Communication Skills I

Oral Communication in the Content Areas

Reading and Listening in the Content Areas

Writing in the Content Areas

(ESOL Elective ClassesforHigh SchoolEL Students)

Course Syllabus 201-2016

Mrs. Suzanne Smith

(912) 526-4286

Course Description: This is an ESOL elective course for high school EL students.As such, it

will focus on the integration of academic English language skills across various content areas.

These may include, but are not limited to, reading, writing, listening, speaking, critical

thinking, language, vocabulary, research, and study skills. Instruction will be designed to

address the unique academic needs of ELLs, as well as to prepare thesestudents for various

standardized tests, such as the Georgia Milestone Assessmentsand/or SLO exams for content

area courses, and the ACCESS for ELLs Assessment.Students will also receive supplemental

instruction in and assistance with content-area assignments and projects as needed.

Text(s): A variety of appropriate texts will be utilized for thesecourses, including (but

not limited to) theChampion of Ideas curriculum for ESL students and various other texts

studied in these students’ content-area classes.

Supplies Needed: (Including other supplies as announced in class)

three-ring binder with 5 dividers loose-leaf notebook paper highlighters

pencils and pens (blue or black) correction fluid or tape 3” X 5” index cards

Grading: All assignments turned in must be legible in order to receive a grade.

Peer rating of assignments is a learning activity. Grades for these activities will reflect a combination of peer and teacher grading. Work on assignments for other content-area classes will also receive a grade in the EL class. For example, students may work on current events articles for a health class during the EL class and receive a grade for that assignment in both classes.

Daily grades (formative assessments) will constitute 50% of the grade. Some assignments will count more times than others, since daily work grades are often a better indication of a student’s effort and academic achievement than test grades are. Daily grades will count one time each unless otherwiseannounced. Good study skills are vital for academic success. Adequate notes are necessary in order to sufficiently prepare for tests and other assignments. Students are expected to maintain notebooks, which may be graded periodically. Individual daily work logs and daily bellringer assignments will be a major component of these notebooks, and will therefore count several times. Quizzes will also fall into this category. Tests will be announced in advance. Quizzes to check forcomprehension may or may not be announced in advance. Unannounced notebook checks and quizzes may also occur.

Projects, major writing assignments, and tests (summative assessments)

will constitute 50% of the grade. Examples of other assignments which may

count two or more times each are book reports/reviews, projects, and some

composition assignments. Notebooks will be graded at the end of each eight-weeks

period. This grade counts three times.

In the event of absence, it is the student’sresponsibility to make up any missed assignments. Daily bellringer assignments and work logs will be graded weekly, as will current events articles.

My Big Campus/USA TestPrep: Sign up with to keep up with important class updates, receive study guides, etc. From time to time studentsmay be required to complete some assignments in MBC and USA TestPrep. Students will receive grades for these tasks when completed.

Parent Portal: Parents should sign up in the Toombs County High School office in order to receive access to student grades, assignments, etc. Parents may also sign up to receive text messages from the TCBOE about events going on in the school system, such as school closings, parent meetings, etc.

Expectations: Basic classroom rules may be summarized in a phrase commonly heard at TCHS, “Do right!” In other words, be on time, be prepared, and be respectful and courteous in one’s treatment of others. This includes being respectful of the feelings, property, and personal space of others. Students are expected to follow all guidelines and rules of Toombs County High School with regard to conduct (including cell phone and internet use), dress code, academic integrity, and punctuality.

Students are expected to bring the appropriate materials to class each day. Many supplies are provided, but students are expected to anticipate their need of these supplies and ask for what they need. Students should also remember to ask for items that they may need for other content-area classes so that they will be prepared to learn when they arrive at those classes.

A variety of disciplinary actions will be utilized to correct inappropriate behavior. These consequences include, but are not limited to: non-verbal and verbal warnings, change of seat/location, parent contacts, reflective written assignments, after-school detention, and office referrals. Severe class disruptions will result in immediate office referral.

The teacher reserves the right to implement additional policies as needed.

Important Notes:

Plagiarism is unethical, immoral, and illegal. Do not plagiarize others’ work.

The bell does not dismiss the class. Students are not leave their desks without permission.

Students arenot to enter the teacher’s office without permission. Notify the teacher when various school supplies need to be replenished.

Misbehaving while a substitute or guest is present will result in disciplinary action.

No one is to write on desks, walls, posters, bulletin boards, etc. Vandalism is illegal.

A notebook is provided for students to sign in and out when entering or leaving the classroom at times other than those specified by the school bells. Tardy students must sign in and turn tardy slips and/or notes in to the teacher. Students who need to use the restroom must wait for an appropriate time, use a hall pass, and sign out. They will then sign back in and turn in the pass upon returning to the classroom. There are only two hall passes. Students may leave class to go to the restroom four times per semester without penalty. At the teacher’s discretion, up to three additional restroom visits per semester may be granted, but an assignment will be given to make up the missed classroom time.