Minutes of the Laceby Parish Council Planning and Community Funding Meeting held at the Stanford Centre Cooper Lane Laceby on Tuesday 21st November 2017 at 7.30 p.m.

11886 Present: Chairman – Councillor D. Marshall.

Councillors: - Mrs. S. Turner. P. Schofield.

Mrs. B. Metcalf – Vice Chairman. S. Murray.

D. Johnson. Mrs. S. Greenbeck.

Also Present: - Mr. D. Read – Reporting on NELC Local Plan.

Two Members of the Public.

Debbie Weatherill – Clerk.

11887 Apologies: - Ward Councillor – D. Hasthorpe.

Councillors: Mrs. J. Howells. Mrs. L. Townend.

11888 Declarations of Interest – none received.

11889 Dispensation requests – none received.

The meeting was then suspended whilst public forum took place.

Mr. D. Read then gave an overview of the NELC Local Plan modifications (a summary of which had already been lodged with NELC planning).

Mr Read stated that the North East Lincolnshire Area would be split into 4 groups these being:- A – Estuary Zone; B – Urban Area; C Western and Southern Arc; and D – Rural Area; Laceby being included in group C the arc villages along with Healing, New Waltham, Waltham and Humberston.

Arc villages provided a good range of accessible services for local residents and had historic patterns of growth. Arc villages in combination would provide 30 – 35% of new homes on the fringes of Arc settlements.

Along with proposed developments off Butt Lane and Field Head Road Laceby – there was the potential of building development on the land west of Morrisons, Laceby Acres and Wybers Wood Estates with a potential change of the Laceby Parish Boundary.

A new potential Grimsby West Link Road would be an integral part of any housing development west of Morrisons and would be in the Parish of Laceby. It also mentioned changes to the development boundary for Laceby.

A member of the public brought to the attention a matter which was discussed, then the Chairman closed public forum.

The Chairman, Councillor Marshall then reconvened the meeting to discuss items on the agenda:-

11890 Planning Matters

DM/1019/17/FUL – erect a single storey wrap around side and rear extension at 3 George Butler Close Laceby

Members considered plans and other information provided and it was proposed by Councillor Schofield, seconded by Councillor Metcalf that no objections should be raised. Carried unanimously.

DM/0981/17/FUL – erect single storey extension, adjoining the existing building and steel fame canopy at Morrisons, Hillmore Road Laceby

Members considered plans and other information provided and it was proposed by Councillor Turner, seconded by Councillor Greenbeck that no objections should be raised. Carried unanimously.

It was noted that Beech Court was not going to be knocked down.

11891 Community Funding

Resolved that all Councillors should have a say in the matter of community funding projects.

Clerk stated that there was to be no match funding and that it would appear that the Company wanted the Laceby Parish Council to find and propose suitable grant funding projects for the area.

The Clerk was requested to ask if Churches were allowed funding, whether constitutions for organisations wishing funding would be required and if they would like any of their logos on posters to go up around the village.

The Clerk was to email all Councillors with information received so far and if possible produce a poster for consideration.

11892 Resolved to hold the next meeting of the Laceby Parish Council on 5th December 2017.

The Meeting was closed by the Chairman, Councillor Marshall, at 8.35 p.m.

SIGNED…………………………………………………… 5TH December 2017


Laceby Parish Council Planning & Funding Meeting 21 November 2017Page 1