Name ______Date ______

Zoology 1 Test – Chapters 1, 9-14

1.  What is zoology the study of?

2.  The scientific names of animals are in another language. What language are they in?

a)  French

b)  Latin

c)  German

d)  Japanese

3.  What is a two word naming system for animals called?

a)  Double naming

b)  Trinomial nomenclature

c)  Binomial nomenclature

d)  Classification

4.  What is the correct order of the classification groups from largest to smallest?

a)  Kingdom, phylum, order, species, class, genus, family

b)  Phylum, order, species, class, family, genus, kingdom

c)  Order, species, kingdom, phylum, genus, family, class

d)  Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species

5.  If a bird is flying, where is the lower air pressure? ABOVE the wing or BELOW the wing? (circle one)

6.  What is the force called that pushes on an animal or object as it flies through the air, making it harder to fly?

7.  What is the thing that changes in an experiment called?

a)  The variable

b)  The changling

c)  The changer

d)  The differential

8.  An animal’s habitat is where it ______

9.  An animal’s instinct is something it does automatically to

a)  Fly

b)  Swim

c)  Survive

d)  Drink

10.  When there is no more of an animal, the animal is

a)  Dead

b)  Endangered

c)  Rare

d)  Extinct

11.  Insects have how many body parts?

12.  How many legs do insects have?

13.  Are insects warm-blooded or cold-blooded?

a)  Warm-blooded

b)  Cold-blooded

14.  The hard outside of an insect is called its

a)  exoskeleton

b)  shell

c)  casing

d)  shield

15.  When an insect gets rid of its outer shell, what is it called?

a)  Shedding

b)  Molting

c)  Growing

d)  De-shelling

16.  Ocelli are also known as

a)  Multiple eyes

b)  Compound eyes

c)  Simple eyes

d)  Tympanum

17.  Compound eyes have many

a)  pupils

b)  eyelashes

c)  ocelli

d)  lenses

18.  Antennae act like an insect’s

a)  Nose

b)  Mouth

c)  Ears

d)  Legs

True or False

______Dragonflies have scaled wings.

______The ovipositor is on a male insect.

______If you put an insect in water, its spiracles will close and it won’t die.

______The stages in incomplete metamorphosis are egg, larva, pupa, adult.

______Crypsis is when an animal stands out from its surroundings and is easy to see.

______Winged ants are called alates.


Match the insect with its correct type of mouth

______mosquito a. sucking mouth

______fly b. chewing mouth

______grasshopper c. sponging mouth

Match the insect defense with its correct definition

______mimicry a. using things like eye spots to

surprise or fool a predator

______advertisement b. using chemicals to smell bad or

hurt a predator

______crypsis c. using camouflage to hide from predators

______chemical defense d. looking similar to another insect

to keep a predator away

______trickery e. having bright colors and noticeable looks

that warn predators to stay away

19.  What is a “wasp waist” better known as?

a)  Tarsus

b)  Petiole

c)  Tympana

d)  Antennae

20.  Midden is an ant’s

a)  food

b)  nest

c)  garbage

d)  babies

21.  The middle stage in incomplete metamorphosis is called the

a)  Pupa

b)  Nymph

c)  Larva

d)  Adult

22.  What substance is the reason ants have aphids as “pets”?

a)  Milk

b)  Sap

c)  Water

d)  Honeydew

23.  Bioluminescent means an insect

a)  can find its own food

b)  makes its own food

c)  flies towards light

d)  makes its own light

24.  Which dance do bees perform when the flowers are more than 50 yards away from the hive?

a)  Circular dance

b)  Waggle dance

25.  What are baby mosquitoes called?

a)  Wigglers

b)  Worms

c)  Nymphs

d)  Larvae

26.  The thing that allows a water strider to walk on water, or allows a needle to float on water, is called ______.

27.  Diurnal means that an insect or animal is active

a)  during the day

b)  at night

28.  Which one of the following is NOT one of the reasons fireflies flash their lights at night?

a)  To warn other fireflies of danger

b)  To show other fireflies where food is

c)  To attract a mate

d)  To warn predators that it isn’t tasty

29.  When an animal or insect eats a bug of its own kind (its own species), it is known as being a(n)

a)  cannibal

b)  omnivore

c)  herbivore

d)  carnivore

30.  A grasshopper’s “ears” are called

a)  Tarsi

b)  Setae

c)  Prolegs

d)  Tympana

31.  Cicadas that come out only every 13 or 17 years are called

a)  Annual cicadas

b)  Periodical cicadas

c)  Dog-day cicadas

32.  Cicadas have vibrating panels that makes a loud buzzing sound for males to call females. These panels are called

a)  Tymbals

b)  Tympana

c)  Setae

d)  Antennae

33.  What is it called when an insect or animal flies south for the winter to go to a warmer climate?

a)  Hibernation

b)  Migration

c)  Vibration

Lep Characteristics

Identify which type of Lep the following sentences describe. Use the following key to answer.


B for Butterflies

M for Moths

S for Skippers

______Hover while eating

______Have larvae that make silk used for fabric

______Make chrysalids for their pupa stage

______“Skip” while flying

______Have knobs on the ends of their antennae

______Have thicker bodies

______Their antennae form a J or hook shape

______Has a species that works together with a plant to survive

______Usually have bright colors

______Have feathery antennae

______Make cocoons for their pupa stage

______Has a species that is “brushfooted” and can look like they have only

4 legs

______Are diurnal

______Are nocturnal