Discussion questions

1. Why is research critical in the field of special education? Provide examples of its use.

Special education is partly a social science in many ways, just like psychology and sociology. Special educators also work with students who have many mental and physical disabilities that require educators to develop, modify, rethink, and readjust their teaching and interaction to best reach these students. The only way to assure that the best or most effective and least damaging methods are employed to satisfy the job of the special educator, whether working psychologically to motivate students, working physically to address physical limitations, or working to engage the mind, research is the only method through which the most effective techniques can be developed and put into practice. Research involves discovery and reapplication of things previously used in different ways. This research is important because it provides special educators new methods and abilities to reach and affect their students which is the goal of special education.

2. As you explored special education resources online, what did you find that was particularly valuable and practical for you?

My favorite online resources were the ones that were provided by special educators and those which were one-stop-shops. The web sites created by special educators which included blogs as well as educator resources and parent and student resources were extremely valuable. They came from people who know what the work is like and who want to share their skills and knowledge with others. It provides a place to find help and to provide help for special educators. The additional links for parents and students are also wonderful because they are provided after the special educator has used those sites and their recommendations are based on their knowledge of the field. The one-stop-shop web sites, which provided multiple resources were also wonderful because they created a home base from which more specific research could be conducted. This helps save time and helps focus searches of any kind.

Journal question below Entries should be a minimum of 150-200 words. Answer the following questions:

(1) How has the Internet been instrumental in expanding the information available to special educators?

The Internet, in many ways, has allowed all of the world’s major libraries, such as the United States Library of Congress and that from the BritishMuseum, as well as every university and business publisher to put all of their works in one convenient location. This location, the Internet, on top of being a single source to search, is also accessible by everyone, twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year, from any location. In other words, the Internet contains almost all material every written or created on a topic and is always open to patrons. Further, once Internet users learn how to properly use search engines their searches for information can be more exact and they can access and find any information they want, on any topic almost instantly. Even when a source is not entirely available online one can at least find its title and author online. Then, once one knows it exists, one can then search for the physical book in a library or book store. There is almost no way for information to hide on the Internet now on any topic, including special education. Further, the Internet now allows special educators to also find the breadth of information that is available on all subject matter which the field touches upon, from teaching theories to physical and mental disability information and resources.

(2) How is that beneficial to collaborators within an educational community?

The basis of an educational community is education. Education for students and for educators is necessary in an educational community. Because the Internet provides an ability to learn from a multitude of resources the ability to learn and obtain information helps improve the learning students receive and helps educators learn more about any subject they wish. In addition, because the Internet provides not only a resource but a forum for many to speak about their knowledge and to meet others through blogs, discussion boards, and other avenues, educators can also exchange knowledge with each other and support each other through any difficult or confusing times in their jobs. The Internet helps create a vast community of special educators, educators, parents, students, and others so that all can share in the process of learning and, thereby, improve the process of learning. At one time persons in one part of the world were limited by the resources near them, but the Internet removes those barriers and people everywhere can join a community anywhere and be as active and involved with that community as if they lived right next door to it, even if they live thousands of miles away.