Dear Parents,

Welcome to Grade 2/3!!! We are looking forward to teaching you in the fall. Your first day of school will be Tuesday, September 5th. Please have your parents buy your school supplies over the summer and put your name on all your supplies. Thank you and have an awesome summer!!

·  2 pencil cases

·  15 regular pencils (sharpened please)

·  4 erasers

·  1 package of pencil crayons (sharpened please)

·  1 package of white board markers (preferably fine tipped)

·  1 black Sharpie marker

·  1 highlighter

·  1 bottle of white glue

·  2 glue sticks

·  1 metric ruler

·  1 pair of scissors

·  8 interlined scribblers – Hilroy makes these (with the dark blue cover)

·  7 duotangs (red, yellow, blue, green, orange, purple and gray) – we ask for these specific colours because it makes it much easier to find a missing duotang for a specific subject. Paper covers work better as they are not slippery and the inside metal tabs also seem to work better.

·  Runners for gym with non-marking soles (will need to be properly tied so they are not constantly falling off) NOT board shoes

·  Back pack

·  1 box of Kleenex

·  1 paint shirt

·  1 set of ear buds or ear phones(more comfortable for ears) for computer

Mrs. Bosch and Mrs. Hoffart

*******Please continue reading over the summer as it is so important. They have made tremendous progress and we hate to see it lost over the summer. Also, try to find some time to practice addition and subtraction facts. Just do them orally throughout the day – they do not have to paper and pencil activities. Students call still access the Mathletics program on the computer which will also help them work on their Math skills.