Tricia Araki

1202 Prospect Street

Honolulu, HI 96822

(808) 587-4520


February 8, 2008, 1:15 p.m.

Room 225, State Capitol


Stevenson Middle School CIP

(Written Testimony Only)

Chairman Sakamoto, Vice Chair Tokuda, and Members of the Committee:

I offer my testimony in strong support of Senate Bill 2580 Relating to Education. This bill appropriates funds to be used by the Department of Education to provide current classroom improvements as well as the provision of space for a multi-purpose room.

My team is the only 6thgrade team at our school, as well as the largest team. We have had the greatest increase in grade population over the past five years. Another feeder school has been added into our system, bringing more students to our school. .

The multi-purpose room would allow our team and school to collaborate on interdisciplinary units (IDU). The National Middle School Association recommends the use of IDUs to enhance the social, emotional, and cognitive growth of young adolescents. This appropriation would assist us in reaching our school goal of becoming a science signature school as our learning would have a science focus supported by the other disciplines.

In the best interest of our middle school students, I strongly urge you to support Senate Bill 2580.

Respectfully submitted by,

Tricia Araki