10 Major Aspects of the Ascension
1. The earth with its’ human race is leaving the 3rd dimensional level of creation and consciousness and moving into the 5th dimensional level of awareness
2. The earth will reconfigure its’ surface, atoms will spin faster and
all physical matter will be less dense.
3. Our physical bodies will be modified, better communication between hemispheres of the brain, and able to work out of conscious and subconscious simultaneously.
4. Our DNA is changing. More active codons, new strands of DNA will be added to our 2 strand helix. Our carbon base is to change to silicon. This will cause one to experience many physical symptoms.
5. Changes are occurring throughout our solar system. Output of the sun has increased, magnetic poles are shifting and most atmospheres are changing.
6. Our solar system is about to enter the positive photon belt. It will take 2000 years to go through it. This gives us a powerful boost to move into higher dimensions.
7. The number of Indigo/Crystal people is increasing. Historically, it has been a fraction of 1%. As recent as January of 2008, 77% of babies born are caring these energies.
8. Three predictions where made for our earth and humanity:
1. Mass destruction—no longer a possibility
2. Some of humanity moves into the 5th dimension of awareness, some stay in the 3rd dimension.
3. If critical mass is reached, the entire planet and all of humanity ascend.
9. Institutions that comprise a society—governments, economics,
Religion, education, etc. will be rebuilt, based on 5th dimensional principles of Love, At-one-ment and Personal Sovereignty.
10. Humans become physical angels. The world becomes Heaven on
Earth. This is the first major step in our journey back to the
Heart and Mind of Source/Creator/God.
Recommended books:
The Shift, Owen Waters
The Mayan Code, Barbara Hand Clow
Zero Point, Greg Braden
The Mystery of 2012; Greg Braden, Peter Russell, etc.
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