1. Will technological glitches doom Obamacare?

2. Should Kathleen Sebelius be fired?

3. Should the FDA require that foods containing genetically modified ingredients be labeled?

4. Will ENDA (The Employment Non-Discrimination Act) get through Congress?

5. Should TSA officers be armed?

6. Will Obamacare woes frustrate Democrats’ 2014 prospects?

7. Do schools’ anti-bullying programs really help?

8. Is Chris Christie poised for a presidential run?

9. What should be Marty Walsh’s priorities as he takes over as Mayor of Boston?

10. Will this congress pass gun control legislation?

12. Should full implementation of the Affordable Care Act be delayed?

11. Will the Republican Party be able to pull themselves together in time for the 2014



1. Will the death of Taliban leader HakimullahMehsud in a U.S. drone strike undermine Pakistan’s peace talks with the Taliban?

  1. Is Egypt on the path to democracy?
  1. How should Italy respond to growing numbers of African immigrants seeking refuge from violence and poverty?
  1. Do recent attacks on Muslims by Buddhists indicate a return to ethnic violence in Myanmar?
  1. Is China biased against the Uighur community?
  1. What impact will last week’s elections in Kosovo have on ethnic tensions there?
  1. Should Toronto Mayor Rob Ford step down amidst allegations that he used illegal drugs?
  1. Does recent violence in Mali suggest the fragile peace is unraveling?
  1. Are Kenya’s new media regulations a threat to the free press there?
  2. How should European countries respond to widespread discrimination against the Roma people?
  1. Is Greece’s Golden Dawn party a threat to democracy?
  1. Will dismantling Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile be enough to bring about stability?


1. Will the Eurozone be able to maintain its single currency?

2. Will low enrollment keep Obamacare from being financially viable?

3. Will the U.S. economy pull itself out of recession before the 2014 elections?

4. Did the government shutdown harm the U.S. economy in a lasting way?

5. Is the Federal Reserve correct in continuing its program of quantitative easing?

6. Is the proposed $13 billion settlement for J. P. Morgan an effective way to deter future problems in the mortgage securities markets?

7. What effect will Obamacare have on the U.S. economy in the long run?

8. What steps should the Obama administration take to shore up the value of the U. S. dollar?

9. Will the policies of Japan’s Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, restore health to the Japanese economy?

10. How can China find a balance between economic growth and environmental protection?

11. How can the U. S. Congress reach a deal on the debt limit before the next deadline?

12. Is the Tea Party to blame for the continuing economic problems in the United States?


1. Will the actions of Edward Snowden significantly change U.S. foreign policy?

2. Has the willingness of the United States to open talks with Iran damaged our relations with Israel and our other Arab allies?

3. Does Secretary of State John Kerry’s plan for a Geneva-like conference to settle the Syrian civil war have a chance at success?

4. Do the accusations of cyber spying on the leaders of allied nations necessitate an overhaul of the National Security Administration?

5. How will history view President Obama’s record on foreign policy in comparison to his predecessors?

6. Should the United States continue to give financial aid to Egypt?

7. Should the United States Olympic Committee boycott the upcoming Sochi Winter Olympics?

8. Should the U.S. military continue to use Drones?

9. Should the U.S. continue to decrease our country’s nuclear weapons capabilities?

10. Is the NSA’s spying on allied leaders justified to protect our national security?

11. Why should the United States promote the welfare and equality of women and girls in the developing world as part of our advancement of human rights?