14th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security

17th-18th June 2010

Izmir, Turkey

Hosted by:

Ekolider, Izmir University of Economics and Economics Department, Middle East Technical University (METU).


IzmirUniversity of Economics, Izmir, TURKEY

Background and conference topic:

EKOLIDER of the Izmir University of Economics and Middle EastTechnicalUniversity are honoured to host the 14th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security. The conference aims to provide an opportunity for defence and peace economists from around the world to share ideas and discuss the future developments in the following areas:

  • Security in the Balkan Region
  • European Security
  • Economics of Security
  • Globalisation and the restructuring of the MIC
  • Militarism and development
  • Security sector reform
  • Economics of conflict and war
  • Economics of post-conflict reconstruction
  • Economics of arms procurement, trade and offsets
  • Arms races and alliances
  • Peace science
  • Conversion and Demilitarisation
  • Economics of Terrorism

You are cordially invited to submit abstracts and papers on these topics. Offers of papers on other related topics are also welcome.

The conference will have plenary sessions with keynote speakers and specialist workshop streams. Further information on the organization of the conference will be posted on the conference website at:

ekolider.ieu.edu.tr/eab/DEFENCE2010 .

If you are interested in presenting a paper or organizing a session at the 2010 Conference, please send a title and an abstract of 300 words or less to:

The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 22, 2010.

Submissions should also provide information on:






Important Deadlines and Dates

March 22, 2010 / Deadline for receipt of abstracts
April26, 2010 / Decisions on acceptance/rejection of abstracts by Conveners
May 17, 2010 / Deadline for Registrations (otherwise paper will be withdrawn from the conference programme)
May 17, 2010 / Final date for submission of full papers
June17-18, 2010 / 14th Annual International Conference on Economics and Security in Izmir

Conference Organizers:

Prof.Dr.Paul DunneSchool of Economics, University of the West of England, UK

Prof.Dr. Nadir ÖcalDept. of Economics, Middle EastTechnicalUniversity, Ankara/Turkey

Prof Dr. Hakan YetkinerDept. of Economics, IzmirUniversity of Economics, Izmir/Turkey

Prof Dr. Erkan ErdilDept. of Economics, Middle EastTechnicalUniversity, Ankara/Turkey

Prof. Dr. Julide YildirimDept. of Econometrics, GaziUniversity, Ankara/Turkey

Prof. Dr. Teoman PamukcuSTP, Middle EastTechnicalUniversity, Ankara/Turkey

Prof Dr. Müge KaracalDept. of Economics, IzmirUniversity of Economics, Izmir/Turkey

Registration and further information are available from the conference homepage:


Sponsored by: IzmirUniversity of Economics, Middle EastTechnicalUniversity (METU), EPS (UK), EPS (US) and University of the West of England, Bristol