Carla B. Tracy


124 Hillcrest AvenueThomas TredwayLibrary

Davenport, IA 52803AugustanaCollege

639 38th Street

Rock Island, IL 61201

Phone: (563)322-1518Phone: (309)794-7266

Fax: (309)794-7640



Master of Arts, Library and Information Science.University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. 1993

Master of Science, Social Welfare. University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 1977

Master of Arts, English. University of ConnecticutStorrs, Connecticut. 1973

Bachelor of Arts, English. Carroll College, Waukesha, Wisconsin. 1971


Director, Thomas TredwayLibrary, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL.February, 2003-present. (Interim Director, August, 2002-January, 2003)

Serve as chief managerial officer for all library activities and the library budget; represent the library to the Augustana community and to Illinois library organizations; directly supervise nine librarians, one administrative supervisory staff member, and one clerical staff member; indirectly supervise six support staff; conduct library instruction sessions; and serve as bibliographer and liaison for the Business and EducationDivision.

Collection Development Coordinator and Social Sciences Division Liaison, Augustana College Library, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL. December, 1997-July, 2002.

Oversee the library’s collection as a whole; manage licensing and current subscriptions to electronic resources; facilitate participation in consortia; conduct yearly review of periodical subscriptions; develop and manage projects to improve all aspects of the collection; receive, acknowledge, and manage decisions concerning gift items for the main library; provide reference desk assistance; conduct library instruction sessions; and serve as bibliographer and liaison for the Social Sciences Division. During several of my years as Collection Development Coordinator, the position of Technical Services Librarian was vacant. As a result, I was very involved in many technical services activities and served as a key resource person for the staff.

Reference Coordinator and Social Sciences Division Liaison, Augustana College Library, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL. August, 1995-November, 1997.

Facilitate operation of the reference desk by scheduling desk coverage; keep librarians informed of reference issues or changes; troubleshoot equipment or other problems; gather reference statistics; and act as resource to other librarians in areas concerning reference; conduct library instruction; and serve as bibliographer and liaison for the Social Sciences Division.

Reference Librarian and Social Sciences Division Liaison, Augustana College Library, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL. August, 1994-July, 1995.

Serve on the reference desk approximately 20 hours each week; conduct library instruction; and serve as bibliographer and liaison for the Social Sciences Division.

Coordinator, Adolescent Pregnancy and Prevention Services Adoption Education project, Maternal Health Center, Bettendorf, Iowa.September, 1989-January, 1992.

Develop all project activities; network with community agencies, schools, and medical resources; create public information materials; develop programs for patients, students and professionals. Extensive public speaking, as well as grant writing and reporting to the State of Iowa were part of my duties.

Adoption Specialist, Bethany Christian Services, Illinois. February, 1984-September, 1988.

Lecturer, Department of Sociology, St. Ambrose University, Davenport, Iowa.September, 1980-September, 1981.

Assistant to the Dean, University of Wisconsin Center, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin.August, 1977-July 1979.

Coordinator of ESEA, Title I project, Penfield Children’s Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. November, 1973-August, 1975.

AugustanaCollege Committees and Activities

Strategic Planning Task Force Two, Working Group #3 (Retention) Spring 2013-present.

Higher Learning Commission Accreditation VisitTeam,

Construction Team, Augustana Center for Student Life, February 2011-present.

Task Force to Develop a Combined Center, June 2010-January 2011.

Dean Search Committee, March-December, 2010; appointed by the president of Augustana College.

Director of Institutional Research search, March, 2010; selected to articipate in


Faculty Senate Steering Committee member and Faculty Senate Secretary, 2009-2010.

TeagleII grant committee, August 2008-August, 2011; grant to study effectiveness of senior capstone projects.

Web Management Taskforce, 2007-2008. Selected to participate in interviews for new Web Manager.

Student Research Committee, September 2008-August 2012.

Co-chair, 2007 and 2008 Celebration of Learning: A Student Research Symposium

Coordinator, Women’s and Gender Studies Celebration, 2006-07; in honor of the new WGS major, arranged for and scheduled Stephanie Koontz, family studies expert, daylong campus residence.

North Central Association Self-Study working group (Criterion 4), September, 2004-present.

General Education Committee, advisory (non-voting) librarian, August, 2002-August, 2004.

Senior Inquiry Development Committee, advisory (non-voting) librarian, September,2006-June, 2009.

Augustana Center for Vocational Reflection Advisory Committee, August, 2002-2005.

Faculty Senate, 1996-97; 2001-2004; 2007-2010.

Augustana Computing Committee, September, 2004-present.

Internship Committee, September, 1996-May, 1999.

Women’s and Gender Studies Board, September, 1997-May, 2009. Advisory Board, 2009-2011.

Fundraiser for Quad-Cities Domestic Violence Center (annual project of the Women’s and Gender Studies Program), Steering Committee, 1998-2005; co-chair of the event in 2000 and 2001.

Safety Officer, Library, September, 1998-2001.

“Perspectives” (book discussion group leader during Fall orientation), 1997-1999.

“Campus Life” (workshop for area junior high girls, sponsored by Women’s and Gender Studies Program), 1995 and 1996.


Tracy, Carla. “Fast Forward: The Transformation of Excellence,” Excellence in the Stacks: Strategies, practices and reflections of award-winning libraries, Chandos Publishing, forthcomingMarch 2013.

Tracy, Carla. “Upon Mistakenly Shredding a Prized Collection,” The Chronicle of Higher Education,” July 25, 2011

Doyle-Wilch, Barbara and Carla Tracy.“Cultivating Our Garden: The Impact of Digital Full Text Periodicals on the Liberal Arts College Library.”Collection Management, 2000, 25, (1-2) pp. 1-16.


Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year.Awarded by the Illinois Library Association and the Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries, July 2013.


Panel member/presenter, “Value Enhanced: Reimagining a Philosophy of Excellence.” American Library Association 2013 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, June 29, 2013.

Panel member/presenter,"Library Space Remodels/Redesigns: Lessons Learned."CARLI webinar,April 26, 2013.

Presenter,“The Organization and Benefits of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI.)”Iowa Private Academic Libraries (IPAL) library directors’ meeting, annual IPAL conference, April 4, 2013.

Presenter, “Last Year at Augustana: 6 librarians, 200 faculty, and 50,000 books.” Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries of Illinois Workshop , July 2012.

Panel member/presenter,“Fusion Libraries: New Models for New Times,” American Library Association Annual Conference, Anaheim, CA, June 2012.

Presenter, “A Brief History of Academic Library Consortia in Illinois” to eastern Iowa academic librarians (requested by the Southeast Iowa Library System), 2008.

Presenter, 22nd Annual CharlestonLibrary Conference, Charleston, S.C., October 31-November 2, 2002. “Statewide Library Assessment in Illinois”; with co-presenters Mary Munroe, Associate Dean, Collections and Technical Services, Northern Illinois University; and Glenda Lins, Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (OCLC).

Presenter, The Nancy Drew Conference, sponsored by the University of Iowa Schools of Journalism and of Library and Information Science, April 17-18, 1993. “Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden: Gender Related Differences in Theme and Storytelling Style.” Paper was selected for presentation in a juried process.

Other Professional Activities

Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI)Products and Services Vetting Committee, CARLI standing committee, June, 2009-June, 2011.

Chair, CARLI Board of Directors, 2007-2008.

Harvard/ACRL Institute for Senior Academic Librarians, attended August, 2008.

CARLI Personnel Committee, 2005-2007; participated in hiring first CARLI Executive Director.

CARLI Board of Directors and founding member, July, 2005-June, 2009.

Harvard/ACRL Institute for Academic Librarians, attended August, 2003.

Illinois Collection Assessment Steering Committee (grant-funded project to assess Illinois academic library collections), 2000-2003.

Illinois Cooperative Collection Management Board member, September, 1998-July, 2005.

Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries, Secretary, 2003-2004.

Oberlin Group of Library Directors, September, 2002-present.

Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries 2002 Conference Planning Committee, 2001-2002.

Quad-Linc Electronic Library Advisory Committee, River BendLibrary System, 2001-2004.

Western Illinois Regional Humanities Council, 1997-1999.

Grant writer, (contractual) for Maternal Health Center, 1993-94.

Professional Memberships

American Library Association, 1996-present

Association of College and Research Libraries, 2000-present

Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries, 2001-present

Beta Phi Mu (Library Sciences Honor Society), 1995-present.