NAME ______

(Chapters 2-5)

1. Which of the following is responsible for the cohesive property of water?

(A)Hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atoms of two adjacent water molecules

(B)Covalent bonds between the hydrogen atoms of two adjacent water molecules

(C)Hydrogen bonds between the oxygen atom of one water molecule and a hydrogen atom of another water molecule

(D)Covalent bonds between the oxygen atom of one water molecule and a hydrogen atom of another water molecule

(E)Hydrogen bonds between water molecules and other types of molecules

2002 AP Exam

2. The nitrogenous base, adenine, is found in which three of the following?

(A)Proteins, chlorophyll, and vitamin A

(B)Proteins, ATP, and DNA

(C)ATP, DNA, and RNA

(D)Chlorophyll, ATP, and DNA

(E)Proteins, carbohydrates, and ATP

1990AP Exam

3. Hydrophilic properties are characteristic of all of the following EXCEPT

(A)polar molecules

(B)molecules soluble in water

(C)molecules that readily ionize in water

(D)four ring structure found in steroids

(E) the hydroxyl group

Clilff’s AP BIO*

4. Which of the following is a correct statement about the relationship between pH and the hydrogen-
ion concentration of a solution?

(A)There are no hydrogen ions present in a solution with a basic pH.

(B)A solution with a pH of 5 means there are 5 Xl0-1 moles of hydrogen ions in solution.

(C)The concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution with a pH of 5 is 5 times more acidic than a solution with a pH 1.

(D)The concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution with a pH of 2 is 2,000 times more acidic than a solution with ph of 4.

(E)Pure water has a neutral pH of 7 because the concentration of hydrogen ions equals the concentration of hydroxyl ions.

Barrons AP Prep

5. Which of the following pairs of functional groups characterizes the structure of an amino acid?

1999 AP Exam

6. In a practice called “carbo-loading”,many athletes eat large meals of pasta the day before an athletic event, so that they can have extra energy when they need it. They are allowing their muscle and liver cells to store glucose as

A. starch

B. cellulose

C. fats

D. glycogen Mader Instructor’s Manual

E. chitin

7. A common feature of starch and glycogen is that molecules of both

A. are polymers of glucose
B. contain repeated monomers of glucose and galactose

C. are important structural components of plant cell walls

D. form microfibrils that give support to connective tissue

E. are water-soluble disaccharides AP Central Sample MC ?’s

8. Which of the following best describes the flow of information within the cell?

A. RNA → DNA → protein → trait

B. RNA → DNA → polysaccharide → trait

C. DNA → trait

D. DNA → protein → trait
E. DNA → RNA → protein → trait

Cliffs 5 Practice Exams

9. Which of the following statements about polysaccharides is TRUE?

A. Polysaccharides are polymers of glucose that are produced via hydrolysis reactions.

B. Amylose and amylopectin are kinds of cellulose.

C. Glycogen and starch contain glucose molecules joined by α-1,4 peptide bonds.

D. Cellulose and chitin contain glucose molecules joined by ß-1,4 glycosidic linkages.

E. Animals (including humans) produce the enzymes necessary to break down ß glycosidic linkages, but not α glycosidic linkages.

10. The molecules shown at the right can best be described as:

A. structural isomers

B. enantiomers

C. geometric isomers

D. isotopes

E. peptides

11. The structure at the left could be any of the following EXCEPT a

A. monomer used as a component of a polypeptide
B. nucleotide
C. reactant used in the synthesis of nucleic acids

D. molecule of adenosine triphosphate
E. molecule that is the energy source for most anabolic
activity in cells

1986 AP Exam

12. Identify the asymmetric carbon in this molecule?

a b c d e

Campbell Self quiz

13. Which functional group is involved in the process of stabilizing proteins using disulfide bridges?

A. carboxyl

B. amino

C. carbonyl

D. phosphate

E. sulfhydryl

14. Lactose and sucrose are examples of ______

A. monosaccharides

B. nucleic acids

C. unsaturated fatty acids

D. disaccharides

E. glucose polymersCampbell Exam Prep

15, A covalent bond between two atoms is likely to be polar if

(A) one of the atoms is much more electronegative than the other

(B) the two atoms are equally electronegative

(C) the two atoms are of the same element

(D) the bond is part of a tetrahedral shaped molecule

(E) one atom is an anion

16.The idea that ______properties appear due to the arrangement and interactions of parts as complexity increases is exemplified by the statement: “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”.

A. organic

B. reductionistic

C. emergent

D. feedback

E. discovery

17. Which of the following is least soluble in water?

A. polar molecules

B. nonpolar molecules

C. ionic compounds

D. hydrophilic molecules

E. anions

18. This molecule can be used to build a ______

A. protein

B. nucleic acid

C. polysaccharide

D. triglyceride

E. polypeptide

19.Sugars, like glucose, in which the carbonyl group is at the end of the carbon skeleton are called

A. aldehydes

B. ketones

C. thiols

D. amines

E. fatty acids

20.Which of the following is NOT true concerning the levels of organization in proteins?

A. The primary structure of a protein is its unique sequence of amino acids.

B. Hydrogen bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and disulfide bridges contribute to the tertiary structure of a protein.

C. Quaternary structure results from the aggregation of multiple polypeptide subunits.

D, Hydrogen bonding between purines and pyrimidines hold the secondary level in place.

E. The ß-pleated sheet and α-helical arrangements that form the secondary level of organization are held in place by hydrogen bonds between regions of the polypeptide backbone.

21. The bonding of two amino acid molecules to form a larger molecule requires

A. the release of a water molecule

B. the release of a carbon dioxide molecule

C. the addition of a nitrogen atom

D. the addition of a water molecule

E. an increase in activation energyAP Central Sample MC ?’s

22. Which of the following shows the correct strengths of bonds from strongest to weakest?

(A) ionic > hydrogen > covalent > van der Waals interactions

(B) van der Waals interactions > ionic > hydrogen > covalent

(C) hydrogen > ionic > covalent > van der Waals interactions
(D) van der Waals interactions > covalent > ionic > hydrogen

(E) covalent > hydrogen > ionic > van der Waals interactions

23. Isotopes of the same element have different numbers of ______

A. protons

B. neutrons

C. molecules

D. bonds

E. positrons

24. Chaperonins ______

A. act as enzymes to catalyze chemical reactions in cells

B. are found in the exoskeleton of arthropods and cell walls of fungi

C. are proteins that assist the proper folding of other proteins

D. are the building blocks of glycogen, starch, and chitin

E. remove the water from polysaccharides during dehydration synthesis

DIRECTIONS: The group of questions below consists of 5 lettered choices followed by a list of numbered phrases or sentences. For each numbered phrase or sentence, select the one choice that is most closely related to it. Each choice may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

Questions 25-29 refer to the following.

A. Lipids

B. Peptide bonds

C. Alpha helix

D. Unsaturated fatty acids

E. Cellulose

_____ 25. Contain one or more double bonds

_____ 26. The major class of biological molecules that are not polymers

_____ 27. Linkages between the monomers of proteins

_____ 28. A secondary structure of proteins

_____ 29. A structural carbohydrate found in plants

Campbell Exam Prep

Questions 30-34 refer to the following groups of biological compounds.



(C)Nucleic acids



______30. Synthesized at the ribosome
______31. Includes glycogen, chitin, cellulose, and glucose

______32. Used for insulation and buoyancy in marine Arctic animals

______33. Used to carry the genetic code

______34. Made from subunits containing a sugar, phosphate group, and a nitrogen base

2002 AP Exam*

Questions 35-37refer to the following:

Fifteen plants were divided into three groups of five plants each. Each group was placed under the environmental condition listed below; all other conditions were identical. The amount of water loss per m2

of leaf surface was then measured at 10 minute intervals and the average for each group plotted in the following graph.

Treatment A: high humidity, no wind

Treatment B: normal humidity, no wind

Treatment C: normal humidity; wind (from a fan)

______35. Which of the following was an experimental control?

A. Treatment A

B. Treatment B

C. Treatment C

D. Treatments A and C

E. There is no control

______36. Which of the following was the dependent variable?

A. Treatment A

B. Treatment B

C. Treatments A, B, and C

D. time

E. water loss

______37. Which treatment appeared to have the greatest impact on water loss?*

A. Treatment A

B. Treatment B

C. Treatment C

D. There was no difference in the treatments

E. The data is invalid because there was no control.

Cliffs 5 Practice Exams

Questions 38-40 refer to the diagrams of organic molecules below:

38. Starch is a polymer of this molecule.

39. This steroid is found in all animal cell membranes and is associated with atherosclerosis.

40. This molecule could result from the hydrolysis of a protein.

1994 AP Exam

Questions 41- 45 refer to the diagrams of organic molecules below.

(A) (B)

(C) (D)


______41. This molecule is a major component in cell membranes.

______42. Monosaccharide that is a major source of energy for cells

______43. Nucleotide that stores and transfers energy in living things

______44. This molecule could result from the hydrolysis of a protein.

______45. Storage form of glucose used by plants

1994 AP Exam *

Questions 46-50 refer to the following diagram.

______46. A chemical group that, together with a sugar and a nitrogen base, makes up a nucleotide

______47. A hydrogen bond

______48. A pyrimidine

______49. A 5' carbon of deoxyribose

______50. Most likely to be broken during replication1994 AP Exam