( 1 ) Which control signals are activated when the OUT instruction is executed ? [2]

IO/M = 1 ; WR = 0

( 2 ) Use these signal, and any other signals from the address & data bus, to turn ON

an LED using the instruction OUT 45H (show logic gates used). [4]

Many solutions possible …. this one uses XOR gates:

( 3 ) An 8-bit A/D converter gives full-scale for an analog input voltage of 2.00V.

What is the resolution of the device ? [2]

8-bits = FFH = 255 (dec.) maximum value over 2.00V or 2000 mV. Therefore, each

‘step’ = 2000/255 = ~ 7.84 mV. Resolution = ± 7.84/2 = ± 3.93 mV

( 4 ) The EOC pin of the A/D converter is connected to the RST5.5 pin on an SDK-85 kit

in the lab. The OE pin is interfaced to Bit 0 of Port 21H and the A/D data

pins are interfaced to Port 22H. Write code to read the A/D data into memory

location 20A0H. [4]

MVI A, 01H ; Port 21H = Out &

OUT 20H ; Port 22H = In

MVI 81H ; Enable RST5.5 &

SIM ; Disable other interrupts



A/D is triggered to begin conversion and when done, EOC will automatically trigger

the RST5.5 pin. This will cause the CPU to jump to 5.5 * 8 = 44 = 002CH. At this location, the following code:

DI ; Disable interrupts

LXI H, 20A0H ; HL points to 20A0H

MVI A, 01H ; Bit 0 = 1

OUT 21H ; Enable OE pin

IN 22H ; Read A/D data into A

MOV M, A ; Store it in memory

MVI A, 0 ; Bit 0 = 0

OUT 21H ; OE = 0


( 5 ) If the output of the A/D converter is 8FH. What is the analog input voltage ? [2]

From Question 3, each step (value) = 7.84 mV. Therefore, 8FH = 143 would be

equivalent to 143 * 7.84 = 1121 mV = 1.121 V

( 6 ) Sketch the waveform for the following serial transmission using 8-bit data, even

parity, one stop bit, 9600 baud: ASCII character (75H). [4]

75H = 0111 0101 = odd parity so our Parity bit must be 1 to bring parity to Even.

We start by sending bit 0:

( 7 ) How long does it take to transmit the total frame ? [2]

Total frame = 11 bits. Baud rate = 9600 bits per sec. One bit will take:

1/9600 = 104.17 μs. Therefore, 11 bits will take: 11 * 104.17 = 1145.87 μs

( 8 ) How many characters can be transmitted in 1 second ? [2]

9600 / 11 = 872 characters

( 9 ) Show the contents of the Stack, the SP-register, and the A-register, after the

following code is executed: Stack SP A-reg.

LXI SP, 3000H ???? 3000 ??

MVI A, 24H ???? 3000 24

MOV C, A ???? 3000 24

MVI B, 12H ???? 3000 24

PUSH B 1224 2FFE 24

HLT [4]

( 10 ) The subroutine DLAY, which you use in the lab, is shown below.

Determine exactly the time this routine takes if it is entered with DE=0032h.

What registers are destroyed ? (Assume 8085 clock crystal = 3 MHz) [3+1]

DLAY: DCX D [ 6 states ]

MOV A, D [ 4 states ]

ORA E [ 4 states ]

JNZ DLAY [7/10 states] = (24 * 49) cycles

RET [10 states ] + 31 cycles

Counter = 32H = 50. Total cycles = (24 * 49) + 31 = 1207 cycles.

Each cycle = 1/3 x 10 -6 . Total = 1207 x 1/3 x 10 -6 = 402 μs.

Registers A, D, E are destroyed.

Bonus mark:

What is the Date of the final exam for this course ?

Monday 18th December 2006

[ Maximum mark = 30 ]

NB: Add marks for Class Test #1 & 2 (total out of 60). Divide by 3 to convert to 20% of Final. Please hand-in all Lab Reports by end of Week 13.

Coursework (20%) and Lab (20%) marks will be posted on Notice Board outside my Office on/after Monday 4th December 2006. Please report errors as soon as possible !!!