days. It is one of the things we needed within the structure of the university where the teaching can be done freely. The teaching has been extended so that hopefully next week 2 sessions of 15 minutes to half an hour will be given to the KF on the national TV and radio (in Ghana) on what we are doing and what we are manufacturing.

1424 K: So we have brought the public teaching, manufacturing and collaboration with the scientists all together. It has become a wonderful collaboration that has taken a lot of time and investment. Now we see the fruit of the work and this should be a pattern for a number of people around the world if you are looking for how to set up your manufacturing or teaching. We have the advantage of having access to lecture rooms where we can give lectures frequently on the daily or weekly basis to different sections of the public. Within the structure of the Atomic Commission this allows us to selectively teach doctors, veterinarians, farmers, scientists where they can go from the lecture to the laboratory and test the results so they have direct understanding. We extend this to all the African nations so Kenya, Nigeria and other Kf groups can have access to the laboratories. This will be completed in 2 to 3 months.

1544 K: the next step for us is that if you need anything to be tested or validated you can send it to KF Ghana and we will test it for you, whatever it is from plasma reactors to new materials and the rest. We hope to establish another section like this soon in the Philippines once we complete here.

We have receiveda lot of communication in the past few weeks of what the outlook is in respect to the earthquakes that you have forecast. We expect massive EQs in 8 Magnitude (M), 9M and possibly 10M in and around Japan in the next few days as well as the West Coast of the United States.

1644 K: We have asked directly and urgently that our staff in Tokyo leave. The KF staff at Tokyo University are leaving to sections in which they feel happy and safe. If there is the EQ, which has already set up and manifested itself by coming to solid land in Japan, then we see a situation not far from what we saw in Fukushima. This is an alert and we cannot confirm the position and place. But we see anything from 6.5M to 9M on the coast of Japan and we take this very seriously from what we understand that we have asked our staff to leave their positions (in Tokyo) which is very unusual.

1737 K: We have made a warning again to the people in the West Coast of the United States in California. We see EQs from 7.9M up to possibly 10M in the coming time. The reason for this is the sequence of the EQsthat we have seen. If coincidentally they merge together at the same time it is between two waves coming from different parts of the world hitting at the same time and same place, then we will see 9.5 to 10.2M. The same goes for Italy and we have issued a warning to the people of Tehran. We see that an EQ in Iran is imminent and we have advised people to say goodbye to Tehran in the past 24 hours. This is due to a number of EQs that have taken place in the last 7 days and you have to understand that we see large EQ situations this time of the year every year, year in and year out.

1856 K: But this time there were two EQs. One happened last year in Chile. It is the loosening of the ‘pin’ and now the continents have loosened in a very big way. We see the EQ that is deeper than 150 kilometers and magnitude around 7.3 in the past 48 hours in the Philippines. This itself has a consequential, sequential interaction and if the EQs this deep reach 10 kilometers depth, then we will see EQs in northern Africa and in and around France and Spain.

1941 K: We will see volcanic eruptions in Italy and EQs in Greece and strangely enough on January 3rd for the first time in a long time we have seen a 3.2 EQ around the UK. This has put pressure movement. It depends if the waves arrive together in one point that they are amplifying their forces, or if they arrive sequentially one after another. We see this for sure in the West Coast of the United States in the next 7 to 10 days.

2026 K: It is possible if we pass the 21st of February without a major EQ then the next phase will go in to the latter part of this year. But, with what we see and we hope we are wrong, we have informed the Italian KF to start protecting themselves in the next 72 hours to the next 7 days. Everything will move in the next 14 to 21 days. And we hope you will come out of it safely. But what we have seen in the EQs in the past days near the Philippines we see this immediate effect on Tokyo. For this reason we have asked our staff to leave Tokyo as a matter of urgency and they are leaving today.

2124 K: we see the same in the West Coast of the United States. We cannot pinpoint exact position or the magnitude and it all depends if the EQ in the Philippines arrives in 3 directions together and then how much force is diverted to the west coast of the European continent. The pressure will be absorbed fully by Italy and we expect large EQs around Rome and north of Rome and around Napoli. This is our forecast and we said we are expecting it and now we have seen it. A lot of things depends if these sequential movements do not release other layers that these can create further problems. If you are KF business in Japan please take protection. We advise you strongly to leave Tokyo and around the coast of Japan. We issue an alert for the West Coast of US around California. We expect a large EQ in the southern United States around what you call the American continent. This can lead to massive, massive EQs. We still see if the EQ hits before January 20th President Obama will stay in power and the new administration will not have the power to take over due to the EQ situation. We hope we are wrong.

Deepening in the operation of the Soul and the Physicality

2316 K: Going back on other teachings a number of you have been asking in respect of what we are trying to teach in a deeper sense in respect to the state of the soul. The operation of the soul and the physicality—how do we get to understand more and more? How do we see to understand our own internal structure? As I explained in the teachings at other times, in the world of science and in physical science we have understood partially and not fully, the operation of the fingers, the liver, the arms, the lungs, and the heart. Man has never come to understand the operation of his own soul, which in fact has the same components and has components that affect the physicality.

2424 K: Part of our teaching and the direction we are going gradually is to understand the operation of the soul of the man. This is the change of the course of the knowledge of the teaching. As I said we started with matter and taught you the nano, the gans, then the fields of the gans and the correct operation of the fields, which leads to the central focal point of what we call principal matter energy.

2502 K: Now man has to mature and to understand the operation of his own soul and to understand that ifI do something in physicality what is the sequence and consequences in the direction of my soul? I ask, where do I go, how do I think through my soul and how do I operate? Is the soul of the man the Creator of the Man? And how much have we been kept in obscurity in the operation of our own souls? If you understand the operation of the soul, does the state of physicality matter?

2557 K: It says…I made man in the image of myself. Does the soul or is the soul the image of the physicality or is the behavior of the soul the image of the physicality? Man needs to mature. We were happy to work with the puppet of the physicality. Now would we like to operation of the master who handles the string of the puppet? The understanding, operation and behavior of our souls then become the manifestation of the behavior of our physicality. Then the man becomes a perfect man if he understands the totality of the operation.

2655 K: this is the reason why even in the communication with our team in Japan, they said goodbye. I said to them to rely on your souls and you will find the paths if you stay as you have to be. We need to understand the operation and the existence and mystery of something we called the soul. Now we have to understand the operation of the soul; it is the friend that has been with us and has been the creator of us. We need to understand how much our physicality is operation, behavior, position, color of the skin, shape of the eye is controlled by the manifestation and behavior of the soul. Our souls are small operations that are responsible for controlling the physicality as our souls have other dimensions of interaction.

2820 K: it is very much like a meteorite coming into a magnetic gravitational field and we see it burning in the sky.

The physical manifestation of the man is the burning of the light and the interaction of the matter state with the fields of the soul of the man, which gives the physicality of the man. Do we need or are we part of the same structure which in the interlink with others, we interact and live with our souls which then, because we think we control the physicality, the soul is something beyond our comprehension. The faster and sooner I can teach man to understand the operation of his soul, and how the soul has control over the physicality, then the man can take you to space. Then its your decision what form you want to take into space. As I said before the spaceship goes through the strength of your soul. The soul of the man will take man to every dimension of this universe and beyond. The physicality of the spaceship has the limitation of the dimension and the position. Those who mature will travel the depth of the universe. Those who have the fear of maturity will go in ships out of the uncertainty of understanding the operation of their own souls.

In the coming time humanity will divide into 3 groups

3000 K: so in the coming time we will divide into 2 or 3 different sections…those who understand fully the operation of their souls which is the freedom of existence across the universe, and those who will take into the ships in which collectively they trust others to protect their physicalities so they can take their souls across. And then there are those who will stay on earth where physicality is the ultimate goal of confirmation of their existence. Let us understand our souls and how we can communicate and interact and shorten the transition point between the soul and physicality. This is all that you can learn. It’s very much like you are behind a mountain or a hill and you hear somebody shouting. You don’t know who it is until you go over the top and see the other side and find the maker of the noise. The closer you get, the closer and shorter the transition time and position.