10.9.12 Parish Advisory Council Fall Meeting Minutes

Present: Karin Teglia, Bill Bright, Janet Caschetta, Jim Clauer, Dan Cochran, Lisa DenBesten, Fr. David, Patrick Falvey, Kathleen Gorman, Katie Hayes, Harry Kannry, Jerry Klafta, Jessica Koch, Connie Madden, MJ Martin, Deacon Tom McGorey, Sheila McLaughlin, Jerry Moran, Fr. Fil, Cara Rafanelli, Deacon John Schopp, Michelle Snorewicz, Betsy Spiering, Betsy Sullivan, John Tuohy, Ellen Twomey, Kerry Ward

Absent: Elizabeth Russell-Jones, Brian Murphy, Deacon Joe Pepitone

Rediscover Catholicism Book Seminar

The PAC welcomed Mary Runger who led us in an opening prayer. Mary, who is from St. Margaret Mary Parish of Naperville, holds a Master of Arts in Family Ministry and Faith Development (MAFM) from Dominican University. Mary is working with a team of volunteer parishioners from SJC to bring a Rediscover Catholicism Book Seminar (by Matthew Kelly) to our parish. The book will be gifted to parishioners the second weekend in Advent, and parish hospitality – seminar registration will take place the following weekend. The sessions, which will begin in January, will run three times per week every other week over 10 weeks. The team is also exploring the possibility of having Matthew Kelly come to our parish for a 5 hour Passion & Purpose mini-retreat.

Mary would like to meet with each Consultative Body, Ministry Advisory Group and key parish organizations during October and November to introduce herself and the Book Seminar. Then in December, all parishioners will have an opportunity to meet Mary when she will share the details of the Book Seminar at all weekend Masses. Mary asked to be put on the agenda for 10 minutes at the beginning of the following parish meetings:

October 12 Noon- Senior Club luncheon, Oct 16 7pm- School Board, October 18 9am - Women’s Club Board

Nov 6 7pm- YC Council, Nov 7 – Flourish Women’s Group, Nov 15 7:30pm - Outreach Advisory,

Nov 19 5:30pm - Finance Council, Date tbd - Men’s Club, Nov. 4 10am -Crossroads Advisory

Questions Related to Pre-Read Materials

PAC members briefly discussed questions related to the pre-read material including having Theology on Tap at our parish, electronic giving plans, plans for an electronic sign, fair trade sales, and plans for a Christmas play at one of our sharing parishes.

Evaluation of PAC

PAC members evaluated the two year old Parish Advisory Council to determine if we are on track in terms of our goals and accomplishments.

  • Overwhelmingly, PAC members felt that the Council has been very effective in fulfilling its goals of communicating and collaborating between the staff and consultative bodies/ministry advisory groups and the parish at large and has been effective in helping the parish to live out its vision and mission.
  • The following areas of concern were highlighted:

>Are we getting feedback from parishioners?

>Is the parish aware of what the PAC does?

>Do our communications reach outside of those who regularly attend church? Are we reaching the whole parish?

>Have we set our goals too low?

>What do the members of the consultative bodies and ministry advisory groups think of how the PAC is functioning. Have they grown from our efforts?

Perspective on Pulse of Parish

When asked to describe the pulse of the parish in one word PAC members shared:

  • Energetic
  • Progressive
  • Escalating
  • Naïve (within the context of understanding parish financial situation)
  • Vibrant, but Limited (within the context of moving beyond our boundaries)
  • Irregular (within the context of making progress on all of our goals)

Financial Report

Lisa DenBesten, the chairperson of the Finance Council, discussed the 2011-2012 fiscal year report that will be shared with the parish at weekend Masses on Nov. 3-4. The following key points were made:

  • Sunday and holyday offertory collections comprised 85% of parish revenue which covered 92% of parish expenses. Expenses, while below budget, were above prior year figures. Offertory and Christmas collections have trended downward over the past several years.
  • The parish subsidy to the school, which represents roughly 22% of school expenses, was on budget. As in prior years, school tuition increased. Capital improvements in the school building were made possible by a generous donor.
  • The parish recorded an operating deficit of ($138,000) compared to a $67,000 excess in 2010-2011. When extraordinary income is factored, the parish picture improved to a loss of ($37,000) compared to prior year where net income totaled $377,000. This is mostly attributed to lower returns on our investments.
  • The budget for the current fiscal year, 2012-2013, is projected to be at a ($107,000) deficit.
  • The Finance Council is concerned about the fiscal health of the parish and is in the process of determining how best to reverse this downward trend and how best to communicate the state of our financial situation.

New Committee on Stewardship of Time, Talent, and Treasure

The last paragraph of our parish mission statement reads:

To support this mission, we will communicate effectively, promote lay leadership and collaborative models of governance, and faithfully steward our time, talent and treasure.

Given that the PAC believes that we are communicating and collaborating effectively and in light of the financial forecast of the parish, we have commissioned an ad hoc committee on stewardship of time, talent, and treasures.

This committee, which will be led by Connie Madden, includes: Cara Raffanelli, John Tuohy, Betsy Sullivan, Lisa DenBesten, Michelle Snorewicz, Kerry Ward, and MJ Martin (staff). Other parishioners not on the Council can be invited to join this committee. The group will present their recommendations at the February 9th PAC meeting.

The following suggestions were given to the Stewardship Committee to consider:

  • Use personal invites, not mass emails to communicate
  • Use a written letter to whole parish explaining need to devote time and talent in specific areas and follow up with phone call
  • Work toward building revenue with small fundraising events run by our various consultative bodies, ministry advisory groups and organizations
  • Focus on re-involving parishioners who have completed the RCIA program over past several years, drawing them more into parish activities
  • The Welcome Committee will work on new parishioner involvement and giving
  • Invite parishioners to go on work tours and retreats with our teens to involve them in service
  • When parishioners are involved in the parish, they are invested in it and it becomes a part of them. They are more willing to give to something that is important to them and they feel a part of.
  • Emphasis on electronic giving will help, but people need to be involved with their time and talent. This needs to be communicated to everyone. Could have a ministry fair like in past.
  • Ideas for specific fundraisers included: casino night, carnival, raffle where prizes are awarded each month, fancier dinner with silent auction, Octoberfest, have a dinner honoring Fr. Bob Barron or other famous people each year
  • Promote these fundraising events to all groups in the parish and encourage parishioners to invite their neighbors to come along
  • Have a consistent event(s) each year so people plan ahead for it on their calendar. Make it a tradition.
  • Encourage the act of holding hands during the Our Father at Masses to build on unity and community – the person next to me is part of our parish family
  • Ask people to give to a specific target project


Council members were asked to share the minutes of this meeting with their respective groups. (We encourage members to print out copies for each member and then highlight key learning at your next meeting.) Members were also asked to survey their group:

How effective has the PAC has been in communicating and collaborating?

Is the PAC fulfilling its purpose?

Is the PAC supporting them in living out the Vision and Mission of the Parish?

Members are asked to share this information at our meeting in February.

Next Meeting: Saturday, February 9, 2013 8:30-Noon

Pre-read material updating the PAC on goals and accomplishments from each PAC committee (Stewardship, Communications, Welcome), Consultative Body (School Advisory, YC Advisory, Crossroads Advisory, Finance Council) and Ministry Advisory Group (Spirituality, Outreach, Liturgy) will be due to MJ 2 weeks prior to this meeting.