Board members + 10 parents

Decided that we will conduct monthly meetings on 3rd Thursday of each month
Prior Action Items completed:
- Completed Home bullpen area - Coaches Diaz/Capistran/Callahan & others
- - Website created
Rockies Tickets (Responsible: Coach Diaz)

- 12/5/15 Board Members will meet with Rockies to pick games for fundraiser

Banners (Responsible: Coach Diaz/Mike Kelly)
- Banner documents located at under Documents tab

- Discussion on banner renewal fee of $200. For now, we will keep renewal at $200
Starlighting – 11/21/15 (Responsible: Shawn Byrne)

-Shawn & Kim discussed items needed for the event. Tent and

Winter Workouts (right after school)

Freshman/Sophomore (Tentative) 3-4pm Junior/Senior 4-5pm

- Weight/Conditioning Program – starts December (Tue/Fri) Cost not discussed

- Hitting Program – starts Dec. 2nd (Mon/Wed/Thu) – Register soon $125 for 3 mos

(see Winter Workout doc at -> Documents)

Arizona (Spring Break)

- Freshman/Sophomores – no games

- JV – working on local games

- Varsity – travel to Arizona

- Rent 2 vans that Coach Diaz and Coach Capistran will drive

- Mandatory: Your son will ride down with team and return with team

- Working on visit to Cubs Facility and/or ASU Campus

Summer Program

- More info to come in next few weeks. Kids are allowed to play anywhere but CV will have a solid program.

- Out-of-state tournaments planned: Omaha (during CWS), Firecracker (CA), and Vegas

- Need to survey parents on who is interested in summer ball

- Will try to have important dates on front page

- Most docs and resources will be available here

Community Service

- Kids will be involved with some type of community service such as Sr. Citizens, Disabled Vets and/or Disabled Young adults

Expenses discussed:

Expenses will soon be available for view on website under SaberCat Diamond Club section

Field Maintenance

We will need assistance to spread/move 8 cubic yards of dirt around. Date/Time TBD

- Dirt

- 8 cubic yards: $313

- Visitor Bullpen Materials

- $315

- Portable Mound/Bullpen (will be built by Coach Diaz with leftover wood)

Baseball Equipment

- Hats and Coaches Gear already ordered


- Discussed about possibility of additionally compensating coaches for job well done thus far

- More discussion needed for this as District does not allow this. Looking into work-around.