TCCSA Survey: your answers will be used in an activity during retreat. Please respond even if you won’t be able to attend. The more answers we get, the more fun the activity will be! Your name will never be affiliated with your answers and we won’t be sharing the survey responses outside of retreat.
Please answer these questions and return the survey to Jill Krone () by September 26, 2014.
1)What’s the funniest question, related to ministry, you’ve been asked?
2)Which church group do you feel it is most important to get along with?
3)What does your pastor husband feel is a clergy spouse’s ‘job’?
4)What food do you consider is your go-to item to take to a fellowship meal?
5)How many church groups do you lead?
6)What talent do you wish you had that would make you a better clergy spouse?
7)Use one word to describe your experience as a clergy spouse?
8)If your family were a board game – which one would it be?
9)What is your favorite college/university?
10)What one thing about yourself do you want the congregation to know?
11)If you could change anything in your worship service, what would you change?
12)What’s your favorite part of worship?
13)What is your favorite ‘perk’ in being a clergy spouse?
14)What is your least favorite thing about being a clergy spouse?
15)What is your favorite mode of transportation?
16)What is your favorite soup?
17)What is your favorite sandwich?
18)What is your favorite place to nap?
19)What one thing would you want to share with Trustees about your parsonage needs?
20)What do you think your PK wants the congregation to know about them?
21)What is your favorite thing about Annual Conference?
22)What would you change about Annual Conference?
23)What is your favorite holiday?
24)What is your favorite board game?
25)What is your favorite fruit?
26)What is your favorite veggie?
27)What is your favorite dessert?
28)What is your favorite color?
29)What is your favorite scripture?
30)Who is your favorite Bible character?
31)What is your favorite book of the Bible?
32)What is your favorite hymn?
33)What is your favorite cereal?
34)What is your favorite room in the house?
35)What is your favorite frivolous activity?
36)What is your favorite leisure time activity?
37)What is your favorite way to send your spouse off to work?
38)What is your favorite reply to a complaining church member?
39)What is the most hectic time of the year?
40)Which female Bible character do people associate with you the most?
41)Which female Bible character do you want to be like?
42)What is the most difficult part of Sunday mornings?
43)Who is your favorite cartoon character?
44)Which TV show character do you feel you relate best to?
45)If you could travel to any National Park, which would it be?
46)What is favorite state in the United States?
47)What is your dream car?
48)What was the last movie you saw in a theater?
49)What is your favorite sport?
50)What is your favorite style of car?
51)What is your favorite animal for a pet?
52)What is your favorite scent?
53)What is your favorite time of day?
54)What is your favorite method for staying connected with others?
55)What is your favorite flower?
56)What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
57)What is your favorite casserole?
58)What is the hardest church position for Nominations to fill?
59)What is your favorite genre of music?
60)What is your favorite flavor?
61)What is your favorite pizza topping?
62)What is your favorite form of exercise?
63)What is your favorite beverage?
64)What is your favorite article of clothing?
65)What is your least favorite food?
66)What is your least favorite part of getting older?
67)What is your favorite part of your birthday?
68)If you were an animal, which one would you be?
69)What is your least favorite activity in your daily routine?
70)Where is your favorite place?
71)If you were a superhero, who would you be?
72)If you were footwear, what type would you be?
73)If you were a kitchen utensil, which would you be?
74)What is the number one item on your bucket list?
75)Where is your favorite place to shop?