Wednesday, March 22, 2017
12:00-1:30 pm, University Union, Havasupai C room
MeetMe line: (928) 523-6629
- Call to order
- Roll call and introductions
- Chris Lanterman called meeting to order.
- Approval of minutes from February meeting
- Ray motioned to approve February meeting minutes. Kris seconded the motion. All commissioners were in favor of approving the minutes. Motion passed.
- Minutes are available online on the CDAD website.
- Update on diversity strategic plan
- Departure of Carmen Phelps and possibilities for new CDO. Dr. Phelps is no longer serving as NAU’s chief diversity officer. The diversity strategic plan is in a period of transition. Perhaps, there will be a fall 2017 search for a new chief diversity officer. Or, perhaps, there will be an internal search. President Cheng hasn’t decided which direction to go yet.
- New timeline. Co-chairs met with President Cheng on Monday to discuss the direction of the diversity committees and the diversity strategic plan. We expect a full draft of the plan by fall 2017 semester. The plan will be made available for public comment and input. Now, the commissions will make a decision if the firm who worked on the university strategic plan, will work on the diversity strategic plan. The commissions’ voice will be the strongest when editing the diversity strategic plan. The new timeline is aimed at incorporating community feedback and developing stakeholders as well as making the process more transparent.
- New work will focus on accountability, efficiency, developing diversity strategic plans specific to each college. When dealing with upper administration at NAU, we must not only make demands, but provide tenable solutions.
- NAU’s diversity strategic planning process will hopefully look like University of Michigan’s model. The process will become transparent. Commissioners commented on this. Michigan’s diversity model does not provide us with our NAU context. Michigan has millions of dollars in endowments to support diversity ideals. They have lawyers who work in the Supreme Court to promote diversity. This is just a model to follow for transparency and a process not the ultimate outcome. That will be uniquely NAU.
- Commissioners posed questions about the co-chairs’ meeting with the president. Did the president identify her priorities? This way, we can identify our focus as a commission. The president supports the framework in which the diversity plan is written, the eight specific goals. The new plan will be more concise. Will NAU use resources and give funds for promoting diversity? There are limited resources, but there are resources of ‘will.’ The plan is a comprehensive plan. There are not enough resources to implement everything in the plan all at once.
- Look for feedback opportunities in the coming weeks
- Leadership award voting
- NAU select survey to be posted by end of the week. There are a number of nominees. Voting will conclude by March 31. The executive committee will select 3-4 candidates from the nominees. The commissions will give awards at the May 2, 2017 diversity awards banquet. Everyone on the commission is invited to attend. Please RSVP, invitations sent out in early or mid-April.
- Disability heritage month planning
- Executive committee will have a draft plan for disability heritage month by next meeting (April 19, 2017). Please send ideas to any executive committee member (Chris, Lauren, Jamie, David, Ray, Jason, Matthew, Kris).
- Commissioners planned for disability heritage month. IHD’s 50th’s anniversary will include a lunch and learning series. IHD is looking into funding speakers to visit campus. There is an opportunity for CDAD to work with IHD. Also, there is a chance to work with SUN Entertainment and use STAC funding. Matthew spoke about a meeting with Cline Library staff. Cline Library will buy books based on disability studies and they want to help sponsor an event for disability heritage month. They will provide a mini display and will host a panel discussion with students earning a disability studies minor. There is a potential to bring in authors to speak at Cline Library.
- Commissioners discussed disability studies. There is interest in making a master’s program in disability studies. IHD is in SBS. IHD is not given enough resources. There is a changing climate—how will things be funded in the future? They want our participation, but they do not provide funding. This is a Catch-22, we need students to get resources, and we need resources to get students. The disability studies minor is so innovative, maybe we as CDAD can promote its benefits and impact. There are capable candidates to teach these classes, but there is not funding, and extra fees attached when professors teach online, from out of state.
- Perhaps, disability heritage month can focus on universal design and disability studies. NAU needs to understand the importance of universal design. E-learning can work with providing information on universal design for faculty. CDAD needs to present our accomplishments during disability heritage month. Disability represents the greatest diversity population. ATC has access to 360 degree cameras.
- Project updates on campus
- CDAD members met with capital planning and campus operations director. The director is pushing universal design. University Dr. continues to be closed. CDAD is waiting on honor’s college building blueprint; we have proposed changes in entrances and study areas. Commissioners discussed convocation center, new basketball area, and redesign of the fieldhouse.
- Other business
- Taylor is looking to intern with CDAD and wants to develop diversity knowledge. Taylor will work with the CDAD executive committee and help plan for disability heritage month.
- Matthew spoke about April 21, 2017 scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt will take place on south campus. Facilities services is interested in working with NAU 4 All on this.
Meeting adjourned 1:33