12 Weeks of Giving Guide

For Organ Procurement Organizations and Donate Life America Affiliates

The following is a guide for participating in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Workplace Partnership for Life 12 Weeks of Giving campaign. It is designed to lead you and your team through the three phases of the campaign, and is intended to be a guide only. You are encouraged to tailor your activities and strategies according to your organization’s specific strengths and key relationships, bearing in mind a handful of important dates:

Enrollment: October 19 – November 17
Review your lists
·  Look over your current list of Workplace Partners; compare that list with the WPFL Database report.
·  Officially enroll Partners you work with but who aren’t in the WPFL Database.
Identify opportunity
·  Target the ten most promising Workplace Partners, focusing on the largest number of employees.
·  Be sure to take advantage of low-hanging fruit: Ford, DSA Hospitals, state or local government, local universities or colleges, and statewide associations.
·  Share DSA goals with potential partners so they know what you are working toward.
·  Secure commitments from your Workplace Partners.
·  Establish a contact schedule with participating partners and stick to it.
·  Send your enrollment form to Akoya. Be sure to include baseline registry measurement and DSA goals.
Focus on results
·  Identify and select “Ideas for Action” for each partner. Be sure to choose high-return, measurable actions. Choose from the suggested list or develop your own.
Implementation: November 20 – February 12
Just do it
·  Launch into 12-week timeline. Tailor it according to your organization’s capabilities and the willingness of your participating partners. Maximize all events and opportunities that fall within the measurement period.
Measurement: Through March 19, 2007
Be flexible
·  Work with your registry administrator to determine measurement options and a schedule for communicating updates. This would ideally be done on a monthly basis.

·  Check numbers to identify best practices; re-evaluate your action plan to implement most successful tactics.
Report in
·  Send monthly results reports to Emily at . Reports are due on the first business day of each month, starting 1/2/07. Be sure to include partner organization name and contact, activity details, number of potential donors, and number of donors registered.

Interested in hearing more or sharing your successes?

Contact Shelly Morningstar at Akoya to participate in the monthly WPFL Learning Calls.
(412) 481-9800 or .