Quiz-Master: Dr. Abdullateef Bello
1. / Give evidence from the Qur’an that it is superior to all previously revealed Books of Allah?
"And We have sent down to you (Oh Muhammad, s.a.w), the Book (this Qur'an) in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it and muhaymin over it (old scripture)…" Q(5:48)
2. / Prophet Muhammad (SAW) performed Tahajjud (night) prayers throughout his life. Give at least 2 Qur’anic verses to support this statement.
"And in some parts of the night (Oh Muhammad, s.a.w) offer the salah.." Q(17:79)
"O you (Muhammad, s.a.w) wrapped up! Stand to pray all night, except a little…" Q(73:2)
"Verily, your Lord knows that you (Muhammad, s.a.w) do stand (to pray at night) …" (Q73:20)
3. / Who are the people that fear not before their Lord?
The Messengers (i.e. Prophets) when they are in front of Allah (Q27:9)
4. / Who was the first prophet to use letter as a means of invitation to Allah's deen and to whom was the letter sent?
Prophet Sulaiman (a.s) , who sent his letter to Queen Sheba
5. / Who are the people to receive double reward on the Day of Judgment?
From the Qur'an:
(i)  those who are patient
(ii)  who repel evil with good
(iii)  and spend out of what We have provided for them
(iv)  the mothers of believers (Q33:31)
From Hadeeth:
(i)  A person who has a slave girl and he educates her properly and teaches her good manners properly and then manumits and marries her.
(ii)  A believer from the People of the Scripture who was a true believers and then believed in Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
(iii)  A slave man who observes Allah's rights and is sincere to his master"
(iv)  Those who use part of their zakah for helping their relatives.
(v)  S(he) who falters when reciting the Qur'an and finds it difficult for him.
((i)-(iii) are from Bukhari, vol. 4, #255, while (iv-v) are also from Bukhari)
6. / Who are the people who will not be questioned about their sins on the Day of Judgment?
The Mujrimun (Q28:78)
7. / Who are the people in this world that will never be successful?
(i) Unbelievers (Q28:82)
(ii) Magicians (Q20:69)
(iii) Zalimun (Q12:23)
(iv) Mujrimun (Q10:17)
8. / What is the best way of supplicating to Allah? Support your answers with Qur’anic verse(s).
In humility and secret (Q:7:55)
9. / Which Qur’anic verse says that the Prophets of Allah are in rank?
" Those Messengers, We preferred some of them to others…" (Q2:253)
"…and We have preferred some of the Prophets above others…" Q(17:55)
10. / A community of people used to rob wayfarers. Who are the people?
People of Lut (Q29:29)
11. / Who are those that Allah guides to Eeman?
(i) those who believe in oneness of Allah and
(ii) do deeds of righteousness
12. / Which verse of the Qur’an contains maximum characteristics of the life of this world for Muslim?
Surah Al-Hadid Verse 20 (Q57: 20)
13. / Who introduced the first aadhan in Friday prayers?
Uthman ibn Affan (r.a) (Third Caliph)
14. / Who are the people to whom Allah will not speak on the Day of resurrection?
From Qur'an:
(i)  They are those who conceal what Allah has sent down of the Book and purchase a small gain therewith (Q2:174)
(ii)  who purchase a small gain at the cost of Allah's Covenant and their oaths. (Q3:77)
(iii)  who have no portion in the Hereafter (Q3:77)
From Hadith:
(i)  An old man who commits zina
(ii)  A king who lies
(iii)  A poor man who is arrogant
(Sahih Muslim, 1/102-103)
15. / Name three actions that are about to take place because people attribute sonship to Allah?
(i)  heavens are almost torn
(ii)  earth is split asunder
(iii)  mountains fall in ruin
16. / Why did Allah narrate the stories of the messengers in the Qur’an?
In order to make strong and firm our heart with the stories. Q(11:120)
17. / Who are those who race for good deeds and are foremost in them?
(i)  They are those who live in awe for fear of their Lord
(ii)  who believe in the signs (revelations) of their lord
(iii)  who join not anyone as partners with their Lord
(iv)  who give charity with their hearts full of fear of their Lord
18. / How would the gathering of the righteous people be on the Day of judgment?
It would be like a delegation presented before a king for honour Q(19:85)
19. / Who are those to receive their reward without reckoning on the Day of Judgment?
Those who are patient (Q39:10)
20. / Provide proof from the Qur’an that the companions of the prophet (SAW) used to observe tahajjud prayers during their lifetime.
21. / What is the importance of ''Alhamdulillahi robbi-l-'alameen'' on the Day of Judgment?
It would be the closing statement of the people of paradise when they make requests. Q(10:10)
22. / How would the faces of people look like on the Day of Judgment and which one would you want to have? Support your answer with Qur’anic verse(s).
Some faces would be white (Q3, 106), shining and radiant (Nadirah) (Q75:22), bright (Musfirah) (Q80:38) and joyful (Na'imah) (Q88:8) while other faces would be black (Q3:107), dark (Basirah) (Q75:24), dust-stained (Gabarah) (Q80:40), humiliated (khashi'ah) Q88:2). May Allah count us among the first group whose faces would be white and looking at their Lord (Q75:23).
23. / If a Muslim woman experiences menstruation during Hajj period, which ritual she cannot perform?
She can not perform Tawaf (Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 6, No. 302)
24. / Which wife of the prophet (SAW) was nicknamed by the Prophet (SAW) as Umm Abdullah?
Mother of Believers Aisha (r.a), because of her special care for her nephew Abdullah ibn Al-Zubayr
25. / Which verse of the Qur’an was revealed in two days of 'eid – Friday and Arafah?
"…This day, I (Allah) have perfected your religion for you, completed My Favour upon you and have chosen for you Islam as your religion…". Q(5:3)
26. / Name the prophets in the Qur’an whose prayers contain forgiveness to Allah.
(i)  Prophet Adam (a.s) (Q7:23)
(ii)  Prophet Musa (a.s) (Q28:15-16)
(iii)  Prophet Daud (a.s) (Q38:25)
(iv)  Prophet Sulaiman (a.s) (Q38:35)
(v)  Prophet Nuh (a.s) (Q11:47)
(vi)  Prophet Ibraheem (a.s) (Q14:41)
(vii)  Prophet Yunus (a.s) (Q37:143)
(viii)  Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) (Q23:118)
27. / What are the other names given to mankind in the Qur’an?
(i)  Khaleefah Q(2:30)
(ii)  Insaan
(iii)  Bani Adam (sons of Adam)
(iv)  'ibadee (My Servants)
28. / Which angel is mentioned most frequently in the Qur’an and how many times?
Angel Jibril. He is mentioned by this name 3 times in the Qur'an (Q2:97-98 and Q66:4). He is also called Rasulin-kareem Q(81:19), Ruh Q(26:193; 70:4; 78:38; 97:4) and Ruh-ul-Qudus Q(2:87,253; 5:110; 16: 102)
29. / If a Muslim avoids major sins, what are the 2 things Allah has promised him/her?
(i)  Sins will be expiated and
(ii)  Admission into a noble entrance (i.e Paradise)
(see Q4:31)
30. / In everyday compulsory salah, Muslim invariably sends greetings to the prophet (SAW). Which aspect of salah is this done and at least how many times a day?
Tashahud, Every Muslim who prays five compulsory prayers does it 9 times a day (1 in Fajr, twice each in Zuhur, Asr, Maghrib and Ishai).
31. / A prophet of Allah is mentioned by name along with his son and grandson. Who was that prophet and how many Qur’anic verses can this be found?
The Prophet was Ibraheem (a.s). He was mentioned along with son and grandson 8 times in the Qur'an (Q2:132,133, 136, 140; Q3:84; Q4:163; Q12:6,38)
32. / The Qur'an gave exact number of people to whom a prophet was sent. Who was the prophet and in which verse is this mentioned?
The Prophet was Yunus (a.s). He was sent to a community of 100,000+ people.
33. / A mosque has two floors for Friday salah: the first floor and the third floor. People on the first floor follow the imam through a loudspeaker. On one Jumuah salah, shortly after the imam (on the third floor) pronounced the first takbir, the speaker stop functioning. If you happen to be observing your salah on the first floor what should be done?
This scene took place in Jeddah at Islamic Education Foundation on Sab'een Street. Allah knows best but what the people on the first floor did that day was that one brother in the first row continued and led the Friday prayer. It should be noted that the people on the first floor had already pronounced the first takbir with the original imam before the incident. Allahu 'alam.
34. / Umar ibn Khattab (r.a), during the time of the Prophet (s.a.w), proposed three things which were later ordained by Allah on Muslims. What are those three things?
(i)  Makama Ibrahim for Salah
(ii)  Hijab for the mothers of Believers (r.a)
(iii)  Killing the captives of Badr
35. / During the conquest of Makkah, Prophet Muhammad recited to the Quraishi a part of Qur’anic verse which, coincidently, was earlier used by a Prophet before him (Muhammad, s.a.w). Where can the verse be found in the Qur’an and who was the other Prophet of Allah who said it and to whom?
(a) The verse is Surah Yusuf, Verse 92 (Q12:92).
(b) The other Prophet was Yusuf (a.s) who said it to his half brothers.
36. / Name the companions of the Prophet (s.a.w) who married his (Muhammad’s, s.a.w) daughters.
(i)  Ali ibn Abu-Talib (r.a) married Fatima (r.a)
(ii)  Uthman ibn Affan (r.a) married Rukiya and Umm-kulthum (r.a)
(iii)  Aaas ibn Rabi' (r.a) married Zainab (r.a)
37. / Which 2 statements, according to a hadeeth, are beloved to Allah?
Subuhana-llaha wabihamdihi subuhana-llahi-l-'azeem
38. / Qur’an mentions places of abode for three different groups in the hereafter. Name the three groups and their abodes.
(i)  dwellers of Paradise Q(7:44)
(ii)  dwellers of Fire Q(7:44)
(iii)  dwellers of Al-A'raf (Q7:46-48)
39. / In whose era was Hijra calendar used for the first time in Islamic history?
Umar ibn Khattab (r.a)
40. / What did the Prophet (s.a.w) leave behind in terms of his belonging when he died?
(i)  a white mule
(ii)  his arms
(iii)  a land which he gave for the poor
41. / Name 7 insects mentioned by name in the Qur’an.
(i)  Mosquito (Q2:26)
(ii)  Ant (Q27:18)
(iii)  Spider (Q28:41)
(iv)  Locust (Q7:133)
(v)  Lice (Q7:133)
(vi)  Fly (Q22:73)
(vii)  Bee (Q16:68-69)
42. / Who among the rightly guided caliphs was murdered by a Non-Muslim?
Umar ibn Khattab (r.a)
43. / In the absence of water for ablution, a Muslim can opt for alternative. What is that alternative and how many times it is mentioned in the Qur’an?
Tayammum, mentioned twice in the Qur'an (Q4:43 & Q5:6)
44. / What are the days mentioned by name in the Qur’an?
Sabt (Saturday, Q2:65; Q4:47 & 154; Q7:163; Q16:124) and Jumu'ah (Friday, Q62:9)
45. / Which surah of the Qur’an contains the first place of prostration (sujjud)?
Surah An-Najm, Verse 62 Q53:62)

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