13 March 2017; 01:00 PM, PRC Office, Mandaluyong / 3
Present: 1. Felix Cinco World Vision
2. Rowena Dacsig UN OCHA
3. Yhen Kai Javier Philippines Red Cross
4. Resty Lou Talamayan Philippines Red Cross
5. Emil Paz Plan International
6. Alberto Aduna FAO
7. Eileen Tufay WFP
8. Ma. Lourdes Macapanpan ILO
9. Gwyneth Palmos ILO
10. Sandra Romero Ruiz IFRC
Absent: 1. UNICEF
3. Save the Children
4. DTI
6. ACF
Business Arising from the Previous Meeting (14 February 2017)
Action Points / Agency/Person Responsible / Status /Date and invitees from the government to present to the CWG SC (DA, DOLE, DAR) on their cash based interventions/programs / FAO for DAR / No agreements reached, not discussed in the March meeting
Matrix of Chair and Co-Chair for the 4 months / OCHA / Done – To include World Vision
3W template for the agency mapping on presence, completed and on-going CTP initiatives / OCHA / Done – Received accomplished matrix from WFP
Draft concept note of the In-Country Pool of Trainers for CTP in Emergencies / WV / Done – circulated the draft, WFP, IFRC provided their comments
Checklist for the minimum and advance preparedness activities of the CWG / OCHA / Done – adopted by the group 13 March meeting
Incorporate comments and recommendations for the 2017 priorities/work plan / OCHA / Done – adopted and will be reviewed as needed
Email and invite Start Network Coordinator – Jing Pura, to present overview of the project; Link the IN-Country Pool of Trainers for CTP in Emergencies initiatives as part of the surge capacity / OCHA / Done – rescheduled due conflicting priorities
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Resty Lou Talamayan representing Philippines Red Cross, current CWG chair for the quarter at about 01:30 PM.
Review and Approval of the Previous Meeting Minutes
The draft meeting minutes was sent to the CWG SC members in advance for review and revert comments if any. There were no comments received by the Secretariat. The previous meeting minutes was again reviewed during the meeting (13 March).
Agenda Approval and New Business
Prior to the meeting, the proposed agenda was circulated to the members for comments and suggestions, no comments and suggestions was received from the members thus the following agenda was approved by the members on the meeting day itself.
1. Discussions and finalization of the CWG 2017 Priorities / Work Plan – PRC
2. Presentation of Start Network – Surge Capacity c/o Jing Pura
3. Discussions of the Concept Note on the IN-Country Pool of Trainers on CTP in Emergencies – World Vision
4. Updates and way forward discussions of the Social Protection Task Team – ILO
5. Discussions on the operationalization of Cash in the Clusters
6. AOB – Sharing of skype meeting with IRC re: Market Analysis Training and review of the draft concept note the
Highlights of Discussion
Agenda Item Number / Discussions / Agreements Reached / Action Points and Responsible Agency/Person /1 / Copy of the draft CWG 2017 Work Plan / Priorities was pre-circulated before the meeting.
The document will be reviewed as necessary and updated as needed. / CWG 2017 Priorities / Work plan adopted
2 / Confirmation cancelled 4 days before the meeting due to equally important activity / Re-scheduled on later dates
OCHA to lais with the Start Network for another schedule
3 / WV provided an overview of the concept notes content further informing that it is still on the process of drafting / WV to send to OCHA draft for sharing to the CWG SC meeting for comments
4 / ILO shared to the group the content of the ToR of the Social Protection Task Team. Further informing of their recommendation to go-over the ToR again and make revisions to make it more inclusive as it is specifically focused on the DSWD AO on CFW.
Accordingly, the current ToR is not inclusive and that there is a need to make it more appropriate to current needs and discussions on social protection.
ILO informed that the support to hire for a consultant still stands and available. / Social Protection Task Team ToR will be reviewed again.
ILO to convene the Task Team after DSWD meeting
5 / IFRC shared on the discussions for the operationalization of cash in the clusters and potential activities. WV also shared discussions on ensuring that cash is part of cluster plans.
To operationalize cash in clusters, it was recommended that activities should be practical and all clusters should be able to use the tools. Training on cash can be cluster specific. Invite cluster coordinators in cash activities. Another recommendation is a tip sheet for the clusters.
Conduct a forum for all cluster leads and government agencies sometime June. It can be planned as the regular general assembly. / Conduct of a forum for government agencies, cluster coordinators and CWG members on June 2017.
6 / WFP, IFRC and OCHA shared to the group the skype meeting with IRC, agreements and highlights. Backgrounder was provided by WFP. Group was informed that it is an on-going discussion with IRC to provide Market Analysis Training. Proposed date of conduct is June 2017.
Concept note was shared in the meeting, final copy will be sent to IRC for their review and consideration through WFP. / Share electronic copy of the concept note for inputs of the group COB 16 March.
Meeting with government agencies. Start with DSWD relative to the review of the social protection policies on cash and the current initiative on the development of the National Framework for Cash in Emergencies.
The following meeting agenda are as follows:
1. Briefing of DSWD officials on CWG, informing/reminding them of their membership to the CWG SC
2. Discuss on the priority policies like the national framework, current cash related policies and the 4Ps program and identify possible areas of support. / OCHA to set a meeting with DSWD Officials on 4 April at 2:00 PM
Announcement of the next Chair
OCHA and PRC informed that April is the last month for PRC to host the meetings and as Chair of the CWG, Plan International is the next chair for a period of 4 months.
Schedule of next meeting, time, venue and indicative agenda
· Next meeting is on 4 April
· Time: 01:00 pm
· Venue: PRC Office
· Chair: PRC
There having no other agenda to discuss the meeting was adjourned by the chair at about 15:23 pm.
[Rowena C. Dacsig
Humanitarian Affairs Analyst
30 March 2017]