Maundy Thursday

April 1, 2010

7:30 p.m.

1502 West 13th Street ♦ Wilmington, DE19806♦ 302-654-5214 ♦

Order of Worship

Preparation for Worship

Mandatum novum do vobis are the first words of an anthem sung in ancient times in the Christian Church. These Latin words mean “A new commandment I give to you.” The word “Maundy” comes from mandatum which means “mandate” or “commandment.”

Instrumental Prelude

Story:The Woman Who Anoints JesusShelley Gnade and

Mary-beth Howard

Hymn“O Sacred Head Now Wounded”

Story: A Plot to Kill JesusMary Beth Davis

Prayer (Unison)

Loving God, we gather this evening

to remember the trials that Christ endured in his final hours.

As a person filled by your Spirit,

he sought to share your love with all who were in need.

His devotion to you and his love for the unlovely

placed him in conflict with the religious leaders of his day.

Their fear of him led them to undertake their evil deeds.

Great God, we give thanks that Christ could remain faithful to your ways,

even in the face of death.

We pray that we may find strength and courage from his example

to face the trials that we encounter.

In the name of the courageous Christ, we pray. Amen.

Hymn“All Who Pass This Way”

Verse 1: Choir

Verses 2 & 3: All

Story:Where to Celebrate PassoverChase Pfleegor

Story:The Words of InstitutionGreg Jones

Great Prayer of Thanksgiving and the Lord’s Prayer

The Lord be with you.

And also with you.

Communion of the People

All who believe in Christ are welcome to take the Lord’s Supper.

The bread is the symbol of Christ’s body and the cup represents the new covenant of forgiveness.

Communion will be served by intinction.

Please take a piece of bread and dip it in the cup before consuming the bread.

The center sections will approach the front by the center aisle and return by the side aisles.

The side transepts will be served after the choir is served.

If you are unable to come to a communion station, please tell an usher so that youmay be served.

Communion Anthem“TheCup of Love”

REFRAIN: First time: Cantor; Second time: Choir and Congregation

1. O Lord, how can we offer thanks to you?3. Your servants, O Lord, we are your servants,

Your goodness is all around us. yes, children of a humble house.

We will lift up high the cup of love You have freed us, Lord, we offer thanks;

and call upon your name. we call upon your name.

2. O Lord, we will pay our vows to you;4. O Lord, we will pay our vows to you;

we will pay them before the people. we will pay them before the people.

The death of all your faithful saints O Jerusalem, within your courts

is precious in your sight. we offer thanks and praise.

Story:Jesus Announces the BetrayalEmily and Meredith Harrison

Story: Peter’s Denial PredictedAlex Sprague

Prayer of Confession

Mighty God, we yearn to deepen our faith,

but the cross is too threatening for us.

We seek comfort, not sacrifice.

We embrace privilege, not pain.

Yet the suffering love of Christ touches us deeply.

We yearn to be faithful to you, but we are weak and afraid.

Grant us strength and courage, O God,

in order that we may become genuine disciples of Christ. Amen.

Assurance of God’s Forgiveness

In Christ, the forgiveness of God comes to us.

The one who bears our grief and carries our sorrows forgives us and heals us.

Anthem“When You Prayed Beneath the Trees” Words: Christopher Idle

Youth ChoirMusic: Lloyd Larson

Story:Jesus PraysJill Getty

Hymn“Could You Not Watch”

First time: Choir, Second time: Congregation and Choir

Verses: Soloist

1. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.2. O Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

I soon must drink the bitter cup, The hour is at hand;

the cup of the world’s salvation. with swords they come to take me.

  1. Jerusalem weep not, weep not for yourselves,

but weep for your children,

yes, weep for your children’s children.

Story: Jesus is ArrestedAnne Ledbetter

Story:Peter Denies JesusBob Moore

Hymn“Ah Holy Jesus”

Verse 1: All

Verse 2: Choir only

Story:Jesus is Questioned before the CouncilJill Getty

Story:Pilate Questions JesusCharlie Depfer

Story:Jesus is Brought before HerodBob Cox

Story:The Death SentenceMary Field

Chorale ResponseCrucify Him!

Story: The Death Sentence, continuedShelly Sprague

Story:Jesus is CrucifiedJon McPheeters

Story:Jesus and the CriminalsKris De Messe

*Hymn“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”

Verses 1 & 3: Choir

Verses 2 & 4: All

Story:The Death of JesusAnne-Grae Martin

Instrumental MeditationAh Holy Jesus

Story:The CenturionAnne-Grae Martin

Musical Response“Were You There”

Story:The Women at the CrossEnsemble

Musical Response“Were You There”

We express our thanks to theWestminster By Heart Storytellers and youth participants, the Westminster Choir, and the Youth Choir for their leadership in worship this evening.

Westminster By Heart is comprised of lay people who are committed to bringing the telling of scripture to our congregation. This group meets regularly on Sunday mornings during the education hour and invites

anyone who has an interest to join them for a Sunday, a season, or longer.

Pastoral Staff: Gregory K. Jones, Head of Staff

Anne R. Ledbetter, Associate Pastor

Church Educator:Susan Moseley

Music Staff: Paul Fleckenstein, Organist/Director of Music

Mary Beth Davis, Director of Music for Children, Youth and Handbells

Section Leaders/Soloists: Diana Milburn, Ruth Bailis, Justin Gonzalez, Brian Carter

Holy Week At Westminster

Good Friday, April 2
Prayer Labyrinth in the Meeting Room
Walk the labyrinth or come in for personal prayer and meditation
between 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Easter Sunday, April 4
Festive Easter Services
9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Identical services featuring festive music of the Resurrection led by the Westminster Choir,
brass,percussion and organ. Dr. Jones will preach on the resurrection of Christ and its
meaningfor our lives.
Easter Breakfast
8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Community Hall
Come celebrate Easter with your familyand enjoy a delicious breakfast!
Our Easter breakfast will include: cheese soufflé, grits and sausage casserole, sticky buns,
fresh fruit, cereal, juice, coffee and tea.
Cost is$5 for age 15 and older,$3 for ages 6–14, and $1 for children under 5.
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
10:10 a.m., Community Hall
Children (Ages 1-10) and families will gather at 10:10 a.m. in Classroom 6 of Community Hall
to decorate bags for collecting their treasure. The hunt will begin around 10:25 a.m.,
with three shifts of age groups.
(It will be over in a flash, for those who will attend 11:00 a.m. worship!)