14th Southern Hemisphere Felt Makers Convergence 2017

Registration Form to be emailed or sent to convenor by January 30th 2017.

A deposit of $450:00 AU will be required at the time of your registration which will be direct deposited into:

Southern Hemisphere Felt -makers Convergence account

Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Clifford Gardens, Qld

BSB 064 437 Account 10022581

The remainder of the convergence fee will need to be paid by 31st July 2017. A reminder will be sent out in June to registrants with their remaining convergence fees due.


Mobile phone
Your email
Emergency person contact name and phone
Disability needs. Please specify so we can help you. Berghofer centre is wheel chair accessible
Dietary needs
Please state if you have a specific dietary need and your requirements.
Garden tour / Yes No
Volunteer presenter
Do you want to present a half hour session in the convergence program?
Name of session
Will the session be a demonstration or a talk?
Presentation requirements
Accommodation at Mc Gregor College, USQ Only 130 rooms are available and rooms will be allocated as registration forms are received and paid for.
Single rooms only. Share bathroom between 2 rooms.
Breakfast 0700
Dinner 1800
Motel Accommodation. This will be off site. This can be booked for you, if you choose this option. You will be responsible for your room costs, purchase of breakfast and dinner each day.
Registrants choosing this option will pay $490.00 for 4 days of convergence at Berghofer Centre.
Day rates for attendees
Anyone wanting to attend a specific day/s this will cost$125.00 per day. All meals and attendance at any of the programs will be included in this price.
Convergence Venue
Berghofer Recreation Centre, Baker Street, Toowoomba. Please note there are more than one Berghofer Centre in Toowoomba. Be sure to come to the correct address.
Lunch, morning and afternoon tea will be served each day to all attending convergence
Pop Up Stall
Anyone can have a stall. Cost $25.00 per stall
Set up by 12.00 on Wednesday 27th September Trade from 12.30-2pm only
Stall space needs to be booked early. Space will be limited to one table per stall holder.
Convergence traders are welcome.
Set up Sunday after lunch. Fibre and textiles only. Do you plan to have a trading stall? Please book as space is limited.
Cost $30.00 for 1 day or $100 for 4 days.
Fibre exhibition. Are you intending on
submitting items for the display? Maximum 3 items. 2 highly skilled and award winning felt makers are curating this exhibition. Please deliver your items to Berghofer Recreation Centre by 1pm Sunday 24th September to enable the display to be set up and ready for convergence. Let us know what you are bringing so we have the appropriate display equipment to display your item available.
The exhibition will be opened at 2 pm Tuesday 26th September by a VIP. You are invited to attend- a special Afternoon tea to follow. This will be open to the public to view on Wednesday and Thursday.
Fashion Parade
Items for the fashion parade will need to be handed in to the convenor on Thursday 28th September by 3 pm with a typed up description of the item. All items to be clearly tagged with your details.
You will need to have your own models or model it yourself.
Visits to local shops. A bus service leaves from outside Berghofer Centre to main shops. Clifford gardens Shopping centre is 3 km. Main town centre is 4 km from Mc Gregor College accommodation.
Convergence Convenor.
Marilyn Jensen
Phone 0451166153
Mail address. 506 Glamorgan Vale Road, Glamorgan Vale, Queensland. Australia. 4306