10.8.13 SteeringCommittee Minutes
Present at the meeting: Nick Paulson, Nathan Lawrence, Nancy Corona, Jason Park, Rachel Saba, David Jumes, Patrick Hearle, Eduardo Rueda (Eddie), Ruby Dicskon
8: 00 PMMeeting Begins
Nick: Review on how Steering Committee operates.
Eddie motioned to approve Mallory as Chair of Student Welfare. Seconded by Ruby. Mallory is approved to chair Student Welfare Committee.
8:15 PMLawrence University Circle K, Tony Smith
“Lawrence Circle K is a service-based organization that connects Lawrentians to the Appleton community, the global community, and the worldwide organization of Kiwanis. With support from the local Kiwanis Club, Lawrence Circle-K is dedicated to organizing its own service projects and providing volunteers for otherprojects it sponsors on and off campus. The club serves as afellowship for a diverse group of students with many differentvolunteering interests. It also provides opportunities forleadership that can extend through the regional Circle K districtand even Circle K International. Lawrence Circle-K strives to upholds the values of involved citizenship, dedicated service andstrong fellowship by serving the local and global community to the best of its ability.”
Eddie motioned to discuss proposal of Lawrence University Circle K. Seconded by Ruby.
Rachel moved to table approval due to overlap with the mission of the Volunteer Center. Seconded by Eddie. Proposal tabled.
Steering recommends that contacting the volunteer center to discuss its mission.
8:25PM SOL Studios, Ben Friedman
“SOL Studios is determined to provide quality recorded music and reachthe largest audience possible. Construct a positive and creativeenvironment where we can create music from our wildest dreams andunlock our minds in order to create the best music.
Hopes to gain re-recognition. Plans to hold a benefit concert and create a downloadable playlist showcasing work at the end of the year.”
Rachel motioned to discuss the proposal of SOL Studios. Eddie seconded that motion.
Pat motioned to approve. Ruby seconded. Proposal approved.
8:35PM Keep Calm and Watch On, Reed Robertson
“The purpose of "Keep calm and watch on" is to watch and talk about British movie, TV, and culture. As well to explore different fandoms and meet people with the same fandom.
Student Organization Blurb: Keep Calm and WatchOn: Finlay a club to go see your favorite British TV shows and Movies at. If you want to come watch some fantastic shows with your friends or even make some friends with the same interests as you, or even just watch something cool. Come watch a show with Keep Calm and Watch on.”
Eddie motions discuss the proposal of Keep Calm and Watch On. Seconded by David.
Tabled until they fix spelling errors on their mission statement and student organization blurb as well as include more details on their plans to include a “cultural” aspect to the organization.
Pat motions to table. Seconded by Eddie. Recognition tabled.
8:45:PM Lawrence University Native Americans (LUNA), Vanessa Cattleman
“Statement of Purpose, Constitution, or organizing document: The purpose of LUNA is to promote awareness to the Lawrence community about various Native American tribes and Native Americans in general. We will contribute education, support and celebration of tribes and traditions. We want to increase visibility of Native American students by providing a socially and academically support group and to be a campus outreach program to various community organizations.”
Patrick motioned to discuss the proposal of LUNA. Seconded by Rachel.
Eddie motioned to approve. Seconded by Rachel. Organization approved.
9:10PM Ruby Motion to adjourn. Seconded by Eddie. Meeting adjourned