Skeletal System

Get ready to learn about your skeletal system! Your body has lots of bones! Bones help give your body shape. All your bones together are called your skeleton. When we talk about the way your bones work together it is called your skeletal system. Without your skeleton, you could not stand or even move. Think about what your life would be like if you didn't have a skeleton, or if your bones didn't work together in a system.

Find the answers to the following questions at Skeletal System.

1. Why is the skeletal system important?

2. How many bones are in a human body?

3. Why do adults and babies have different numbers of bones?

Find the answers to these questions at Factoids.

4. What is the longest bone in your body and where is it located?

5. Where are the smallest bones in your body located?

Find the answers to these questions at Your Gross & Cool Body: Skeletal System.

6. What would happen if humans didn't have bones?

7. What do bones do?

8. How do your bones move?

9. Are your bones alive?

10.What is the soft stuff in the middle of your bones and what does it do?

Complete the Skeletal System Word Find.

Label the bones on the skeleton worksheet. Click here for help

Complete the Skeleton Quiz.

Muscular System

Muscles are attached to your bones to help them move. Without muscles you couldn't move at all! Muscles also give us strength. Muscles are constantly doing simple things like helping you blink or breathe. They also do harder chores like help you run, jump, and play. So how do they work?

ExploreYour Gross Cool Body: Muscular Systemand Your Multi-talented Musclesto answer these questions:

  1. About how many muscles are there in your body?

2. What are muscles made of?

3. What is the largest muscle in the body and where is it located?

Go to theMuscular System link to answer these questions.

Hint: Look in the section "Do I Have Lots of Muscles?

3. How do muscles work?

4. Describe the job of voluntary and involuntary muscles. Then list at least one example of each type of muscle.

Try the following exercises and record your findings.

  • Try not to blink for as long as you can. What happens?
  • Without taking off your shoes, try moving each of your toes one at a time. Can you move each of them separately?

Complete the word search.

Label the major muscles on the worksheet using Your Multi-talented Muscles

Respiratory System

What's a respiratory system? Breathing and the way your body uses oxygen is called respiration. We must breathe to live. The organs used to help you breathe and use oxygen make up the Respiratory System.

Learn about yourrespiratory system atKidsHealth.

1.What body part protects your lungs?

2.What is the diaphragm?

3.About how many bronchioles are in each of the lungs?

4.What is another name for the air sacs at the end of each bronchiole?

5.How does the diaphragm work?

6.Why do you hiccup?

Now go toThe Human Respiratory System.Read about your respiratory system.

7.What is the Respiratory System?

8.How does it work?

9.Write at least two interesting facts about the Respiratory System.

10.Describe how the air passes through the respiratory system, the four major areas it travels through, and what happens in each place.

Draw and label your Respiratory System using the diagram in your folder.

Click here for help with the diagram.

Complete the connect the dots in your folder.

Complete the word find in your folder.

Complete the respiratory quiz.

Digestive System

The food you swallow goes on a long journey through your body. The digestion process begins as you take your first bite of food and ends as your body disposes of the unusable parts. The digestive system mixes, mashes, and breaks down foods into nutrients that your body can use. What is not needed leaves your body.

Find out about what happens when you eat something and the path it takes in its journey through your body atKidsHealth.

1. Describe your digestive system.

What mixes with the food when it is in the stomach?

What does it do to the food?

How long does food stay in each area?

2.Share two interesting facts you learned about the digestive system.

4. Draw and label a picture of the digestive system .

Complete the digestive word find.

Take the Digestive System quiz.

Circulatory System

Your heart works constantly to keep your blood moving throughout your body. Your pulse is part of the circulatory system. In an average lifetime, the heart beats more than two and a half billion times, without ever pausing to rest.

Look at your circulatory system at All About Your Heart at KidsHealth.

1. Tell about your circulatory system. Name the main parts of your circulatory system.

2. Where is the heart located in your body?

3. What does the heart do?

4. Explain how blood travels through your body. Make sure to tell about the difference between veins and arteries.

5. What does each side of your heart do?

6. Label the picture of the heart in your notebook.

7. Blood is made up of four parts: red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. What does each part do?
8. Why are blood cells red? Hint: Check under Red Blood Cells.

9. Tell at least two interesting facts you learned about the circulatory system.

Take the Circulatory Systemquiz.

Nervous System

Your brain controls everything you do. It communicates with your body, keeps your body functioning, and helps you think. It helps you do things you think about and also does things you DON'T think about. How does it communicate and keep your body working so smoothly?

Check out these resources and find out! Check out your Brain at Your Gross & Cool Body: Brain and your Nervous System at Your Gross & Cool Body - Nervous System.

1. What is your brain made of?

2. How much does it weigh?

3. How does your brain communicate with your body?

4. What is your nervous system?

5. What are nerves and what do they do?

6. How do nerves pass along messages?

7. Label the diagram of the brain in your folder. Click here for help.

Complete the seek and find.

Take the brain quiz.